chapter 16

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Malachite watched as the knights were being rewarded then be given advice. "Hmm" malachite looked at each of their faces and can guess they are nothing but snobs except sol and Leopold they seem to have some sort of kindness. It was almost the end of the ceremony and julius was finished with rewards

Malachite only watched "and malachite of the black bulls" Malachites head perked up a bit as he saw most of the magic knight look at him. "Step forward" Julius said with a kind smile, that smile reminded him of his old caretaker that disappeared a very long time ago.

Malachite hums and walks forward 'why would king call up a black bull dilinquent?' Many of the magic knights were thinking. Malachite only stepped forward and looked at Julius "now listen everyone I can see potential in this young man, this is not a gift for what he has done its more of a gift for the things he will do one day." Julius states as he then gave malachite the magic item it was a beautiful light blue and Grey color for the wristbands and the glove was black.

Made of steel and thick wool "wear them with pride, son" julius smiled. Malachite looked at Julius in slight shock all the others were beyond shocked. Malachite was confused at the nickname but he appreciated the gift. "Thank you sir, I will" malachite states and bowed.

"Now then that concludes the formal bit we also prepared a simple banquet to celebrate the occasion so please enjoy yourself and you may have noticed I also invited a few more special guests I hope you'll mix and mingle with them too" julius states.

Malachite kept a calm face as he held the gauntlets but he really wanted to gush over them. This was his first gift that looked expensive. "Im sorry but you all will have to excuse me for now" Julius states as he made his way out.

When they all went to the place ot was full of food but there was alot of tension in the air. Yuno, mimosa, klaus, and noelle were all tense meanwhile

Malachite was gushing over his gift to asta and asta listened while he enjoyed the absolutely yummy food there was. "Seems that the tension isnt affecting those two" klaus mumbles.

"Um asta I was thinking...if you dont mind....maybe I'd join you?" Mimosa asked softly blushing "oh sure mimosa" asta states "the food is really good here" malachite states he hadnt put his gaulets on he had tried holding a plate thankfully it didn't have any magic so he was able to hold it and eat the food.

"Filthy gluttonous commoner" alecdora mumbles with scoff "why would the wizard king reward and invite suck vulgar guests" he mumbles. Malachite hummed softly as he ate but listened to the damn other knights talking shit. Malachite tries to stay as calm as he could, he hated nobles with a passion such greedy vulgar monsters they are themselves.

Never in his life was he this angry well at least not for a while. Asta see me to not be phased by what they were saying, malachite looked at him for a moment and sighs he had always admired how strong asta was.

Malachite was getting even more pissed the more the golden dawn asshole spoke. Talking shit about all the friends he managed to make, malachite was always one to support his friend no matter what they did. Tho once a friend loses his trust, they are never getting it back.

Malachite has had a few friend in his life time but they were all terrible people that betray him after, but not asta, asta was just always there.

A young malachite sat in the forest crying again it was possibly his 3rd cry that week. He had lost another friend they had stole all of his money for dinner that week and malachite didnt know what to do and was afraid it was a mistake to let them hold the bag.

He sniffs softly then jumps a bit when he saw a pair of green eyes popping out from a bush. Malachite looked at it closer and tilts his head a bit till he jumps back seeing a kid there only 2 years younger then him he presumed. "Uh....hi...why are you crying?" The boy asked

Malachite looked at the kid and huffs as he wipes his eyes and stood up "known of your business" malachite huffs. "Oh well okay, wanna be my friend?" The kid asked with a smile malachite looked at him and narrowed his eyes a bit and shook his head "no I dont need friend anymore" malachite stated looking down.

It was entire week and the little boy would always stick to malachite asking him over and over "will you be my friiiieeend im never giving up!"

Malachite sighed in frustration "I dont wanna be your friend! " Malachite stomped his foot then yelps as he fell into the river. The boy only followed after they floated down the river and asta pulled him out "be my friend" the kid huffs. Malachite looked at the kid and sighed softly and looked down "fine! malachite" he mumbles. The boy grinned
"im asta"

Malachite s eyes twitched as he saw solid dump a glass of water on Noelle and the twins both talked shit on noelle. Malachite took a spoon full of mash potatoes and flung it at all three alecdora, solid, and nebra making people gasp.

"Say that again i dare you!" Malachite yelled at them all "how dare you" solid growled at malachite "come at me bitch I'll smack that noble ego of yours out of your damn body" malachite hissed. Noelle looked at malachite then saw asta growl at them all. "You dont need to run away from people noelle" asta mumbles as he got onto the table "you were all invited here by the wizard king so I figured you had to be pretty amazing but your all just the same as the rest of them" asta growled.

"Nothing but a bunch of noble bitches" malachite states crossing his arms glaring. Asta yelled at them all but alecdora attacked with his sand magic "thats enough out of you little rat we will not be spoken in such a matter" . asta only slashed through the magic "you better listen up im not done yet" asta growled

"I'll do whatever it takes and prove all of you wrong"

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