chapter 18

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"Damn I knew they would send magic knights but the black bulls? Seriously?" The weird looking guy complained "what you wanted the pegging ponies instead?" Malachite yelled back snickering at the disgusted face on the guys face.

The man only send more of the at him "hell nah" malachite mumbles as he punched ome that was getting to close, he put his gloves on and huffs starts knocking through them to get to Asta "eeeeewie these things are gross" malachite states. "Ha! They are my army of the undead!" The male yelled.

Malachite gulps slightly as he looked asta slashed while malachite punched and got astas back. "Time for you and men to have a small dance huh?" Malachite asked cracking his knuckles but asta wanted to take the lead. Malachite whined "you protect the girl malachite" Asta states "right" malachite states as he had the girl go behind him.

"What a pain" malachite mumbles then looked around then looked at the corpses anf hummed so "they really are dead" he mumbles raising a brow. "Jimmy take care of those two" the male stated. The big mummy looking monster the villian had summoned malachite huffs as he blocks each of the curse magic orbs with his gloves. "Asta stay back its to much for you" malachite states. Noelle. Had appeared and put a barrier around the girl "I got the undead corpse with red head over there while you taks care of this tough guy" malachite states giving a thumbs up.

Asta looked at malachite and smiled brightly "yeah!" Asta nods and ran to kick some ass "you red head your with me, have astas back" malachite called "but of course my wild flower" leopold gushed. Malachite deadpanned but sighed "glad he didnt hesitate at least" he mumbles.

Asta definitely kicked some ass and brought the Jimmy monster down. But the corpse guy only summoned another monster named...alfred. "First Jimmy now alfred? Hahaha" malachite laughed, malachite had created his own moves to fight someone without having to you so much magic all cus he didnt want his ...other type of magic to take a hold of him.

This guy was bigger and looked bright and dangerous. The thing sent out a whole current of electricity/thunder down on them.

"Damn your not fighting that thing on your own!" Malachite yelled but then the corpse guy have another monster for Leopold, Noelle and malachite. "Aaagh come on!" Malachite whined as he stopped his foot and dodged. Asta was really having amd hard time thinking.

Malachite hesitated to everytime he need to use magic for these situations. Fuegoleon had appeared from behind him "you just going to stand there and lose all your energy, and hesitating to use your magic?" Fuegoleon asked. Malachite looked away biting his lips before he yelps as Fuegoleon smacked him on the head "ow! What the hell old man?" Malachite huffs. "Your just like that black bull girl but worse, how do you expect to get stronger and more in control if you dont give it your all!" Fuegoleon scold.

Malachite looked at him then stuck his pinky in his eat and hums "eh you dont know me old man, my magic is dangerous for this world I might even destroy it if I use it" malachite mumbles "thats all the more reason to use and control it you have potential child, dont letbit go to waste" Fuegoleon states patting malachite s head.

Malachite looked down

He looked up at Fuegoleon with a hopeful face

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He looked up at Fuegoleon with a hopeful face. His eyes gleaming abit "right" malachite states with a huff, Fuegoleon nods as he went foreward. Malachite looked at noelle and Leopold "lets kick some ass you noble jerks" malachite states "right" noelle nods.

"Hahahaha! Carl?" Malachite laughed as he then attacked the monster him and the other two had to take care of. Malachite dodged and fought he yelps ad he was placed in a bubble but he then saw something in his head, a spell?

He saw a grimoire just appeared in front of him and gave him something. Tho it looked really scary.

"Chaos magic: dark divine"

Malachite said as he opened his hand and shot out a spear of dark magic straight to the monster it got stuck there , the monster only then went all black before breaking into pieces. Noelle and Leopold stared in shock such magic "that was amazing" Leopold exclaims "but terrifying" noelle mumbles as the bubble malachite was in popped and dropped the male "ow" malachite groans then looked around seeing most corpse were down too "what I miss?" Malachite asked.

"Eewww I feel so gross" malachite gagged. Leopold went to malachite "saw wild flower you took my pray" he whined softly "shut up at least he did the work and did it good" noelle crossed her arms and huffs abit scoffing softly.

Malachite only rolled his eyes and huffs he then stood up and looked towards Asta. "Asta you okay?" The older male asked asta turns to malachite and smiled "im okay walking at least" Asta shrugs and gave a small grinned.

Malachite looked around and felt something was wrong but he wasnt alone in realizing it.

Fuegoleon still interrigated the male further "you want to know? We're after you fuegoleon" the man admits "for me? Fuegoleon asked "why him?" Leopold yelled. Spacial magic. Opened up and Fuegoleon let himself be taken to get to the bottom of things.

"Why did he do that! Didn't anyone else see how shady that thing was" malachite yelled a bit.

"You bastard what did you sent my brother" leopold growled grabbing the male by the shoulder. The man only cackled and laughed "he just toying with you! He didnt use that spell" Noelle states as she held onto Asta

"Someone who can really do that spell has to be close" Noelle stated. Malachite pursed his lips then looked around for a moment then hums softly he then saw asta attacked the pile of corpse and out came the people who did the spell. "Nice to see that you can look through my disguise you truly are an animal..but its too late" the male took of his disguise and looked down at them then opened a portal and out came Fuegoleon bleeding a lot as his arm was missing and unconscious. Malachite's eyes widen as did the rest of the group

Noelle only screamed and so did asta and leopold. Malachite looked in pure shock and slight fear he only then looked at Asta "but can someone be that strong?" Asta mumbles. Malachite then ran to Fuegoleon "dont just stare" he mumbles as he ripped Fuegoleons robe and in came noelle to help "his grimoire is still in tacked hes still alive" noelle states as she wraps the cloth around the wound.

They needed help but Leopold was just standing there like an idiot. Malachite growled and slapped Leopold waking him up "wake up red head! Stop standing like an idiot!" Malachite growled and yelps as he was masked into a wall instead of Leopold. Malachite gasped as he slumped his head down "wild flower?" Leopold mumbles as he looked at malachite and panicked.

He then gritted his teeth then helped Asta with the damn man they call rades and the other. He had finally snapped out of it "please be careful yow two" Noelle states.

"Take care of my wild flower and my brother for me noelle" leopold states. Malachite coughs "Ha....ha, im very flattered" he mumbles as he slowly got up but then they all heard a voice of another man. "Great more bad guys?" He groans.

Malachite stood up taller and shook the pain off but saw. More had appeared, malachite looked at asta in concern seeing the wounds but saw thay he stuck himself with the swords to get rid of the magic. Malachite would have helped but if he were too who knows what he would destroy.

"Lets see what you all got!" Asta yelled and bit was attacking time. Asta and Leopold attacked malachite, they were then taken down malachite tries going after them. He bit his lip and looked he saw the other magic knights came to help in the end the sally girl took Asta away. Malachites eyes widen "ASTAAA"  malachite yelled out . "we have to..."

"That wont work we have to add more security" Klaus states. Malachite clenched his fits never in his life has he been this worried for someone. Asta was so important to him the only one VERY important to him.

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