chapter 11

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Malachite whined as he hung his head and walked through the place then saw his three companions and saw that weird mean guy from the the entrance exam. Malachite grumbles and cracked his knuckles "hey asta is this guy giving you trouble again?" Malachite grumbles. Seke jumps and trembles nervously

"Oh! Hey malachite and no! He was just telling me about his own life in the pray mantises" asta states simply and grinned. "Oh okay?" Seke sighed in relief, Malachite smiled then gave the dude a warning look making seke stiffen up again.

They talked for a while then they saw the old lady malachite had met get their gambling earnings. And heard her cry out "dont worry old hag we can get your money back" malachite yelled he wasnt fast enough to catch up to pasta so he had to think fast enough then headed up his feet and slide his way out the black market he made a trail of lava that got cold and hard quickly the farther away malachite was from it.

It was his first time doing it and it almost slipped a couple of times cus it felt like he was on ice.

Malachite left the old lady in shock "how did he do that without a grimoire!?" She asked. "Oh the Connor doesnt have one makes me question how he got into the entrance exams without one." Noelle comments "but thats impossible! Everyone should have a grimoire " the lady states.

"Well the impossible became possible cus of him so" Vanessa smiled and shrugs.

Malachite listened for a moment as he slide. Malachite only then cut the theifs path and huffs a bit and grabbed onto him. "Hey let go!" The their growled and struggled "give the old hag her money you theif" malachite grunts then saw they were going up making him yelp.

Malachite held the gut still till asta through sword and cut the cloud magic in half making them both fall. "Aaghh" malachite and the guy screamed malachite tried to avoid the knife the theif had as they both land and malachite ended up letting go on accident "shit!" He groans and asta helped him up.

Seke went ahead and went after the dude before being stabbed by a magic knife anf over reacted. "Hang in there stay strong" Asta cried our, malachite jumped onto the theif so he wouldn't leave and observed the knife they had in their hands.

"Doesnt look all that dangerous" malachite mumbles but watched the seen in amusement. 'Hmm should I tell them about the knife?' He thought in his head and watched then snorts 'nah this is too hilarious. To stop' he laughed in his head.

Vanessa and Noelle caught up and Vanessa just gave him some ointment "why didn't ya tell him about the knife you should have know about it somehow" Noelle comments. "I know but it was just funny to watch" malachite laugher making everyone deadpanned. Seke only left with the theif at hand "later ha ha!" Asta waved

They all then went back to the granny and gabe back her money "you better not lose it again you old hag! Thats my money you won for in there" malachite exclaims. The lady chuckles "thank you very much" she said

All four then left the lady again

'A sword that nullifies spells and a boy with no grimoire at all but can still think up the magic spell just as quick as a spell appears in a mates grimoire' the woman watched as they left. The old lady's form changed and turned into Julius the 28th wizard king.

"The small and fragile baby has grown into quiet the strong young man from the looks of things" Julius states and looked at malachite till he disappeared around the corner.

Later at the hideout

Malachite was on the couch relaxed as he listened to what Asta was complaining about. He read his book and looked over to asta and chuckles "yeah! Lets catch up to them!" He exclaims with a small chuckle and looked at asta giving him a wink and thumbs up.

Asta looked at malachite and smiled and nods even more determined now, sice his friend believed in him

Days later

Malachite was in the living room with all the rest of the black bulls trying to read at least. Before luck snatched his book "come on fight with me! Your new and i wanna see how a person without a grimoire fights" luck smiled.

"Noooo im busy reading!" Malachite exclaims as he ran after luck "and if we were to fight then it would have to be one on one without magic" malachite huffs as he managed to grab his book back. "Aaaw" luck whined

Malachite watched pasta do push ups whine magna was on him. Then at noelle who was trying to name the bird. "How bout silvante schnauzer?" Noelle mumbles

"Maybe "whine" yeah it fits him perfectly" a drunk vanessa smiled

"This is my angelic sister marie you may use one syllable from her name so you will he "ma" " gauche states

"How bout Magnaum fire!"

Malachite sighs as the others decided to fight over how they were gonna name the bird and asta wanted to call it "Birdy boy"

Luck and malachite were the two to think up a name and it was "nero" even the bird seemed to like it cus flew on malachites head. Them the captain came in

He was there to tell the group about the new dungeon that popped out asta was excited but didn't know what it was. Some were about to explain before Asta stopped them "wait wait wait let malachite explain it" asta states.

"Why?" Noelle asked "cus hes smart and he explains it simple enough for me to understand" asta states then turns to malachite. Malachite blushed slightly in embarrassment and looked at astas hopeful eyes and chuckles slightly "your an idiot" he snorts
"I know" asta shrugs.

Malachite sighs then explained what a dungeon was for asta "a magical place that holds treasure and other magic items and its full of magic booby traps" malachite explained then snickers "hehe he I said booby"

The others sweatdropped but appreciated that they didn't have to explain it.

Yami only then explained that the wizard king wanted asta and malachite to go then yami chose noelle and luck to got "good luck guys" Vanessa smiled

All four went in with finral leading them and Charmy just there "we're here the sunset looks lovely from this hill I highly recommend this spot for date nights, by the way" finral winks.

Malachite deadpanned and nods "noted" he mumbles as the two others left the four there. "It does look pretty" malachite mumbles "well lets go..this way" luck smiled as they walked then found the entrance to the dungeon.

Malachite looked at it amd instantly felt like the magic there really didn't want him near the place.


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