chapter 6

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Malachite hummed softly as he was introduced to his room which he didn't mind having, it was abit dirty but nothing he couldn't fix. He then looked around for a moment and waved at magna and asta then entered his room as he finished his cleaning.

Malachite looked out his window amd sighed softly as he leaned on his palm. He didn't exactly have anyone to write to but oh well, he then took off his blindfold and rubbed his eyes abit before putting the blindfold back on before anything leaked out.

Next morning

The young male was asleep for a moment but jumped when asta screamed for him to wake up. Even magna was there "WAKE UP MALACHITE ITS TIME FOR OUR TOUR" asta screamed.

Malachite grumbles a bit and yawned as he got up and put his robe on he hummed softly then opened his door and ran with the two "good morning to you two, too" he yawned. "Huh?" Magna raised a brow "he said morning its pretty obvious" asta said and chuckles.

"Alright then"
Then continued to show everything

"This is the dining hall"
"The baths"

Malachite avoided the baths mainly cus he didn't like getting naked infront of people or watch people get naked in front of him, even if they are thr same gender as him. Tho he avoid seeing the same gender naked cus then he will have quit the nosebleed, not really for women tho.

Malachite waited for the two to come out , malachite only gained a small nosebleed and glances over to where the women's rooms were too. Then their was the bathrooms but they walked in on the captain, malachite ran away along with the other two he laughed slightly as he ran.

The beast room

They looked at the creatures vicious and all that, "yea im not doing that jobs all yours asta" malachite crossed his arms "WHAT?" asta cried out nervously but then tried to feed the beasts but almost gets eaten and makes him freak out and start running.

"The black bulls library"

Malachite looked around and his eyes sparkled "a library i've never seen one this big and so many books!" Malachite exclaims "you like reading?" Pasta asked "well yeah! Its what I do most of my time but the village really did run out of books to read" malachite mumbles thinking about it

Malachite looked around and his eyes sparkled "a library i've never seen one this big and so many books!" Malachite exclaims "you like reading?" Pasta asked "well yeah! Its what I do most of my time but the village really did run out of books to r...

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(Thats his face when he thought about it)

asta nods

"Then theres the rec room"


The two only then started running again making malachite whine and fall behind. "Ugh" malachite sighs and decides to walk instead and hummed softly.

He then caught up and saw a girl pointing her water spell towards the two and saw it attack magna instead of asta. "Uh" malachite tilts his head a bit confused "im your superior here!" Magna yelled "thats nice but im royalty" the girl sassed.

"Ugh a royal huh?" Malachite scoffs and rolled his eyes. "You have a probably with royals? Little worm?" The girl asked "yeah I hate royals?" Malachite states simply surprising the girl abit and shocking magna and Asta seeing how blunt he stated that.

"Anyways" malachite hums. "I am at a higher ranked and dont care what you are i will commence your baptism" magna yelled but the girl then took off her robe and threw it onto the ground "forget it I quit this stupid squad, im leaving before the filth of the black bulls rub on me" the girl stated then walked away.

"Whos the girl again?" Malachite asked " I think her name was noelle " Asta mumbles. Malachite shrugged and patted astas head "imma go explore the woods" he states and walked out to explore again.

It was only noon when he started to hear a sort of commotion. Malachite was just chillin with the bird on his head reading a new book. He pouts slightly as he then closed the book and jumped down the tree and saw what was going on. The girl must have lost control of her power "golly?" He hums softly and dug into his ear with his pinky not really caring much at the situation but he guess the girl was a crewmate and possible family he couldn't just stay there and not help.

Malachite walked over to the team and saw it at a bigger scale "holy shit" he mumbles, the others were trying to figure out what to do "just throw asta" malachite shruggs as he looked back at his book. And speak of the devil asta came flying in screaming but yami caught him.

"See that? Do something about it" yami states as he then throws Asta into the mess. Malachite snorts and watched in amazement as he saw asta pop the thing but saw him falling but finral saved the two and put them on the ground.

But when it popped malachite squeaked as he tried covering thr book he was reading and groans when a bit of it got wet. He then sighs and looked at asta "you did it" malachite smiled with a small shrugg "not surprised"

Asta looked over to malachite and grinned happily "thanks" asta states. Malachite only turned bright red not understanding why asta was saying something so embrassing and nice too him.

 Malachite only turned bright red not understanding why asta was saying something so embrassing and nice too him

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Asta then turned to noelle, "hey noelle" asta smiled "ya know....ya got yourself some crazy magic power like for real!" Asta exclaims.

Noelle looked up at Asta in surprise "all you need is training and you'll be unstoppable," asta smiled. Noelle stood up and looked at him with a small blush "yeah ite powerful alright, you can always train with me i have magic of my own that I need to control" malachite closed his eyes and scratched his cheek as he huffs a bit.

"Man I'll have to work extra hard to keep up" asta mumbles with a small pout. "You should have said something ya royal failure just look at us the black bulls, we're a squad of failures" magna smiled.

Malachite hummed softly and nods a bit " guess hes right" malachite snorts a bit.

Noelle looked at all of them and smiled slightly and teared up. "Come on we'll do our best together" asta grinned, malachite smiled and looked at noelle and hummed softly

"This should be interesting."

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