chapter 36

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Malachite watched as the king sprouted out his non sense then states of the new group know as the royal knights. Malachite raised a brow and hummed softly "in a weeks time all magic knights will have a teat and those who win the test will be able to join in as royal knights.

"Whys the king picking people?" Asta asked out "yeah king julius usually deals with this kind of stuff" malachite added flipping his hair slightly just WANTING to annoy the shit out of the king. "He knows about the kingdom more and plus people like him more" asta states doing all the annoying for malachite making malachite sigh in admiration. "He gets me" malachite said with a smirk and chuckle.

The king definitely was hearing Aaaaall what asta was saying and malachite added some too. "So he has this super awesome magic power but hes never used it for his people? I dont know maybe its cus i dont have any magic power so tell me if im missing the point here from where im standing it kinda looks like the king is totally pointless and dumb" asta says out loyd making malachite snort "asta shut up and read the room, if you have those comments keep them to yourself" yuno states "oh come on Yuno I wanna see how far asta can go in roasting the king" malachite whispered and covered his mouth slightly to keep himself from laughing.

"If he really wants to be a good king he should get off his ass and do some work for a change" malachite dared to say. All the other captains couldnt help but thank the young male to say what all of them have been thinking for the years they've been captain.

"AAAAGH OFF WITH THEIR HEADS I WANT THEM EXECUTED HERE RIGHT NOW" the king exclaims angrily the crowd whispers as to why. Malachite crossed his arms "kill them KILL THEEEM"

"Excuse me your highness im sorry for their disrespect but for my sake I must state that you find it in your heart in this transgretion, after all one of them may become your shield one day" the wizard king said like a true king. Malachite smiled, he thought of the wizard king as a dad figure now, after all the training hes been getting by him,

he helped with control
Limit what comes out of him as much as possible
Yami helped with offense tactics and even thought him some ki
The witch queen with defense
How to improve his chaos magic

They l were pretty much family to Malachite his senseis

Malachite smiled

In the end Asta and malachite both had to apologize and all that. Malachite didnt want to really become a royal knight. He just wanted to be a magic knight he had gotten this far why would he want to go further? .
They continued to walk then stopped when they stumbled upon the captain of the crimson lions

(A/N: Hawt mama Hehehehe shes so....beautifuuul)

The woman yelled at all of them with pride and anger. "Wonder what kind of training she will put them in" asta mumbles with sparkling eyes "wow shes so cool " malachite smiled and put his hands on the back of his head as he watched "now to the hot springs training area" mereoleona states confusing her squad. "Wow that sounds like the funnest training camp in the world" asta exclaims "sound very relaxing" malachite sighed a bit he had always wanted to hot to a hot spring dispite him not wanting to be seen naked by anyone maybe asta but....he didnt want to think asta would say ew if he loomed at his body or just seem not interested in it.

"I heard that" mereoleona states as she grabbed astas tail "you two are coming with us kid" she stated with a huff "hows that work!? We are on different squads" asta started to rant. Malachite rolled his eyes and snickers "hey asta! You coming with us so you can become my official rival?" Leopold pops out happily then saw malachite.

"Oh my sweet wild flower we meet again i was just dying to see you" Leopold exclaims with heart eyes for the male. "Hello again red runt" malachite mumbles "oh ho you and your adorable nicknames I wish to hear them for the rest of my life so marry me!" Leopold exclaims kneeling in front of Malachite making malachite a bit embarrassed someone kneeling for him made him feel a certain type of way like he was boss and in charge or make him feel important.

Malachite crossed gis arms again and loomed away "not happening" malachite states "I wont give up my precious rose" Leopold sighed.

Mereoleona looked at malachite she had heard about the boy from the wizard king and his training with the queen of witches as well as yami. Mereleona was intrigued by the blindfold, it was a simple design but it was a magic item neither the less. Yuno watched from afar and felt VERY jealous seeing Leopold rubbed himself again malachite as he held him close. Malachite groans slightly as he felt asta take his wrist and brought him out of leopolds arms. Malachite blushed a bit as he trips but land into astas chest "you okay?" Asta asked.

"U-uh..." Malachite looked at him and blushed brightly as he stood up straight and dustes himself off calmly "im perfectly fine thank you" he mumbles but was giggling like a school girl in his head, heart beating just as loudly as gis squealing mind. "Im out im not part of this" yuno tries leaving but mereleona's Mana fire paws reached out amd grabbed yuno's head too. "All three of you.

"Once my sister sings her claws into you its over so just accept it" Leopold states "shes the undefeated lioness mereoleona vermillion "

"And im calling you three rookies 1 and 2 and student 3" mereleona states "now lets go see what you can do."

Mereleona dragged all three of them to where the captains usually hang out in "HAHAHAHA looks like she go ahold of you kids how did you guys get like that anyways" yami asked "ah thats a long story" asta states "your coming too" Mereleona glared grabbing yamis head as well the captain charolette then Noelle "where are we going again?" Noelle asked "hot springs I guess" asta states. Noelle thought for a moment and turned completely red and slapped asta "PERVERT" noelle cried out.

Leopold thought for a springs....malachite he placed those two together and if made him blush too as he tried to get closer to Malachite making kissy faces trying to reach to him "oh I cant just wait to see my sweet roses beautiful body" Leopold blushed. Malachite paled "get away from meee!!" Malachite exclaims pushing leopolds face away. Mereleona rolled her eyes and bonked the two's head together making them yelp and groan "foolish brother if you want to make him your bride you will have to be the best of the best first" Mereleona scoffs. Malachite deadpanned "dont help him get any ideas" malachite mumbles.

Mereleona only huffs as she drags them away. They then arrived to a strong magic region "yultim volcano trail"

Malachite and the rest of the groups deadpanned at the sight of the place

"we are die"

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