chapter 14

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"This is awesome haha!" Asta yelled as he looked all around the place. Malachite smiler and looked all around the place he grabbed a few gold pieces and puts them in the bag he was supposed to put his grimoire in but just now held some snacks and water in it.

Malachite only then wandered around the place before he heard a small whisper in his ear. He glanced towards a dark corner and raised a brow but jumped when glasses started to yelling making him jump "enough fiddling with the magic items in here! They could be very priceless" glasses yelled "can it old man!" Malachite yelled as he threw a golden cup at glasses. "You wretch!" Glasses screamed at malachite but malachite ducked then saw a glowing light and looked towards Yuno.

Malachite hummed softly then looked towards the corner and walked to it. He only saw a beautiful jewel glowing and basking in dark magic, malachite raised a brow then went to touch it and the jewel only latched itself on malachite "AAAAAAGHHHHHH what is this thing " malachite freaked trying to take it off.

The jewel only disappeared and sank into his skin. Malachite felt worried that he might have cursed himself or something but he didnt have time fore that he turns to see the diamond soldier was up again.

Malachite gulped he then looked to see the two girls and noelle being hit. Malachites eyes widen a bit as he saw a companion of his get hurt. Asta only then attacked in anger "I know now of that ability of yours, you can nullify any and all magic with that big sword. Lets see what you will do if the magic is to fast for you"

Malachite huffs then saw asta be thrown "asta!" Malachite yelled then attacked. He punched the ground making the ground crack under the crystal monster making the soldier lose their balance and the crystals only began to melt in the lava malachite had created

"lava magic: hell's gate!"

Malachite only was there to fight the soldier "you know for such a strong guy with powerful magic you sure would have been a great hero if you were such a jerk" malachite grunts as he jumped onto the arm of the crystal mostly and spat out chunks of lava towards the center where the male was healing himself.

Malachite huffs as he jumped to kick him but he was grabbed by the nape before he got the chance "ack!" Malachite choked as he was being crushed before he swung his leg up and kicked the males face up making him stumble and drop malachite.

Malachite yelps as he was about to fall in the lava but made the lava harden just in time. "Im alive....ow...sorta" malachite wheezed "is that all you have? You dont have much in that grimoire of yours" the diamond soldier huffs.

Malachite bits his lip "i dont have a grimoire, but that doesmt matter cus im still going to kick some ass and protect my comrades" malachite huffs and made a labe wall.

"Lava magic: Dragons trap"

Malachite lands back and stumbles abit and pants he needed to think of something a spell so he can attack or something. But he was only then kicked into the wall "malachite!" The group cried out.

Malachite's vision was blurry as he looked around. He saw asta there fighting for him, malachite just had to get up. So what if he was throw into a Wal or almost crushed to death? He wanted to help his one and only friend.

He got up slowly and watched till Yuno seemed to have finished mars up the diamond soldier out.

Malachite tries to keep himself up but falls when the whole dungeon began to crumble. Luck went to malachite and helped him up "you sure did look cool fighting that guy all by yourself" luck smiled. "Really? Thanks its nice to hear that" malachite smiled then saw his gloves were almost gone making him panicked a bit.

They all had to get out of there "lets blow this popcical stick and get the hell out of here!" Malachite exclaims as luck helped him on the spell Yuno was gonna use to get them out of there. Asta wanted to take Mars with them, malachite looked at him and smiled they were gonna get the guy but they had no time.

Malachite watched as the others took care of the rocks falling. Malachite closed his eyes for a moment then looked at asta in concern 'dont die yet asta' malachite frowned.

It was so close but they managed to get out of the dungeon on time.

Everyone all waited till asta was up, mimosa had done some healing on malachite as well so malachite was at least semi okay, he was definitely in better condition then asta at least. "He awake!" Malachite sighed in relief he knew asta wouldnt die. Yea! Totally.

"Hey guys" asta smiled "hey" Yuno said simply "well I suppose it was a good thing that you didnt die" noelle huffs crossing her arms and turning away.

"Ow that hurt" asta mumbles as he sat up. "It was close but you recovered quickly " mimosa smiled. "Its okay im fine...i would have been dead if it werent for you, thank you" asta smiled. Mimosa blushed and hid behind Noelle shyly and nods.

Malachite chuckles and takes note of that "not a ladykiller? right" malachite smirks. Asta looked at malachite and smiled in relief "im glad your okay too malachite" asta said softly. Malachite looked at him blinking a few times before looking away with a small blush "yeah you too" he mumbles but smiled.

Malachite the watched at he saw Klaus hug both asta and Yuno "I rejected. You both because you are commoners and for that im ashamed you guys are s
Excellent magic knights the order is lucky to have you two" klaus said.

Malachite raised a brow "hey! What about me! I did the bad ass fight too i was like ha! And hiiya! And some wah! Wah! Wah! Ha!" Malachite exclaims. Klaus looked at malachite and adjusts his glasses "you did very well too holding that male on your own so he wouldn't hurt mimosa" Klaus nods "what the hell is that all you got? I broke a rib for that!" Malachite yelled.

"At least you got some words of praise from me!" Klaus yelled but the group only smiled and laughed. Asta smiled then looked at noelle "noelle! Looks like im not the only one with torn clothes" Asta smiled as. Noelle only realizes her chest was abit out and screamed beofre she jumped on asta.

Pasta cried out in pain and passed out malachite only laughs loudly from that.

"Oh man!" Malachite laughed

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