chapter 39

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Malachite watched the second match Magnas team won. That Karschi guy really freaked malachite out "eesh" malachite mumbles "oh my such BEAUTY like a fallen angel surrounded by vulgar ugly rats like these" he cried out sparkling as he kneeled down to malachite 'WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY?' malachite yelled in his head as leopold, Klaus and yuno all glared at the male who took malachites hand and kissed his hand.

Asta watched and frowns slightly "stop treating malachite like that its creepy" asta exclaims then stops for a moment "eh..." He thought for a moment why was he so worked up about malachite lately he was confused. His face turned warm and he tended to show more of himself off to impress malachite.

It was the next teams were up " GO FINRAL AND FIRE RUNT!" Malachite yelled out loudly. Leopold watched from afar and blushed as he smiled and blew a kiss which malachite dodged and almost falls over as he did but catches himself. Finral only smiled at malachite. Finral and malachite really did become good friends for sure, finral even gave malachite tips on how to flirt and dating spots that were perfect

Next teams were up
Malachite glance at langris having a bad feeling about him. Langris's team only won by a landslide that magic langris was using didnt sit right for him. Langris onlt smirked as he walked to finral and started to talk shit about finral. Malachite glared at him but finral stood up for himself and knew he wanted to win. Malachite smirked as he nods "we are cheering for you finral dont forget that" malachite smiled brightly wrapping and arm around finrals shoulder. Finral only smiled as they both fist bumped

  It was the next teams turn but one member was missing for one of the teams. Someone named X then instead the captain of the aqua deer appeared for it and all that.

Everyone were shocked when he appeared and the wizard dismissed the questions of others and let the captain join the whole tournament. A butler came out, out of no where, walter who gave asta and malachite tea for being rills friends. "Friends huh? Didnt think of us like that but since you state it i will be his friend" malachite smiled brightly.

Rill looked at malachite with sparkling eyes "aaaahh really!? A friend!" Rill jumped and latched onto Malachites yelps as he tries not to trip over. "H-hey! Hurry up you have a tournament to win" malachite huffs putting his hands on his waist to pull him away

"Right!" Rill smiled brightly as he ran to start "aww you made a friend almost instantly thats great" asta smiled looking at malachite. Malachite blushed and looked away and nods "I learned from the best" he whispers making asta smiled at malachite with a small blush on his face

Then the battle began and saw rills amazing power.

Malachite smiled as rill won then it was luck and klaus's turn "you can do it luck if you win I'll spar with you" malachite states making lucks eyes sparkle "wow really? this will be easy then!" Luck said in determination. "Knock them dead!" Asta exclaims "but refrain from killing anyone" malachite rolled his eyes then looked at Klaus who had been glancing at malachite every so often making. Malachite hum for a moment then goes to him "now you sort do your best or im breaking your glasses" malachite teased Klaus.

Klaus blushed and growled in annoyance "you will do no such thing! But I am willing to win if you all want me too!" Klaus exclaims.

Malachite smiled and nods "there ya go" malachite snickers then the battle began.

And just like that lucks team won it was cool making malachite pale "damn I have a sparing match" malachite mumbles and smiled softly chuckling a bit. Then it was the last was yuno's team but noelle and yuno didnt seem to be getting along well. "QUIT HITTING ASTA!" malachite yelled as he and noelle bickered with each other. Then the jerk that bullied Noelle came up " HEY THATS MY FRIEND YOUR TALKING TAKE YOUR STUPID NOBLE. OUT OF OUR FACE!" Malachite yelled asta only grabbed onto malachite. Noelle looked at malachite and smiled slightly at malachite seeing her as a friend at least but she huffs like she didnt care and flipped her hair.

"GO OUT THERE AND BEAT THEIR ASSEES" malachite yelled. He was hyped mainly for the reason of wanting that snotty noble to get his ass humiliated. Then the battle started and he watched the two and smiled 'they certainly are amazing and...strong' he thought for a moment and smiled. "Thats yuno for you" malachite smiled and chuckles "WOOOO!" he cried out loudly.

Noelle destroyed the crystal in one hit, malachite looked at noelle then glanced at as ta who looked at her like she was the most awesomest ever. Asta has said that to malachite every time it even seems to get old at times. Malachite scoffs why would he care if he says noelle is awesome, she was awesome and pretty

and a girl.

Malachite frowned but shook his head and smiled he had been having alot more of. Negative thoughts lately it was annoying

Malachite was excited for the next round then felt the king look at him and scoff "whats it with you?" Malachite asked raising a brow. The king irked a bit and glared at malachite "how dare you speak to me like that! Know your place boy!" He exclaims making others look "my place? Well im sitting on the floor so of course" malachite mumbles trying to be slick making the king grow mad "I listen to the wizard king hes more of a royal prodigy then you" malachite hums.


That statement pierced right through his head 'out of ...pity?' He thought for a moment then glanced at the others who frowned then looking at him with pity eyes. Malachite looked at them and their faces of suspicion and worry he hated those looks. They act like malachite was just a caged helpless dangerous animal, all expect asta. He knew malachite well

Malachite looked at asta like he was the only warm and bright flame in the world. Malachite only then heard the whispers


"I did hear that he has magic that shouldnt even exist in this world"

"Wow really? Thats vile"



Malachite stood there like a deer in headlights before he looked at the wizard king. "Look malachite dont-"

"I....i dont want to hear if from any of you filthy nobles" malachite states through gritted teeth. He was definitely angry and sad now someone who was willing to teach malachite and help him ..was all out of pity? He wouldnt stand for that not again. Malachite's mana only seethed out again as he then "malachite wait its not true" julius states. Malachite only backed away and started running away.

"MALACHITE" the people who cared about malachite called out in worry. "Leave that devil be we have a tournament to finish" the king huffs. Asta was incredibly angry at the king, calling his best friend a devil like that he couldn't stand for it at all. "You finish the tournament we'll come back with him dont worry" vanessa reassured


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