chapter 26

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Many people came and surrounded them with questions and stuff a crowd of girls squeal at malachite cus he they thought he was cute. Of course, malachite is indeed very handsome and they all were lead by the sea folk up to where they needed to go. And they were in a cave now "I dont like this" malachite mumbles slightly looking around

Then an old mad laughed and welcomed them all. He wanted to play a game and for some reason all of the team wanted to play. Malachite frowned at the type of game the pristest wanted to do and he ends up separating all of them to different sections.

Malachite on the other hand managed to avoid "huh!? How didnt you get in there" the old man exclaims "I dont want to play can I just watch the game with you? " malachite whined "gee damn I should have asked for one more person...fine" girso stated then had his voice echo and be heard by all. Yami was there too "you get your ass in there" yami huffs "nnno!" Malachite huffs crossing his arms like a kid not budging. Yami huffs as he then lets the boy go and has a drink with the game host

Malachite only watched but he mostly watched Asta and hummed softly tilting his head a bit. But something was up "thats not part of the game whats going on here!?" Girso exclaims. Malachite closed his book and looked at the water screens in concern then looked at yami "its them isnt it yams" malachite mumbles.

They both tried to leave but girso explained that they couldnt leave so yami tried slashing through but they were stuck since a special magic mage was using their magic to trap them all there. "Dark swordsman from a forgein land and a boy with to much other worldly magic and Mana thats basically dripping out of him" the beast looking dude stated. Malachite gulps and looked at that screen "yes I can tell by the Mana, the swordsman will be my main dish and the boy being my appetizer first you'll both be steeped with total dispair when you see all of your friends die" he smiled evilly.

Malachite stiffens up as yami states whats going on "please be careful all of you" malachite states in worry.

Both luck and magna both fought so strong together making malachite hopeful but even their combine attack wasnt enough to beat the monster.

Malachite only saw asta come into the fight and being hurt he wanted to help but couldn't even get out he didn't even know where the damn magic was so he could destroy it.

He only watched seeming Noelle managed to save kahono and rip vetto's arm off but then he only became even more powerful. He grew back his arm "noelle RUN!" malachite yelled but she stayed she didn't to leave her friends.

Malachite only then disappeared from his spot after seeing asta fall out of being so injured and tired. Vanessa and finral only then joined to same asta and Noelle "malachite! How did you get here?" Asta asked "I badely managed and I feel fuck in dizzy but im ready to go!" Malachite states "well well well seems that my appetizer was served real early now oh well lets see what you rats can do" vetto sneered

Then their fight began, malachite gave as much lava magic he could give to asta that wouldnt hurt asta as he used it. In the middle gauch, charmy and even Grey came in to help out

Charmy launched rocks innthe air then malachite turns them into lava chunks the Grey turns those lava chunks of copy's of Asta thats attacking vetto.

Asta made his blow but vetto grabbed astas arms. Asta was only getting even more hurt. Vetto only grabbed a hold of astas arms Asta screamed in pain as his arms just destroyed astas arms "ASTA!" malachite screamed as he saw him fall back.

Malachite he wasnt done despite the injuries he had gain but he wasnt like Asta.
Malachite only took his chance on this he wanted to be strong. He lauched himself into vetto attacking with an extreme amount of strength. "Jlhow dare you hurt asta!" Malachite growled as he summoned his grimoire everyone gasped the book it was beautiful but the aura of it were beyong dangerous.

Chaos magic: abissal black

A box of a dark substance covered all of vetto. On the inside spikes crashed down on vetto all at once making holes and even cutting one are.
His shadow being the silhouette if a devil he didnt have a devil in him he was the devil

Malachite growled his mind blank he didnt even know whats going on till stopped. That spell was a bad move on his part he felt his heart feel like its about to burst the spell disappeared as malachite gasped and held onto his chest. "That was to much for him, the amount of mana he was giving the numbers are off the charts!" Vanessa mumbles.

Malachites stood on his fours and trembles he was about to get up again but vanessa pulled malachite towards them before vetto could hurt him. "Poor little rat cant even handle his own spell how pathetic that mana is too strong for you no wonder you were left on the streets tho I understand you humans they dont deserve to be the top they dont deserve to live i can see you once thought you wanted all humans to rot and you still think it now" vetto laughed maniacally at malachite

Malachite bit his lip and pants slightly he looked over to Asta and saw was angry now. Ye few around with incredible speed and with the mana malachite still had asta could work even more faster. It was like the devil in asta was willing to agree and work with the terms Malachites magic had and they both defeated vetto together.

There stood a malachite on the streets alone and beaten crying. He hated the unfair ness of the world and people, nobles pray it almost felt like he hated humans in general all of them calling him a devil. He didnt understand it and the emotional abuse he got from the one whos supposed to be caring for him. He was all alone left in the shadows

But he saw asta a little boy with little to no status or magic in the world still standing big and strong. Malachite turned to that asta and took his hand smiling. Asta grinning back at malachite as they both laughed "we'll be the greatest mages ever!" Malachite exclaims "yeah you the strongest mage along side me as the wizard king!" Asta smiled

Malachite smiled softly he only coughs out blood and pants abit. "Yes amazing" he whispers he was then saw vanessa pull him close and hugged him as well as finral. "We won" Noelle mumble, they were hugging him to tightly, everyone watching outside cheered for asta and the rest but for some reason they were afraid of malachite for his awfully violent attack. Malachite stood up and walked to asta then hugged "dammit you had me so worried" malachite mumbles softly.

They were all going to fight again but yami came in "malachite I need that spell of your again to keep him in place, can you handle it?" Yami asked patting malachite's head "yes sir" he nods then took a deep breath and tried to do the spell again. He only thought back to what vetto said....he wasnt wrong there was a time in malachite's life where he just wanted every human to rot they sure as hell wanted malachite to decay and disappear. Malachite growled 'i changed, I see now humans can be kind and inspiring' 
Chaos magic: abissal black

The box of darkness restraint vetto long enough and yami finished the job of taking care of the monster. The underwater temple was saved

(Oh! When will Malachite's power be shown? When will there be a time where is rage consumes him entirely and goes full beast....uh who knows im trying to figure that out when XP)) I needs ideas of when in the story I should make it so I will have to think long and hard TwT)) anyways thanks for reading! Cant believe people like my stories but oh well
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