chapter 4

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"You will break into pairs and fight each other!" Fuegoleon

Malachite crossed his arms and raised a brow for a moment and sighs abit not really wanting to pick or anything of thsy sort.

Asta and sekke were first to battle sekke made a barried around himself and got all cocky everyone were placing their bets on sekke already . Malachite smirks slightly and looked at asta knowing his tricks already since hes trained with him before.

Asta tore through thay magic barrier in an instant knocking sekke out. "Wooo! Go pasta!" Malachite calls out cheering for asta. Many were shocked even the captains were surprised too at his speed.

"Thats right im going to be the wizard king" asta yelled out. Malachite tched at all the mocks then sighs abit till someone tapped on his shoulder, malachite looked over to see a noble looking female there "you and i fight rkght here " she huffs smirking feeling full of herself.

'This grimoire less freak shouldn't even trybto become a magic knight with my feminine  shield rights hes definitely not going to defeat me'

She flips her hair making malachite's eyebrow twitch 'ugh women' he sighs "whatever" malachite shruggs accenting the challenge.

"A noble vs a commor how odd" some spoke

"That guy has no chance"

"He should give up already he doesn't have a grimoire so how will he ever pass"

Malachite walked to the center and picked at his ear with his pinky and yawned slightly. He glanced over to asta cheering him on really loudly, malachite chuckles and gave a thumbs up towards asta.

He then turns to the girl "hm"


The girl waisted no time and used her vine magic to trap malachite and all that. She smirked as she had picked him off the ground and threw him into it. "Vine magic: vine catch!"

Malachite stayed quite as he heard shocks and people saying they were right. Malachite smirks abit as he then started to vibrate and burn the vines off him  "lava magic: hell jailbreak

Malachite lands ont eh ground and avoided the vines the girl threw. He then let her pick up even more dust

"Incredible he heated himself up to burn the vines and escape" fuegoleon mumbles interest in the male and his lana magic. "Whats happening now?.i cant see with all this dust" yami mumbles raising a brow.

The dust cleared and malachite was gone.

"Where did he go?"

Many questioned

The girl looked around quickly till she felt a hand on her nape that made her kneel to the ground. Malachite held his fist up just ready to punch the girl unconscious. "You wouldn't " the girl hissed

"He wouldn't" some said

"He wouldn't" Charlotte mumbles raising a brow

"He would" asta states and smiled with sparkling eyes.

Malachite smirked and punched the girl unconscious he didn't give two shits if she was a female.

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