chapter 60

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"Anyways the execution is set at noon so we cant wait for long, we dont know their numbers but im sure they'll be using a combination of spells and various drugs" Julius states

Malachite hummed softly he would have been out of clover kingdom by now. But he couldnt leave knowing his friends are in danger. Damnatio only then popped out and told asta to not use his powers either, it was reasonable despite malachite hating the male.

"Everyone every your eye on the square these girls are two of our own so dont screw up" yami orders .

Malachite was with yami, pasta and gauche. 'Ugh how am I supposed to help? Im basically a sitting duck without my magic, I could use my fists but' malachite sighed in frustration

"What the-" malachite mumbles as he tried to do one of his old spells

"Lava magic: hells gate!"

He yelled out pressing his hands on the floor but nothing happened. He was confused and looked down at his hands. He frowned even more the multiple times he tried to do any other spell and it was no use.

"Guuuuyyyyss" malachite whined out. Asta was doing his push ups when he stopped and looked over to malachite "what s wrong malachite?" He asked blinking a few times. "I cant seem to be able to use my lava magic" malachite said in slight worry.

"What!?" Asta exclaims "how unfortunate what about that weird black magic?" Noelle asked. Malachite tilts his head then made a spear of dark magic

"matter magic: black divine spear!'"

He only threw the spear towards some trees And it cut right through over 10 trees. "Oops" malachite sweatdropped

Asta looked at the damage and yelled out in surprise "WOAH"

Sooner or later malachite went to see Julius. To see if he knew what happened

"Your lava magic is gone huh?, well I have a few ideas on what happened, 1. Your Mana may have really overlaped your lava magic mainly for the reason that you awakened most of your new powers.
2) "

Malachite waited anxiously along with asta and Noelle waiting for the next

"I dont know"

julius smiled making all three of them anime crash.

He only t then looks around in the crowd, "ugh I cant stand this, look captain you gotta let me down there" gauche huffs. "Oo can I come with you" asta smiled before feeling a hand over his head making him duck down "no asta you know thats not safe" malachite hissed.

Yami punched gauches head "pipe down idiots if you guys go out there, you'll blow the lid off this place" yami warned them. "Okay...but we cant just do nothing" malachite frowns slightly looking at yami "yeah" asta whispers "you two are the ace in the hole , you need to wait for your moment" yami states.

"Right" malachite sighed "and there they are" yami said

"Greeting enemies of the devil, the time has come to strike in the name of justice, we are the devil banishers, those who wish for the devils demise!" The leader stood out to the crowd them having nero and Marie all tied up in chairs.

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