chapter 7

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Asta very much seemed up and loud AF. Malachite grumbles in annoyance as he opened his eyes a bit as sat up from his bed and yawned slightly.

He then took his almost finished book and made his way to the dining hall where he met up with asta and the others. He yawned as he ate tiredly "hey malachite and noelle, how come you guys dont the cleaning stuff?" Asta asked with a small pout. "I have magic stuff to learn about and study aspa" malachite huffs " and im royalty" noelle sassed "thats less important then what my reason was" malachite points out.

"But your both new recroots too "i've never done cleaning or laundry ever in mg life why would I start now?" Noelle shrugged. "You two bragging about being lazy?" Asta exclaims, malachite hums for a moment but shook his head "no I dont think so" he states with a small shrugg then started to read again.

He just let both noelle and asta argue "also quick question what does a magic knight do?" Asta asked "ha!?" Magna raised a bro " you serious? We protect the country you idiot we keep people safe." Magna yelled holding astas collar.

Malachite deadpanned a bit as he heard them argue. "Jeez will someone tell him what being a knight means?" Magna huffs letting asta go. Vanesse tried explaining "well uh...we like citizens safety And that sort of thing" she states as she drank.

"And you can get to know some marvelous men" she smirked all the others gave weird answers. Malachite raised a brow as he got alot of things down in his head

'one likes too eat, 
One has a sister fetish
Ones a punk and loud
Ones battle obsessed
One likes to drink to much
One likes to flirt
One mumbles too much'

Malachite sighs as he ate his food. But suddenly sees more food on his plate he then thought up of his own little quirks

'Uh loves books, mm dont have a grimoire tho I guess thats just very unfortunate'

He jumped when yami broke through the door making everyone looks at him "magna we're going" yami huffs "yes yami sir" magna nods as he stood up "wa'shgowing on?" Asta asled with his mouth full of meat that Charmy had stuffed into his mouth.

"Theres a mission" magna states seriously as he walked to yami "let me go to" asta states. "No this mission is for men only" magna states as he starts walking.

It was supposedly a super serious mission but it just turned out to be a game of cards. Malachite had followed them and watched from afar, he covered his mouth and snorts a bit as he then made his way back to the hide out and went to look around and see where the others might be.

Malachite was only then informed to be brought to the living room to know what their first mission was gonna be. "Go to saucey village to go boar hunting" magna states "that mission sounds like the worst" noelle complained

"I can fight a boar with own two hands" Asta comments.


Malachite raised a brow as he puts his hands in his pockets amd tilted his head a bit raising a brow a bit "doesn't sound so hard though" malachite shruggs.

"IT IS HARD" magna yelled as he explained about the boars. "We lost to the major of saucey village" yami stated "what? That doesnt even sound possible how powerful was this man?" Noelle asked.

Malachite snorts slightly and cleared his throat abit "hes as powerful as a regular background guard with no doing of the story at all" malachite states confusing noelle , yami and Magna "so not that powerful at all" asta mumbles.

Malachite nods and crossed his arms "we lost at poker" yami states amd chuckles a bit "the old man stripped us off what we had" yami said. "Literally" malachite hums softly as he then looked into his book and continued to read.

They just state what the three had to do "you either do it or die" yami warned "we'll go, not that im Complaining anyways" malachite shruggs.

"Well either way this is gonna be our first mission" asta states happily "I still dont see why he would send" Noelle mumbles. Malachite raised a brow "judgeing how I dont have any control over my magic" noelle sighs

"baaaaaka" malachite huffs flicking the girls forehead. "Girls are so stupid, how will you get any better if your not even gonna try?" Malachite huffs shaking his head. "Heh i've told casta that any times before and look where that got him" malachite states as he glances over to asta who only grinned happily.

Noelle looked malachite and bit her lip for a moment "Hes right ya know plus I can just level the three of you rookies alone thats why im tagging along" Magna states. "Right" the blindfolded male rolled his covered eyes.

They were all ready to go and magna asked finral to take them there turns out they couldn't mainly for the reason that finral doesnt even know where saucey village is.  "Well that sucks" malachite mumbles after finral explained that he cant cus hes never been there and that he cant use his spacial magic to a place he hasn't been before.

"Guess we'll have to go by broom" magna mumbles. Malachite gulps slightly last time he tried using a broom it went all crazy and crumbled into dust. Asta only then raised his hand "um magna sir!"


"I cant use a broom" Asta states

"Um" noelle raised a hand

"Yeah what is it?" Magna mumbles

"What he said" Noelle pouts then they all turned to malachite who started to sweat bullets he only then made a crooked smile and looked away defeated scratching the back of his head chuckling nervously.

"Whaaaaaaat!? You three kidding me such a simple thing to do and you cant do it?" Magna yelled as he shook asta by the shoulders.

"I dont have any magic power remember?" asta smiled proudly "pfft dork" malachite mumbles chuckling a bit "why do you look so proud" magna grumbles "and since I cant control my magic power flying a brow will be difficult" Noelle states with a small huff. "Yeah...what she said" malachite mumbles.

"Ugh fiiiiiiine guess we'll hall have to fly together" magna mumbles "are you three ready to see my baby?" Magna smirks a bit.  "Baby?" Malachite raised a brow

They then made their way outside to see the ridiculous looking broom Magna had. "Introducing CRAZY CYCLONE"

"So cooool" asta exclaims as he looked at the broom "tacky" malachite crossed his arms amd chuckles a bit "try lame" Noelle huffs "are you blind? Dont you understand beauty when you see it?" Magna yelled.

Noelle only then said it was lame. They all then got on, malachite having to have asta on his lap. Malachite held onto something else and not asta cus he didn't want to make him feel weird "woo this is amazing magna we are one with the wind!" Asta yelled out happily "are you trying to die? Hang one" magna yelled. "Wooooooo hahaha!" Malachite exclaims

Asta nods as he then clung onto noelle but noelle turned pink and slapped asta making Asta fall. "Aaaaagghhh" Asta screamed, malachite only then grabbed pasta and held him tightly laughing "thanks....malachite" asta mumbles his soul leaving his body from fear.

They rode their way to saussy village not knowing the trouble that awaits them.

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