chapter 51

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Title: asta and Malachite's "Date"

Since asta and malachite were in hot water with the kingdom they couldnt go far with their little "hang out". Malachite hummed softly as he looked up blushing slightly as he walked with asta .

'Okay pasta its okay, hes your best friend no big deal, you got this! Its just me and....him AAAAAAGGHHH this is so weird, what are these feelings, they are so close to feeling like how I feel about sister lily but....more?'

asta ranted in his head slapping himself in the face. He then glanced over to malachite who looked around Asta had very conflicting feelings scrambling in himself. 'Yeah hes amazing, and strong and...handsome' Asta pursed his lips. He was like a puppy freaking out cus it farted and didnt known what happened to its body it was quiet adorable.

Asta mustard up the courage to then say something

Asta looked at malachite as the taller male looked back at Asta ans turned red. It was so awkward "look....i know things are a bit awkward between know truth about me dont you?" Malachite asked. Asta tilts his head and thought back, he realized he knew what happened to malachite in his life.

"Yeah I want to say im sorry that you went through all that" Asta mumbles and frowned "if I was there i would have protected you no matter what" asta stated with a determined face. Malachite looked at Asta and giggled softly making Asta red to the face. "Come on Asta you would be like a toddler by then" malachite chuckles. Asta pouted softly "still...u would want to make you happy and stuff" Asta said looking away. He felt the older male look at him "heh what do you mean? I mean I didnt have the best of life in the middle but the years I've known you, you were pretty much the warm fire i needed" malachite states.

Asta looked at malachite jumping in front of him "WAIT REALLY?" Asta exclaims. Malachite looked down at him and laughed softly, he shook his head then looked toward a direction he felt unsettled. Asta only looked and sighed softly "come on then maybe we can train again" asta states with a big grin. "I kinda wanna see your cool powers again" Asta exclaims "that devil guy said its matter magic so" asta points out not realizing what he had triggered in Malachite he stopped ranting when he saw the panicked look on malachite's face.

"Malachite?" Asta frowned looking at malachite . malachite had spaced out but shook his head "um...lets not talk about that please I dont feel like using that magic..." he said softly as they walked. Asta nods "well okay then" he mumbles "something i've been curious about is....well have you ever thought of that condition with your eyes and a curse?" Asta asked slowly.

Malachite stopped for a moment and thought of that. He had been told by the wizard king that his condition was nothing normal and closely is a curse. "I dont know....unless you count, me being born, as a curse itself? " malachite points out "no no no i mean how you can make a spell over react and decay and those eyes of yours" Asta points out.

"Oh...well i've always had that, it wasnt so destructive a long time ago when I was younger, but im guessing i have that curse cus I was pretty sure a devil isnt supposed to mingle with a human" malachite sighed. Asta nods slowly "does that mean there isnt a way to break it?" He asked. " I dont know, but i wont let that little obstacle drag me down from being a powerful mage right?" Malachite smiled.

Asta looked at malachite and sighed softly and grinned "right" he states happily and held malachites hand "now come on then lets go find what we can do for fun!" Asta exclaims. The two only then went to a dungeon and fought long and hard along the way having fun being together.

Asta and malachite both laughed as they walked out with bags of gold and objects. Malachite looked to Asta as asta looked back "that was fun huh" asta mumbles and blushed "well yeah I always have fun with you, its never boring with you" malachite blushed softly leaning onto Asta.

Back at the hideout

"Hey has anyone seen asta?" Noelle asked as she walked to the lounge and the others looked at each other wondering where malachite is room "probably out on a date" vanessa gushed "HUUUH!? with who!?" Noelle yelled out loudly "with malachite duh he asked asta out, right?" Luck points out tilting his head a bit and smiled. Then covered his mouth "oops wasnt supposed to say anything ." luck mumbles ,oh boy! Now he'll be mad and want to fight with me!" Luck exclaims.

"WHAT!? A male cant date a male! They are probably just hanging out like friends for all we know, I mean not that i care but its my job to care for my squad mates and make sure they arent doing anything stupid is all" Noelle rambles her mind was in high alert she had feelings but was becoming to late to say them now.

With asta and malachite

Malachite and asta sat on a hill side checking out the stuff they both got and laughed together. Malachite only remembered the kiss asta and him shared. 'Wait...mHAAAAHHH!!? We kissed and I didnt remember tillNOW!?' He thought in his head and was just beyond red now. He looked over to asta who was playing with the trinkets

"Asta...about after the incident happened" he mumbles asta looked back at malachite and blushed as well "wait WHY ARE YOU RED!?" malachite yelled "I DONT KNOW WHY ARE YOU RED?" asta yelled back "WHY ARE WE YELLING?" Malachite cried out "I DONT KNOW" asta yelled after as they both pant looking at each other wondering the same things.

'Does he like me?'

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