chapter 30

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Malachite hummed softly as a read a book outside with asta still doing squats like an idiot "hey idiot dont hurt yourself even more!" Malachite yelled narrowing his eyed at Asta making asta smile nervously.

Nero being on top of Malachites head watched and looked at the book with malachite. 'Once we get the okay...maybe then we'll somehow convince the queen to heal his arms and he'll be my pasta again...i-i mean will be the pasta we all love and adore' malachite hummed softly and blushed.

They both then looked up seeing zell, finral, domina, and (....uh (forgot her name) black haired girl
Malachite jumped up and hanged on one of the brooms while pasta was picked up with zells wind magic "been a while malachite and asta" Zell greated "sup period head" malachite greets as he read his book. "Wait where are we going?" asta asked "we'll explain on the way" noelle huffs.

Malachite only then hopped behind Zell yawning softly then saw Zell covered astas mouth to keep him quiet. They then made their way to the forest of witches

"The it is" domina mumbles "the forest of witches" malachite hummed closing his book and playing it in his bag. "Forest of witches!? Huh whats going on? Why everyone so quiet" asta whined then malachite went and covered astas mouth "trust us asta if you dont quiet your mouth" malachite sighed "then we'll silence it for you" the rest threatened. "Eeehhhh??" Pasta whined.

Malachite blushed a bit as he stayed in that position for too long. "Anyone with magic will be spotted immediately by the queen and its over" domina mumbles. "What would that mean for me?....i mean I have a dark and infinite amount of magic more then what I can do with heck it even destroys things all by itself" malachite mumbles putting a hand on his eyes.

"Oh right your lack of control of magic right?" Zell asked "oh I can control it...but thats because of this blind fold and my gloves the wizard king gave me" malachite explains. "Well I dont know about that issue but I know an invention that might work" domina smiled and showed three cloaks.

They then made their way into the place malachite being lucky enough to have his own cloak. "How come malachite gets his own" finral whined "cus the amount of otherworldly mana that kid has is enough to kill us people who have magic and mana" Zell grumbles "its so tight in here" asta complained.

Malachite sighed but pouts abit he wouldnt have minded being pressed again as ta at some points. Malachite chuckles and blushed by the dirty thoughts.

Ppp only then continued to fly through the place. Malachite gulped slightly as the girls passed by the cute soldier mud  just fine but malachite was on the broom with the boys and zells coat got caught in a tree branch and his clothes as well as the vanish all cloak flung off asta, finral and Zell. Malachite only deadpanned the little mud thing only then alerted the rest of the other mud things the golands. They only then started shooting and they all tried to avoid the magical bullets.

Malachite only yelps as he falls off the broom and saw the other fly off trying to not be killed. "Dammit" he pouts and kept the cloak on and looked around then deadpanned seeing finral trying to attract the ladies but failed miserably. He only ran to follow them, he pants and climbs as much as he couldnt then looked around he then climbed up a tree and jumped to the other.

The others were already in the queens room. "Dammit why was I the one to fall down" he mumbles with a small pout then continued and poked his head our of the treeline to look around then saw many coming. He frowned then went down and needed to warn the others.

He then pants as he then got into the opening "diamond...kingdom....*gasp* eye ...midnight" malachite gasped out still under the cloak but the others could tell malachite was there. "Yes we know and its bad news for all of us" noelle mumbles. "What happened to vanessa?" Malachite asked as he took off the vanish all cloak.

"Shes okay for now but we have to think up a plan and take them down, I'll even do it myself" asta huffs. Malachite looked at him and bonked his head "you forgot that the whole trip was for you and to heal your arms?" Malachite pouts. "Ow!..yea now I remember" asta grumbles

Vanessa only woke up and reassured asta that his arms will be back to normal once Vanessa made a deal with the queen of witches but asta only said no to that and they both started to argue about it. Malachite snorts a bit and squeaks when vanessa and asta both told him to shut up making him pout.

Asta only then brought out his sword and tried getting rid of his cursed arms by putting his sword on his arms. Malachites heart sank when he saw the state astas arms were still in after all the hard work he had tried but was probably never the type to heal things like mimosa.

Vanessa looked at malachite she knew already of his feelings. "I came here to help you it was really all malachites idea to go out and search for ways to fix your arms" Vanessa states. Asta looked at malachite he was blushing like crazy "what can I expect? He really my best friend" as ta smiled. Malachite looked at asta and smiled softly then huffs "dont get all soft on me pasta " he chuckles then watch Noelle stand up to the witch demanding her to fix astas arms so they can fight the enemy and save her forest.

Malachite was pissed when she disagreed. He made his way up to her aura basically visible "you either heal my friend so we can save your precious forest or I'll introduce you to a world of pain." Malachite growled he looked scary.

The queen glared and was about to put malachite in his place before she stoped and gasped slightly as she saw it the silhouette malachite had behind him, the silhouette of a devil.

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