chapter 56

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Malachite looked at the kids as he looked at Asta and yuno in front of the class teaching. Malachite's eyes widen when asta took off his shirt to hype the kids up. He only yelled and ran out of the classroom with all the boys and older girls while yuno, noelle, nero and malachite stayed inside and sister lily asked them to play with them.

"Nope im out" malachite states as he walked out of the room to exercise with Asta.

It was the end of the day and malachite inspired many children. Being one who had no grimoire when entering the magic knights. It took persistence and practice.

Malachite hummed softly as he walked around the village then glanced over to those that used to glare at him. They looked at him with content and not hatred at least. He waved slightly, the villagers had heard of the things malachite had accomplish and his devil identity it was no secret after all. The title of

The devil of the clover kingdom
Had just stuck onto Malachite.

Malachite sighed softly as he sat in his old little forest hut and looked at all the marks he had carved on the walls then looked over to the spot he and asta used to talk for hours in. Then the spot where he used to study so much to learn spells. He walked out and looked at the tree opening he had made and smiled. "I knew I would find you here" malachite heard a voice then looked over and smiled softly seeing Asta "hey" he mumbles

"Hey" asta mumbles back awkwardly, asta went to malachite and sat down next to him and malachite sat down himself "so...your a prince huh?" Asta mumbles and malachite huffs "hey you still processing that?" Malachite sighed looking at that. "Arent you?" Asta pouts, malachite stayed silent for a moment then grumbles abit and nods "yeah" he said.

Asta frowns at the tired look malachite gave then pulled him into his test. "Welp we got time so tell me aaaall about your worries" Asta grins mentally panicking asking himself what he was doing 'dammit I thought I felt this with sister lily only!....but now that I look at him....he just shows me more and more how amazing and handsome he is' asta blushed.
"If you...want" Asta said UN sure of his offer. "Hehehe idiot" malachite shook his head looking at him "I'll tell you what I think then" he said getting more comfortable. And told him about his worries, his thoughts of the matter almost everything. Asta only listened being an idiot trying to listen even closer till his head was steaming "told ya you couldn't handle it" malachite teased. asta pouts looking at him but blushed slightly looking away, malachite looked at his face for a moment till they looked into each others eyes.

Malachite admiring astas bright green eyes and asta to malachites bright and red orbs. They only felt each other grow closer, their lips were just about to touche before

"Asta! Malachite! Come on its timw for dinner!" Noelles voice rang making the two jump and hit their foreheads. "O w ow ow Ooooowww " malachite held his forehead that was now red as he rolled around "DAMMIT ASTA you and your stupid rock like forehead!" Malachite whined "HAAAAA!?" asta cried out.

They were both red as they quietly went back to the church

Next day
Asta was fired up that morning as most were in the lounge. Malachite reading his books again since he was in the right mind set to do so. Till they heard bangs on the door "alright quit the banging on the door!" Magna yelled out but yelps when the door blew open "oh its mereleona" malachite points out as he read his book then grunts as he felt his head be grabbed "wait wait wait! I dont wanna gooo" malachite cried out but was being dragged with luck, charmy, gordon, magna, asta, and Noelle.

Next thing they knew it they were back at the volcano training grounds "boy do I NOT miss it here" malachite mumbles. Charmy, gordon, magna, and luck were confused so asta explained "fine seeing you guys here" Leopold laughed then looked over to malachite.

"Oh sweet wild flower its been awfully so long since ive seen your gorgeous face" Leopold cried out japing towards malachite. Arms out with a Missy face but malachite moved to a side and let leopold land pass him. Asta looked at Leopold and couldn't help but frown he didnt like the look on leopolds face and the fact that he tried to kiss malachite made him a tad bit jealous making him confused about it at the same time.

Malachite looked over to Fuegoleon and nods as a greeting "good to see you again prince malachite" he said "oh come on not you too its malachite remebered?" Malachite pouts "righr" Fuegoleon nods.

Leopold huffs as he greeted Asta and bragged at each other low key glancing at malachite to see which one he was more impressed about but malachite was distracted with the others.

Asta was ready but "there will be no climbing this time this time im going to have all of you venture below" mereleona states "to the underground cave"

Malachite looked down then turned "im out" he said simply but was grabbed by the head by Mereleona. "Not so fast, you are training weather you like it or not" she huffs. She explains the brutal training scaring all the others "someone explain what mana skin is" magna called out. "Mana skin is a defensive technique it protects you from harsh climates like these not to mention enhances your human characteristics" malachite states as he had his already on.

Malachite gulps slightly then sighed "I will be at the end of the race first and prove im powerful for my lovely brute of a betrothed" leopold sighed. Malachite only rolled his eyes as the others sweatdropped "well yeah? I will work extra hard to beat you" asta yelled out with a small huff. Malachite looked at asta and smiled as he looked away and blushed and the others can already see the tension.

Mereleona looked at them and felt satisfied with all their progress. And they all ran down

Malachite huffs as she convinced Gordon and charmy. Malachite looked down "you nervous?" Mereleona asked and malachite nods but then "FOOLISH YOU JUST NOW GAIN A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF POWER AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO WASTE IT OUT NOW! " Mereleona yelled making malachite flinch he only screamed when Mereleona kicked him in.

Malachite huffs and ran into the place his Mana skin protecting him far enough. He looked around amd hissed "craps im alone" he mumbles as he then heard a cackle making him flinch and turn around quickly. He only saw the devil and him fusion creature making him tremble slightly the loud rumbles of the lava was no joke.

He only started running in panicked he was afraid. "Not now" he mumbles and yelps as something hit him.

The others were fighting spiders

Malachite pants as he yelps as he saw a spider himself as he attacked.

He had gained some burns when he arrived with the others and got a scolding when he was late. He only sighed as he sat down in the bath, he could feel asta and Leopold staring at him making him blush and sink all the way down the water and hold himself a bit. The visions of that devil thing had gotten worse he could even see himself being pulled in half.

He only opened his eyes seeing Asta looking at him in worry. Malachite's eyes widen as he covered himself and was gonna scream but he was underwater so. Asta blushed heavily and looked down he ended up seeing Malachites....everything making him yelp and have a nosebleed underwater and pass out. Malachite covered his face as he looked up seeing Asta floating at the top.

"How embarrassing"

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