chapter 13

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The three only then made their way running down a dark hall. Malachite smiled giggling slightly but stops for a moment and hummed softly "this mana though" He mumbles.

Asta was worried about luck cus of what noelle said about there being a fight "I hate to "admit it but noelles right we should focus on protecting the treasure" malachite states "plus I can fell another fight going on" malachite states and shrugged abit.


All three only went back to help luck, malachite bit his lip a bit . "well hello who are you two?" The man of the diamond kingdom asked
"Us?" Malachite mumbles looking at luck then towards the male "we are his friends!" Asta yelled.

"Your taking us on now!" Asta yelled malachite glanced at luck who smiled "he s mine....hes my pray" luck states with a creepy look on his face ad he launched himself towards the smoke user.

Malachite frowns a bit he recognized the look on lucks face. He then launched asta into the air by instinct and let him slice through the smoke "you do what you have to do but im doing this too!" Asta states.

Malachite hummed and crossed his arms a bit watching the battle at first. Malachite thought for a moment 'a stealth spell' he thinks quickly then looked around and runs one way and disappeared "where did he go?" Noelle yelled "hahaha! Poor child too afraid to even fight" the male laughed.

Malachite listened to asta and them fighting. Malachite only made his way behind the male but he wasnt in sight more like he was underground. Malachite only popped out "peakaboo!" Malachite yelled startling the diamond soldier. Malachite only punched the air out of the guys stomach and launched him into astas area of his sword swing and slashed the guy into the wall.

"Woohoo! Im surprised he didnt see me" malachite smiled amd claps his hands. "That was so awesome!"asta exclaims in awe everything seemer quiet but then saw the male try to escape "holy shit he really deciding to run?" Malachite mumbles then starts running. He panted and tripped over his own feet "ow" malachite groans but asta helped him out.

"Lets go then" luck states as he then lead the others too the battle.

"Well shit" malachite looked at the guy with a bunch of magic. Asta protected Yuno and looked determined and saw the two argue. Malachite snorts and covered his mouth a bit at the two and saw how close they were.

Malachite then looked at glasses for a moment and winked as he then ran and stood by asta "alright how we do this asta?" Malachite cracked his knuckles. "Uh launch swing kapow" asta response glasses, Yuno and noelle all not understanding. Malachite smiled and gave a thumbs up "gotcha"

Malachite glanced at glasses who seemed to be having a hard time that a bunch of misfits are the ones protecting him which made malachite laugh.

The battle only then really began it was mostly looking between Asta and the diamond dude while luck , Yuno and malachite took care of all the crystal clones. "Stop looking so terrified already and accept it" noelle states "asta can nullify magic ya old man!" Malachite huffs.

"Nullify it? Truly?" Glasses asked and watched how malachite fought and was impressed to see that he was fighting and using spells without using a grimoire "no way"

Asta stood proudly something malachite never once took a look closely. He then panicked when he saw the diamond project become huge and slashed at asta

"I will never lose! Not to someone like you!" Asta yelled. "Your nothing. But a pebble" he growled "then inwill be the pebble that shatters the diamond" asta yelled and bust right through the armor the diamond soldier made.

Malachites eyes widen a bit as he looked at asta in pure shock. Sure he believed asta can do it and become the wizard king but seeing him be this awesome. It was amazing.

Malachite chuckles as he rubbed his red and bloody knuckles as he them giggled slightly as he watched Asta eating like a goat. Malachite hummed softly "fine whatever pasta do you think you can do something about your clothes?" Noelle asked blushing.

"Oh?" Malachite raises a brow and smirked. "Jeez what am undoing wrong time?" Asta asked "just look at the way your dressed" Noelle points "why are you blushing when im the one half naked?" Asta asked.

Malachite snickers "you interested in astas body? Noelle? I dont blame you henis ripped" malachite states putting his hands on astas muscles and traced his abs. Noelle only turned bright red malachite only laughed. "Man my robe
.." Asta whined softly "vanessa will be able to fix it" luck smiled.

Glasses sighs and looked at the black bulls "we were here first there for we win this competition but I guess we can allow you into the treasure hall" he adjust his glasses.
"Competition?" Malachite narrowed his eyes he was tired to fight with glasses. And he watched the two fight.

They only then went to the door and looked at it. Luck went and touched it then smiled "looks like its made out of magic so you could slice through asta" luck states. "Nope nope nope Asta nesds rest" malachite states.

"Then how do you suppose that we enter the place?" Glasses asked narrowing his eyed at malachite. Malachite hums and took of his glove he always weared, he then walked to the door his nails being pitch black and didn't seem to be nail polish cus that doesnt exist in medieval times.

"What is he doing?" Glasses asked "something i've seen him do from time to time" asta explains "i've only seem it once but its very strange and dangerous" Yuno states.

Malachite looked at the door then touched it, there was silence first "nothing happened" glasses(Klaus if you guys are wondering who glasses is)
"Just wait for it" asta said then watched as the door went black and decayed away into rubble or dust luck watched in shock he can sense what was going on 'his own Mana is so overwhelming and out of this world that it overlapsed the Mana and magic in the door so much  causing it to decay' luck thought in his head.

The group except asta and Yuno all gasped at that. "How were you able to do that!? Is that some sort of dark magic" glasses asked "um...i dont know all the magic i've ever only knew how to use is lava magic but...yeah" malachite turns looking at his hand as he put the glove back on then at the group.

They then all of then then turn to sed a bright light and they were then revealed to a huge room full of gold and tickets "wow" malachite mumbles as they then all ran in to explore the place.

"How exciting"

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