chapter 52

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After that knight it was back on figuring out about the devils and stuff, asta, gordon, Grey and gauche all went to figure out about weg. In the end they found out that there was someone in the heart kingdom that has an intense curse on them.

Malachite hummed softly and had read about the heart kingdom and was honestly very curious about it. Asta wanted to go there and malachite wanted to tag along of course. And yami went ahead and looked into it but in the end it wasnt happening. Noelle seemed to want to go as well, malachite hummed softly "I want to go to the mana there interests me, might attack me I'll be fine" malachite states and smiled brightly.

They only then were sent to the golden dawn hideout to speak with mimosa. Asta and malachite both talked like normal still keeping that "hang out" from before in their minds still wondering. While noelle looked at them ranting to herself that there was so way an idiot like asta would like a male or a smart and handsome guy like malachite to have feeling for Asta. She wouldnt have a chance to take astas heart.

They only then spoke with mimosa "the queen there is all knowing, the environment is just rich with Mana its quiet beautiful to be honest" she informed looking at them "im sure they are accepting visits as we speak so I'll see if we get permission to go." She said and smiled

In the end

Mimosa managed to get them a chance to go "wow a boaat" malachite mumbles looking at it "its big" asta exclaims "its abit on the small size tho but okay" mimosa giggled. "If you damage it I'll kill you" yami warned others wanted to go but there were only 5 spots.

They only then all said goodbye
Malachite looked all around as they sailed. He then glanced over to finral seeing that he was struggling for some reason "you finral whats up?" He asked "U-uh theres two royal beauties, a beauty who can turn into a bird but i cant cus I have my heart set on lady finnyyy" he cried out .

"Hey I packed us all some lunch see?" Mimosa said shyly and asta opened it "wow this looks good mimosa!" Asta smiled making mimosa blush "its not much but I hope you enjoy it" she said softly looking away bashfully. Asta only then ate "you made these yourself? Looks tasty yummy " asta smiled said as he munched on the food "thanks for saying so" mimosa sighed. Noelle looking at the twos interaction 'mmm why does this bother me?' She thought in her head. As asta then choked and noelle gave him water as an attempt to have praise too from Asta. Mimosa looked at their interaction and pouts slightly 'mmmm I dont get why this bothers me' she thought.

"Hey save some for me" malachite turns to them "hey malachite try the strawberries they are great" asta smiled. Malachite loomed at the one strawberry asta held out and glanced at the girls for a moment then took a bite of the strawberry bringing out abit of charm in a way. Asta blushed brightly seeing it quickly while the other two girls huff in jealousy.

Malachite smiled "it does taste great" malachite hummed softly then took a sandwich and ate as well. Finral looked at them and already seeing who the winner is.

It was a while again malachite didnt get any sleep and he made sure not to wake anyone up when he waked up from another night mare. It only got worse by the day but even so they were arriving to the place. "Wow guys we are finally here!" Asta exclaims it only the began to turn all foggy they then went through the defense area as they then looked at the beautiful land "wow" malachite whispers.

"This is the place then" noelle mumbles then malachite sensed someone coming in and it was a fine looking man decorated with gold, having a scar on his left cheek etc

"Keep sealing forward allow me to introduce myself I am a spirit gaurdian, gaja and I will act as a guide while your here" gaja states. Mimosa greeted the male happily "spirit guardian gaja these are my friends, noelle, asta, finral and malachite. Gaja glanced at malachite and hummed softly. Malachite felt a bit uncomfortable in this guys presence, he looked like he was gonna attack malachite knowing what he was. "Would you care to try some crimson orange juice? You can use mana to sweeten it" gaja offers.

Malachite took it then tested it and his face went 'eck' "too...sweet" he wheezed. Finral was worried about the dead end but the queen only guided the boat up and gaja only then informed them of the kingdom and its unique customs. Gaja only glanced at asta and malachite. Malachite didn't like the loik he gave then yelps as he was surrounded by water and taken along with asta.

The bubble only took the two to a place and there were water soldiers there. Asta and malachite were ready but he only yelps when he was dragged underwater asta crying out for him but was distracted with the water soldiers.

Malachite gasped as he coughed then looked up "hello...step little brother" a woman spoke. He looked at her in confusion "HAAAAAHHHH!!??? STEP BROTHER? HOW MANY STEP SIBLINGS DO I HAVE!?" he cried out scratching his head. The woman layed on a ...beaver? Malachite was just so confused at the moment "well whoever you are your hurting asta and I cant let you-"

"This beaver is so soft" she mumbles and smiled then looked at malachite and went to hug him but trips over some how and tumbles onto Malachite "ooooowww" malachite grumbles. "Loropechika honestly im pretty sure you must be mistaken" a water spirit appeared. "Nope im not im very sure thats him" she smiled and looked at him. Malachite raised a brow "wait wait wait....your royalty and your claiming to step sister" malachite states.

"Mmhm" loropechika nods confidently undine looked at the boy not really sure about Lolopechika's statement "are you malachite?" Undine asked "uh yeah" malachite mumbles "hmmm" the water spirit crossed her arms.

"How are you my step sibling again?" Malachite asked "oh! From our fathers side, he...well had an affair with the devil, revannei (REH-VAH-NAY)
Thus making you " loropechika smiled. "Uh....arent you like mad about that?" Malachite asked not liking the idea of a damn queen of a whole ass kingdom hating him. "Oh no no no im not mad at you, it wasnt your fault tho I am mad at my father" loropechika states.

Malachite nods slowly "wait...doesnt that mean that im-" malachite stops Loropechika confirmed with

"A prince of the heart kingdom, yep!"

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