chapter 23

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Malachite hummed softly and looked at his hands, he bit his lip a bit "shouldn't I go and help already i feel fi-  ow" malachite grunts but got up and walked his way to where the granny was getting treated "all the kids okay?" He asked "yeah you got them to a safer spot faster" Noelle smiled abit "I thought you were gonna burn them! You idiot" noelle exclaims.

Malachite rolled his eyes and scoffs "yeah yeah yeah but I got them safe didn't i?" He states with a small pout

Timeskip (brought to you by my lazy ass and by asta singing despacito))

It was a while till yami, finral, gauche, and asta came back along with captains of the blue rose, pray mantes, and silver eagles

Malachite saw the state asta was in and panicked slightly but then mimosa and the others arrived and were to heal asta "am I dead!?" Asta jumps up startling mimosa "huh? Yuno, mimosa and sir specticales too?" Asta mumbles "we were so worried asta" mimosa stated and hugs asta making noelle jealous "that hugs gone far enough" Noelle huffs pushing Asta towards the wall but malachite caught him.

"Your okay thank god" malachite mumbled and smiled happily. Asta looked at him and nods with a grin "thanks for listening to what I said earlier inwouldnt know what I'd do if you got even more hurt" asta states. Malachite blushed softly and chuckles "you idiot" he snickers a bit

"We wanted to help out in the battle but the eye of the midnight sun had gone already" Klaus informed. "Well thanks for the healing me mimosa that recovery magic really helped" asta said and smiled. Malachite looked at awed in his own head 'mmm hes so cute when he smiles I caaant' he thought but hummed softly.

"Klaus and malachite were both there malachite helping Klaus fix you up again they hardly left your side" mimosa smiled. Malachite blushed while Klaus cleared his throat

Then they went, asta and malachite were left to visit the sister and seeing she was perfectly okay Marie iled seeing pasta and gauche tried to kill him again. "Come on guess we have to get going" noelle stated "right but Theres one place i'd like to pass by too" asta states.

That place being rebeccas house she made a whole feast mainly for asta but she didnt mind Noelle and malachite having some. Asta was eating like a pig, noelle was having a hard time admitting that the food was good and malachite just enjoyed his food "this foods great Rebecca" Malachite smiled. Rebecca looked at the male ands with a small smile "thank you"

Malachite giggled and ate then the kid brought back the robe he borrowed, "Guess you do neede after all" noelle huffs. Rebecca looked at Noelle and asta malachite notices then sees rebecca go in and kiss astas cheek. "Eh" malachite watched it was to long of a kiss for comfort "if it werent for you i wouldn't have had all my siblings here safe thank you" Rebecca smiled.

"Uh...yeah...sure" asta blushed slightly malachite looked at his face he seemed to like it. Malachite held his book tightly never in his life has he felt jealousy till now. He bit his tongue for a moment and took a deep breath and smiled he then jumped when noelle  exclaimed "NO!"

malachite grumbles and held his ear then they went back to the hangout of the black bull. Then they all went ahead and had a potatoes pie contest malachite had to decline and thankfully yami let malachite pass

Charmy was the winner of course

Then a later came in a letter from the royal capital "says the wizard wants you and malachite" yami states. Malachite looked over to them and tilts his head "me?" He mumbles "ooo I wonder why" asta exclaims "yeah the magic knights are having a conference and the wizard king wants me to drag you guys with me.

Malachite frowns and looked away and frowns softly as he crossed his arms abit "do I have to go?" Malachite mumbles then felt his head be pat "yeah you do unless ya wanna die" yami states with a dark expression "i hardly did anything" malachite mumbles "you did enough and not only that....that dark slash you shot at their leader leads me to think you have similar power to me, a weilder of dark magic " yami stated.

Malachite looked at him.for a moment then sighed "very week i'd say" malachite pouts "suck it up kid, you'll get the hang of it and I'll even train you myself if I have to" yami offers then starts to walk away. Malachite was about to decline "by the way you cant say no" yami continues then went to do his business.

Malachite closed his mouth and nods then went outside and looked up at the sky it was a nice sunset out. "Oh there you are" malachite heard pasta and turns to him. Asta smiled and closed the door he held something behind his back.

"You okay?" Asta asked sitting beside him, malachite raised a brow and snickers "oh does Mr runt care?" He chuckles "yes" asta states with a serious voice and genuine look. Malachite looked at him and blushed as he looked away and sighed "I just wish I could have done more is all I tend to do that alot yo I know that?" Malachite hummed softly then played with his hair a bit.

"Well I dont know about you but you did do alot of work you were even awesome that you had a slight chance to beat the licht guy which was just wow!" Asta states with his sparkle eyes. Malachite looked at him and smiled "it was nothing really definitely wasnt as amazing you guys" malachite snorts.

asta huffs "well what ever you say I thought your great" he smiled at malachite and they looked at each other for a moment enjoying the quiet scenery "um here I found these at the cave before I passed out thought you really needed them" pasta states giving malachite his gloves.

Malachite looked at his gloves and smiled happily "oh man I thought I lost these forever" malachite cried out hugging his gloves then looked at pasta again and blushed for the hundredth time and smiled softly his heart fluttering a bit. Asta really did have all Malachite's heartstrings and knew exactly how to pull them.

"Thank you"

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