chapter 2

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6 months of hard work
Asta had told malachite about his newly found grimoire the day after he had actually got it. Malachite was impressive and abit curious as to why the book had 5 leaves.

Neather the less they both trained, malachite being that maybe he can be strong enough without a grimoire. Every other grimoire hes gotten would turn black and disappear on him And maybe this'll be a change in things inner strength wise.

Malachite focused on the spell he thought of and that would be. Hells gate it was something at least, he focused on alot. Without that grimoire he was goingbto have to build up what he could and make an image of the spell he was actually going to make.

The night before they were off to the enterance exam asta invited malachite to his home. "Well hello there your astas friend? Bery niceto meet you im sister lily" the sweet nun smiled. "Heya im malachite" malachite greets shaking her hand then looked at the kinds "awa how cute" he mumbles

"Woah he can see us?" One shouts "this that blindfold on your eyes?" Another spoke "uh its complicated i dont understand it myself" malachite said nervously and scratched the back of his head.

He only then met the father and was happy to be welcomed with open arms. "See this is the friend i said that believes in me and doesn't have a grimoire but can do things just fine" asta states with a bright grin. Malachite rolled his eyes and smiled "yea i guess im that cool" he chuckles

"Pop Potatoes for EVERYONE " the father cries out happily and everyone cheered as sister lily listed why they are having for the feast alot of pop-potatoes stuff but they were all okay.

The father embarrassed asta a couple of times "well if anything i believe in casta, hes the protagonist of this show" malachite states confusing everyone else but asta understood cus they were really good friends "its asta" asta sighs. (For now huehuehue -w-)

"I will become the wizard king and then i'll come back for sister lily!" Asta yelled before being smacked into the wall but a huge water fist. Malachite whistled slightly and raised a brow and snickers abit and shook his head.

Next morning

It was bright and esrly and the three males were already up andwith their stuff ready to go. They bid their farewells "if by some miracle you actually enter the magic knights i'll start believing that dreams can come true and i'll try myself " nash states.

Malachite hums softly as he waited having his back with him and all and sooner or later they were off to the Capitol a long and hard journey.

"Your ready casta" malachite looked down at the shortie. Asta looked at malachite "its asta and YEAH!" He states.

After a while of walking "lets get a move on now times wasting" asta said running "yes" yuno called out then glanced towards malachite who had his head hanging down as they walked. Yuno felt abit weird being around him but he just brushed it off as nothing.

Asta was day dreaming about becoming wizard king, swooping off to hage and taking sister lily off her feet and riding to the sunset on a horse looking broom. "Do you even know how to ride a broom?" Yuno asked "yeah sure i can make it work" asta smiled.

"I can fly a broom cus it always just disappeared in my hands but when i have my gloves on its okay enough but can control the amount of magic pouring out of me it makes the broom go BABABABA " malachite states and sighs softly "maybe one of steel would work better" he hums.

Asta chuckles and nods as he crossed his arms "hm hm now lets go!" Asta ran. Yuno and asta both raced each other but got tired and malachite just catches up to him abit after.

They went through rain, mountain sides, deserts (how) , forests, and plains

Long hard journey it was

Till they arived and close "wow" malachite nods "finally the capital...thats where the wizard king is" asta mumbles and smiled happily as he ran for it.

Malachite chuckles as he then follows quickly almost tripping over but asta held his arm so he can keep up. "Heh"

They only then finally arrived into the marketing place "wow so many people" malachite said. It was amazing seeing people use all kinds of spells to sell their merch or food.

"So coool" asta exclaims "im suddely hungry" malachite mumbles with a small pout and sighs softly. "Hey look check out all these swords and stuff" asta said pointing towards a stand but saw the price and gasped in shock. "This place is a fall cry from the village huh?" Yuno mumbles.

"Pretty much i've never seen houses this big" malachite states looking at the houses then turns to asta who was looking at the castle now "do you think thats where the wizard king lives?" Asta asked looking at the pace in awe.

"Yeah maybe even the countrys king" yuno said "pretty neat, perfect for when i become wizard king" asta smirks. "My castle you mean" yuno states at asta

Malachite rolled his eyes "ugh you two like a kitty and a doggy" he snickers. They onyl continued to walk looking for the exams.

"Where do you think the place is" asta hums. Malachite was eating an apple he managed to pay for and hums softly "uh...pasta what are you eating?" Malachite asked "its asta and oh these? Smoked violet snacks i managed to buy" asta smiled "wants some you two?" He asked.

"Ew icky no thanks" malachite covered his nose "i'll pass" yuno states they only then mare their way into the crowd of participants. Malachite hums softly as he listened to all the cheers not for him he assumed thats for sure.

They walked in line till malachite realized something

"Wait how am i going to get in without a grimoire?"

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