chapter 29

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Asta then ran back charmy created a sheep to launch asta into the air then finral used his spacial magic to place asta somewhere else so the enemy couldn't attack him and malachite gave him his magic to deal with the diamond mage and Asta managed to nullify and knock the mage out. Malachite only caught the falling people with his lava he made sure the lava wouldn't hurt and would be a soft cushion for people to land on.

They then had to go since things were quite and Charmy had yet another fight with bell (or siylle)) they had to go. Charmy then made snacks as she cried she didnt get to know how she would get in touch with her sweet prince. Malachite only looked at asta who was excited the. At finral who panicked cus he challenged the best squad v them the worst squad.

"Its whatever ya know?" Malachite mumbles and had some cupcake in his mouth then saw asta swinging his arms around "hey! Careful dont you want to heal?" Malachite frowned as he then offered a cupcake to asta who gladly took a bite out of it "Mmm so good thanks malachite" asta grinned with cake being all over his cheeks and in his teeth. Malachite giggled softly and shook his head "your welcome idiot" malachite blushed as he fed asta.

Finral and charmy were the first to notice the little sparkle in Malachite's eyes when he looked at Asta. Finral in total shock while Charmy smiled "aaaw" she giggled.

Malachite was in the library again he was looking through books and hummed as he learned new spells to conjure up. He then stood up when everyone went outside "now then we all did so well we actually came out from the dirt and managed to be on our way to gaining more stars" yami announced and everyone cheered.

They all then enjoyed a cook out malachite looked at each of the meats then picked the healthiest for him. Noelle sat by Noelle "I guess you cant I'll have to feed you-" she said quietly but then "You need help there asta?" Malachite smiled at asta. Then deadpanned as pasta was eating with his feet "YOU IDIOT YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DIRTY YOUR FEET ARE!?" Malachite exclaims

Noelle cried out in defeat she even launched asta in the air with her magic. Then the team went ahead and made tricks malachite smiled and he then "I got it i got it!" He smiled as he then made a blob of lava and shape it to an octopus and made it wiggle. Making the squad laugh.

Malachite had always looked at asta and felt bothered he felt concerned and tried to make him laugh but it looked forced. Malachite then listened to what finral was saying and his eyes widen "th-that....asta" malachite clenched his fist and looked down he was distort by the news "dammit! If only I were stronger....and didnt back down cus of a stupid headache heck I would have done that spell multiple times until I die" malachite exclaims. "Thats too harsh malachite" Vanessa mumble "no! Im the one whos been there for asta since we were little.....we ...were are partners it cant end just like that cus of one stupid weak point I made i wasnt...there" malachite looked down feeling his eyes begin to water a bit and that usually wasnt good crying would only let that mana of his pour out and hurt the plants and animals the ground everything it touched.

The team looked at each other in worry they were about to comfort malachite but he ran.

Malachite walked through the forest fustrated in himself "AAgh what am I saying!? Why am I the one whos upset I have my powers....this is about pasta...not me" malachite huffs he had his blindfold off as he wipes his eyes a bit with his clove that thankfully is resistant.  But he puts the blind fold on and saw asta there sitting but he then got up screaming "AGGHH LIKE IM GONNA GIVE UP YOU GOT ME AGAIN THIS TIME FATE YOU BIG JERK BUT ALL YOU DID. IS GET ME EVEN MORE FIRED UP IM GONNA FIND A CURE FOR MY ARMS SOME HOW DO YOU HEAR ME!?" Asta screamed.

Malachite's eyes widen as he blushed he felt a light breeze blow in

Malachite's eyes widen as he blushed he felt a light breeze blow in

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His eyes would have gleamed if they werent covered. He smiled happily and sighed softly then bit his lip a bit.

Next morning

Malachite couldnt sleep and decided to make a plan with Vanessa and so on. Everyone else went to find a way to find a cure for asta, asta having to WAKe UP and over hear finral and noelle.

Magnet and luck
Ate dungeon hunting the wastelands of the forsaken realm

Gauche and Gordon are researching hexes in the royal library someone going there for a few hours then heading back

Charmy and Grey are looking for new ingredients that might be effective against curses

And malachite boy does that guy never quit, he cares so much for asta its unbelievable staying up all night researching and even putting all his energy into making his own thpe of spell that would heal asta...wonder where he is now?

Asta over heard all of it he felt so warm and thankful. He walked away and went outside to the back and looked up at the sky and trembles slightly tearing up and sniffling.

Malachite only then appeared bags under his eyes but hes fine for now. He smiled with eyes closed as he walked out of the door and stood next to asta. asta looked at malachite with teary eyes still trembling abit, malachite sighed "your such an idiot but...." He hugged Asta slowly "your my idiot" he whispers as he let asta cry into his shoulder.

Malachite chuckles and sighed softly "th-thank you" asta mumbles he was just so happy and touched.

Malachite snickers and grinned "of course" 

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