chapter 37

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"Im out" malachite tries turning and walking away but yelps as his head was grabbed by mereleona's fire paw. "I want to liiive!" Malachite cried out "WHATS THE HOLD UP LET GET TO WORK" Mereleona yelled the place was exploding with lava. "You have lava magic kid you can go through this easily,NOW QUIT YOUR COMPLAINING" mereleona growled. Malachite huffs then looked at the others then hummed "this place is always booming with loud and hot lava, no normal human can enter but you are all magic knights there fore entering this place wont be a problem" Mereleona explained to her squad simply.

" I say we make it a race first to catch my lovely flower gets his warm and undying protection of his lava magic!" Leopold states with steaming nostrals and heart eyes topped with a blush "and will be able to rub his back in the baath" Leopold said excitedly "WHO SAID!?" Malachite exclaims was ready to punch the male but was grabbed by asta.

Asta blushed slightly malachite was his friend why would he care if he gets to wash his back or not. But he was in on the race as well as yuno

"What are you all waiting for!" Mereleona shouted and kicked malachite it first "hey sis careful you might hurt my angel!" Leopold cried out "you okay malachite?" Asta called out. Malachite only looked at the two and gave them a thumbs up then caught himself then looked around and smelled the place, it smelled like tar and like a steaming bath to him. 'As I expected the bit cant feel the amount of Mana in this area' mereleona thought as she watched the men charge but then stop. Malachite screeched as a fireball headed for him, malachite was just born with a Mana skin over him. "Wait Mana cloaks arent normal for everyone?" Malachite asked and the men looked at him bewildered.

"What kind of person is just able to hold Mana skin so casually?" One spoke. "Well thats my malachite you never know what he can do" asta smiled brightly. "Oh yes I can see that my wild rose is absolutely amazing I will make him my bride one day" Leopold squealed. Malachite looked at the two..and was silent for a moment before he blushed brightly being flustered "shut up you two thats embarrassing to say" malachite but smiled "catch me if ya caan!" Malachite yelled out as he made his way up.

"YOU BET!" asta and Leopold yelled out, yuno looked up at malachite and was very much ready to win. Malachite glanced over to the rest and frowns seeing asta couldnt make mana skin of course. Malachite crushed a few rocks there were alot more rocks going after him like the place was trying to kill him.

Mereleona looked up at Malachite observing the kid she hasnt seen in so long. Malachite was a very familiar male to many of the nobles in the castle, mereleona was there when the young male went.....overboard in getting his piece of revenge. She was glad to see that malachite had some sort of peace of mind and she can already tell that asta was just that, to malachite.

Malachite looked down at asta

"Im not giving up....not now" asta stood up slowly against his sword as Mereleona talked down on him but asta was determined. For yuno, for his dream, for his team and for....



Malachite chuckles as he then continued to climb and yelps as he was smacked by a rock "ooow" malachite groans and shook his head. "Shit couldnt sense that one" he mumbles as he crushed the rock then sighed as he pants and tries dodging. He thought of that power he had gained before it was so cool but terrifying it felt natural but it burned at the same time. It was like an animal thats been in its chage for far to long.

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