chapter 10

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They all went back to headquarters and reported to what happened at saussy village. The captain only laughed "damn laughing at a report like this? Cold" malachite raised a brow "sorry captain, but is this really the time to be laughing?" Asta asked.

"Why not kid? Is being back gonna bring seihi back?" Yami asked "your exactly right yami sir, Delhi wouldn't want our sorrow he was a man of laughter" magna states.

"I said the same thing" malachite popped out from behind yami making yami flinch slight not seeing how the hell he got behind him and such. "Well come on lets laugh for the old guy" Magna ordered then they started to laugh awkwardly.

Malachite deadpanned a bit and shook his head a bit as he opened his book and did a very well fake laugh if anything. But then malachite really laughed cus they all looked so awkward and it was funny to him.

"Okay thats enough its a real shame what happened to seihi. But you saved the villagers" yami sighed, asta and noelle both frowned a bit "hold your head up high you did a good job so be proud of yourselves you idiots" yami states.

Malachite bit his lip abit but nods and saluted "sir" him and the others state. "Thank you" noelle mumbles shyly "hey what are you two doing with your hands?" Asta asked "are you stupid? You seriously dont know the magic knight salute?" Magna huffs.

"Huh?" Asta raised a brow "its simple really" malachite proceeds to explain what the salute means the three fingers up and close to chest and help up at a possible 90 degree angle. Three leaves of the clover kingdom "well at least someone is smart" magna states.

"Woah! Where did you learn that from malachite?" Asta asked "oh from the book im reading see?" Malachite smiled as he opened his book and showed asta the page "oooh" asta nods looking at it "I got it at the library" malachite shrugged.

"Hows this" Asta saluted "yeah thats right" Magna smiled.

Then finrals portal opened and out came finral and vanesse come out of it "we're back" finral states "we heard about sausy village good work out there" vanesse smiled. Malachite sighs and nods Vanessa and finral gave their report from the investigators.

"Of course its royalty they all suck" malachite comments simply and looked at his book. Noelle frowned and looked at malachite for a moment she looked abit hurt but she wouldn't blame him.

Then the bird popped out from astas head again "annoying Lil BIRD" asta exclaims but him and noelle argued and started to fight till yami yelled at them and they both have to apologize. "Well anyways you guys did good and for that we get a golden star" yami stated

"Yeah! A lucky star! ...whats a lucky star?" Asta asked "aye" malachite facepalmed. "Its a symbol" Vanessa states then explain that each knight squad

"Of what?" Asta asked "of honor pasta, heh it shows that a knight squad is the best its given by the wizard king." Malachite explains. "oh wow! Its asta but your so smart malachite!"  asta exclaims with stars in his eyes.

The rest of the group explained about the stars. Malachite deadpanned at the amount the black bulls had "-30?" He mumbles. "Well anyways your wages for the day" yami states as he took out 3 bags full of money.

Malachite looked and smiled slightly looking into the bag and hummed softly. "Imma save this" he chuckles a bit and shruggs "so much!" Asta exclaims

"Barely pocket change" noelle states with a small huff. "What? Are you kidding!? This can buy 10 years worth of pop potatoes easy!" asta yelled "those pop potatoes really arr pretty good unlike the food i got" malachite comments.

"And what are potatoes?" Noelle asked "theyre a heart crop grown in hage village abit on the lumpy side with a real subtle flavor" Asta explains

"Sounds disgusting"

"Well there are not everything thay sister lily cooks with them comes out great" asta yelled out. "Whos that?" Noelle asked a small blush on her cheeks. Malachite saw that and smirked he was gonna save all kinds of teasing in his head for later purposes. "Shes the beautiful woman im gonna decide on marrying" asta states with star eyes. Malachite laughed "and imma be the best man" he smiled.

"Sister" means shes a woman of the cloth, she cant marry" noelle states. "I can make it work one day" asta exclaims. Malachite shook his head a bit and sighs, malachite watched the group give  ideas on how asta can spend his money and they all decided to go to the black market but thats tomorrow

Malachite only went along cus he could really find good books full of spells written down in them. And maybe those could help him out since he didnt  have a grimoire.

It was the next day when they all decided to head into town. Asta having to be held by malachite since noelle tried to push him off the broom again. "Push your own self off miss prissy noble" malachite hissed "hmm then tell him to get his hands off me" noelle sassed.

They all walked through the town spotting a few of their team mates in the town. Malachite saw a small shy team mate pass by his eyed widen a bit and tilts his head 'is that....grey?' He thought in his head before asta grabbed his attention again.

Vanessa only then showed the three rookies the black market. "Huh" malachite hummed and walked through ...the wall? "Welcome to the black market" Vanessa  states "hm nice place" he mumbles slightly.

Asta only then dragged malachite all around the place till malachite wonders out himself. Malachite looked all around then saw an old lady and saw that she held a pretty decent looking book he would want to read and it looked expensive and looked like an actual grimoire

"You interested dearie?" The lady looked up at malachite as she counted her winning money from gambling. "Hmm? Oh well yes that book of yours seemed to catch my attention" malachite smiled.

"Want to gamble for it?" The old lady smiled. Malachite hums for a moment then nods "I have the money"

A gambling game later

"AA gh come oooon" malachite exclaimed a bit then took out another part of his money "again! I need that book" he huffs. "Im guessing its the blind fold magic item you hold maybe its blocking your vision that much" the lady observed "I can trade you that for the book" she offered.

"Now way old hag, this thing is very important and has to always be on my eyes at almost all times" malachite stated. 'Good' the old woman thought but accepts malachites second attempts to win but just flat out had 13 coins left . "aaaw my moneyyy" malachite groand "sorry dearie I can see the future so there was no way you were going to win" the lady laughs. Malachite huffs "well the games were fun" he smiled and shruged abit "bye old hag we should gamble again some day!" Malachite smiled and waved as he walked

The lady waved "we will meet again very soon malachite, very soon" she states then chuckles and started walking.

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