chapter 20

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Malachite looked over to him and huffs then talked to luck and Asta mostly the women in front of them really did look like bitches that just want a rich boyfriend. He looks over to finral trying to win some interest from the ladies then mentioned their work as magic knights luck only then explained the blood bath of his missions.

"Asta and malachite were there protecting the capital the other day" finral states "oh wow that so cool" the girls smiled in interest. "Yeah those guys were brutal they put three different holes in me" asta lifted his shirt up and chuckles. Malachite blushed abit then rolled his eyes "those weird creatures were pretty simple to defeat I was like ha! Ha! Hiya!" He states punching the air "dont you have your spells to help you?" The blonde asked

"Oh no I use physical combat when im fighting" malachite states 'good job malachite keep going' finral thought. Malachite smiled and the girls seemed very interested "oh wow I wouldn't mind dating some so brave" the brunette gushed.

Malachite hums "thats too bad" he states with a small sigh. "Whys that?" The blonde pouts "cus I dont date noble slu-" finral was there to cover malachite's mouth before he finished that sentemce "thank you malachite bet that was an awesome fight" finral smiled

Malachite huffs and crossed his arms a bit. It was a while till luck and the blondie were hitting it off then finral and the brunette. Malachite only sat uncomfortably till the red head and asta seemed to be hitting it off too making him frown a bit. He ignore the feeling and read his book why did he come if this was the result he didnt even get a companion to at least talk to.

Malachite only watched from afar and sighed softly he was bored now then saw a guy drunk obliviously messing with the red head . asta only protected the girl and they ran out to keep them from getting in trouble. Malachite put some money to pay for the damage then walked out to find them. He then saw Noelle there making him raise a brow "what are you doing here?" He whispers making Noelle jump "huh!? Uh none of your business" novella huffs then looked down the alleyway "you just checking on your crush?" Malachite asked snickering then yelps as a water ball was thrown at him. "AA gh my book" malachite whined then watched with Noelle. " there someone special in your life?" The red asked "yeah" asta smiled bright "oh well she must be amazing" the girl smiled "she iiis"

Noelle blushed even more thinking maybe its her. Malachite only listened and gave a bitter sweet smile "and I'll be the best man" he mumbles feeling not so sure about it now. He only leaned on the wall 'a she....of course' he thought in his head and frowned

He then watched asta walk with the girl and novella left. Malachite felt a breeze blow through his hair as he blushed and asked himself.


Days later

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Days later

Malachite hummed softly there was free time and he was looking for ever book he could find that is about love. He sighed softly as he looked outside the window and thought before he jumps hearing his voice be called. "Yes?" Malachite asked closing the books as fast he could and looked over to see asta making him shove all the books off the table.

He took a deep breath and smiled "hm sup asta what do ya need? Another writing or reading lesson?" He asked "oh! No I was wondering if you can come with me to nean" he states.

"What for?" Malachite asked "cus reasons? I'll tell you along the way" asta states taking malachites hand and dragging him to magna who took them to mean. Malachite blushed and smiled happily "okay I guess I'll go" he chuckles then they were off to nean .

They then arrived and asta was just great with kids. Malachite would be reminded over and over again at how kind Asta can be. He wasnt so bad with kids either he liked reading the stories they wanted to listen to. Malachite laughed slightly sighing asta fall over when too many kids climbed onto his back.

They were all having fun he was swinging the little girl Marie around with one arm then the kids wanted to be swung around by asta too. Asta smiled and nods "okay but first-" Asta was only interrupted by a kick in the face. Malachite's eyes widen a bit it was gauche crushing astas face with his foot "you scum" gauche glared.

"Hey get your hands off of asta" malachite huffs slapping the guy with his book. "Hes your comrade why are you crushing him" malachite huffs. Asta smiled "its okay malachite with all the crushing it cant compare to the work you put me through" asta smiled at malachite.

Malachite's eyes widen as he looked away and nods "okay okay if you say so" malachite sighed softly "your sister is adorable" Asta smiled but then gets crushed again "stop i big brother asta is going to be my husband some day" Marie cried out.

Malachite raised a brow for a moment then chuckles "wow looks like you caught someones eyes asta you lady killer" malachite states 'and men' he blushed he looked at gauche as he crumbled. Gauche was mad now and looked terrifying "aaaaghhh" asta and malachite screamed then gauche started ti shoot beams of light at Asta and asta dodged each of them. Till and old woman of the cloth came in "marie its time to go now" she said "hey old hag shes supposed to be going on a date with me" gauche states "you are no person to be the one who says that Marie is to precious and young for someone like you" the old woman states

They only argued till the woman finally took marie back to the church.

"Well I guess its time to go home would you like to...stay with us asta?" Rebecca asked with a small blush "yeah! And malachite can come with since hes important to me" Asta smiled. Malachite gasped slightly looking at asta with a small blush. Asta had said that so many times, why only now that he was feeling this way? He felt like he was light on his feet and was just happy.

Were things feelings always there or did they suddenly popped out? Malachite didn't know but the author does and says "he's had those emotions ever since he was 12"

"Of course he is your friend after all" rebecca smiled. Malachite etched not liking to be called just a friend but sadly...thats probably what they are to Asta. Malachite frown and sighed softly but took at vantage of his hand being held by asta. At least Asta doesnt hold the other girls hands like he did to malachite so he was satisfied of that.

Thank you for all the reads anf vooootes I cant believe people like my boring follow the plot story's YwY

Tim is OUT

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