chapter 42

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The royal knights all were heading straight into the hideout of the eye of the midnight sun. They bust ass in the process and were all doing great "eye of the midnight sun you will pay for what you have done" Mereleona smirks as she attacked the soldiers of the terrorist group.

Malachite was being off the entire time more quiet till he heard that the hideout was being attacked. Malachites eyes were blank tho no one looked at them closely and realize how off malachite was. The eye if the midnight sun were there the sally girl, the zombie guy and the spacial magic guy.

Malachite watched from the inside of the hideout. Malachite was upset and now that they were attacking and he didnt want to deal with that shit. But hey what could ome do, malachite stood with the others as they met Henry "oh yeah the dude me and asta met" malachite mumbles and smiled as he waved. Henry looked at malachite and blushed softly "heeeelloo my beeeessst....friend" Henry smiled happily.

Henry could tell something was off with his friend. But now was not the time "aight then lets go!" Malachite exclaims as the others looked shocked seeing the huge machine that used to be their home.

Malachite took his stance and saw the sally girl stuck something in herself and made a huge sticky salamader . malachite huffs as he then pressed the ground cracking it turning it to lava.

Lava magic: hells gate!"

The huge salamander thing lost its balance as the black bull hideout threw a punch but sally stuck another magic item to increase the salamander. "Shit" malachite tch'ed the salamander turned even more liquidy and swallowed the machine up. "Damn lets go then" malachite made a path of lave and slide on it

Lava magic: Dragons trail.

Grey squeaks as she almost slips but uses the lava to slide her way and go faster as did the other two. Malachite lauched Grey up as gauche created Grey into an army and Grey turned the salamander to vines then Gordon made the vine rot with poison magic when they won as it seems the three suddenly left "what the hell happened?" Gauche mumbles

Everyone were happy but gauche wasnt so sure

With the trio

"Sorry for the wait...master we are terribly sorry" the special magic male mumbles nervously "we didnt get the damn stones" zombie dude growled. "No quiet" licht smiled as an individual came in from the darkness and held out their hand and in it was the magic stone they needed.

"Good job, my friend" licht smiled



Mereleona squad were all fighting to get to the center of the fortress. Astas mind wondering for some reason, he didnt get it, why was his head so riled up maybe he ate something bad when he stayed at the castle or something.

All he thought about was what malachite would do or what would he think

Back to the hide out

"MY BOOOOKS" malachite cried out as he popped out looking at all his things "what are we gonna do" Grey whimpers covering her face. Gauche being all angry "you get down here" gauche yelled. Henry frowns softly as he then looked at malachite who sat next to him "who ever gets to close gets their Mana sucked out of them r-remember?" Grey mumbles. "Eh im fine i have alot of Mana so I'll be okay" malachite states with a small shrugg. Gauche narrowed his eyes at malachite and huffs "nows not the time to brag you idiot!" He yelled "heh who you calling an idiot?" Malachite jumps to gauche pressing his forehead on gauches and gauche did the same "i did got a problem!?" They both glared and growled at each other.

They then only dug into the rubble "im worry...the eye of the midnight sun said they were looking for something and we still dont know whay that i-is" Grey mumbles. "Maybe they were distracting us?" Malachite mumbles "I dont think so" Grey said "if they were after something then they must be..." Gauche stopped then scoffs "aaaww what were you going to suggest?" Malachite smiled and smirked. Gauche blushed slightly and looked away "forget it alright whatever this is about captain yami can figure it out once he finally decides to come back"

  Malachite hummed as his head started to hurt again. He looked up at the sky and furrowed his brow

With the wizard king

Vangence had show that he had licht in him two souls in the same body "I want revenge to all the humans who destroyed my clan and that devil boy with the amount of magic and Mana will help me achieve that....hehe he will make a fine power core of it all till nothing is left but and empty shell of a person" vangence states "his powers were already being in use with the strong magic each of my mage had" he smirked.

Julius's eyes widen "that cant be....all that magic...came from him?" He mumbles not expecting that. "In a way".

Thing only began to get heated the fight between the two leaders began.

Black bull hideout

"Aachoo!" Malachite sneezed and looked around "hmm whos talking about me?" Malachite mumbled looking around. Something told him something was up so he closed his eyes and opened

Chaos magic: all seeing eye.

He opened a TV live portal to the capital he looked around for a moment and looked closely he only saw Julius and licht fighting. "Old man! WATCH OUT" He exclaims he didnt think Julius would hear him but he dodged an attack. Malachite shut his mouth then looked up at the sky again as he saw huge spears of light. "What the hell" he whispers

He gulped seeing all of them he only raised his hand up. It glowed in a dark blaze his form changing abit as he shot a huge beam of darkness it protected who he thought would need protecting and saw that his magic only covered the poorer parts of the kingdom and not the nobility making him panicked slightly but not a least he thought he was worried about the nobility. "Die" he mumbled thwn covered his eyes and looked down the poor people all sighed in relief but saw that they were okay but the more richer parts were and the lights only kept raining.

Julius only then let out a spell of his own to stop the light blades from falling

Time reversing magic

The light only disappeared and saved the people, Malachites spell didnt choose to save.

Malachite looked at his eye seeing spell and his eyes widen. "" he whispers, his eye twitched 'i shouldnt care but....he was my guardian malachite mumbles as he floated down slowly. Malachite what the hell was that?" Gauche asked seeing Malachite's form he was concerned.

Malachite closed the spell quickly and looked down his form fading. "Its.....its nothing" he mumbles

He only then saluted a bit he didnt want to believe it....he couldnt.

Licht had done his job and placed the stones where they were supposed to be placed.

Malachite looked around then felt a hand go on his shoulder. Almost like julius was there but then fades away when malachite turns towards it. Malachite only hums and looked destrote 'asta...please be okay' he thought in his mind holding a hand over his heart.

He only saw that a bright light appeared in the sky again "this is bad" malachite mumbles running to the others. His mind only went blank and it felt like he had just dove in an ocean of his own magic. Someone hovering above him just staring

' going...on' he thought as he reached out. The elf looking person only looked down at malachite and smirks.

Malachite was in a form that wasnt him point ears and a mark on his forehead like a tiara just there.


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