chapter 19

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Malachite was being healed but not from top notch medicals. He was let out earlier then Leopold and fuegoleon, he stood outside with the other waiting knights. Malachite crossed his arms as his thoughts were all he can hear, he was just trying to find a way to find Asta.

His head only perks up to see the wizard king had appeared either asta in his arm "hello everyone" Julius smiled. He then puts asta down "hi...the gangs all together again" asta mumbles. Malachite went to Asta and hugged him "asta" he sighed softly Astas eyed widen slightly but smiled "you missed me that much?" Asta asked "you idiot of course I did!" Malachite yelled then yelps as he was pushed aside anf Klaus came in asking of asta was okay and etc

Malachite groans and looks at Klaus with a small pout. Mimosa pushed the both of them aside to hug asta

Nero only then started pecking astas forehead. They listened to what might have happened and the possible threat that would come to them. Malachite glanced at nozel who walked away with the bratty twins. "Hm they finally got a taste of failure how bittersweet malachite states

"Im going to be the strongest one of all" a voice came and it was leopold "we must grow stronger together, and I will take a personal oath to become the wizard king too" leopold states "most of that flew over my head but yeah" Asta smiled. Malachite looked at the two and hummed softly "oh wild flooweeer your gonna watch me become strong arent you?" Leopold sighed with a small blush.

Malachite deadpanned then thought for a moment "who are you again?" He asked "huuuh!?" Leopold cried out Asta aits that he didnt know Leopold that much either and they argued.

Later on

The little girl noelle, malachite and asta had saved had given them cupcakes which didnt look half as bad. "Hmm I dont trust things that were made by a noble" malachite states stubbornly "but they dont look half as bad" asta said either a small shrug then Charmy appeared "you know those are ours right?" asta mumbles "oh come on i dont mind sharing" Charmy giggled as she gave them a cupcake. Malachite grumbles a bit then sighed as he took a bite but smiled bright "oh wow this is actually good" he states with stars where his eyes would be if they were visible to anyone else.

Asta laughs slightly at Malachite's sudden change of additude. "So how arr you here?" Noelle asked charmy "oh simple" she states as she turns herself into a small puff of clouds and hid in asta's hood. They then noticed the families golden dawn knights walking "heeey" Asta called out smiling

They took notice and they talked till yuno launched a big spell at them. Malachite's eyes widen as asta cut the spell on time, "hahahaha! Again again!" He exclaims smiling happily. "I might have over done it" yuno mumbles.

Malachite looked at asta and blushed softly his determined face was always cute. Malachite only furrowed his brow and puts a hand on his chest a bit he was curious of what the sudden small feeling was. He only shrugged a bit 'eh must be tired or something'  he hummed

Back at the black bulls hideout

Noelle, asta and malachite were back Asta explained about the ceremony then the rank he was now in "junior knight third class" Asta exclaims happily. Malachite chuckles abit "what is that?" Magna asked raising a brow "you idiots, theres a knight ranking systems judging by how you guys never moved up the ranks you are in fifth class. " yami got up and explained then looked over to malachite "malachite over there is junior knight second class for his preformance of bravery or something" yami explain 'the old man must really care about the kid huh?...that or malachite did earn that spot himself either way cant help but feel proud too' yami states either a small chuckle.

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