chapter 1

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"Hmm hmm" a young man hums softly as he played around with some sticks on the grown in the forest was just sittin there at the time he always sat then then heard a familiar voice.

"Hmm?" The male tilts his head then skips his way to see where the voice was and smiled when he saw his close friend for a while now, a short, loud but handsome young man "hey asta-boy!" The male exclaims as he pops out of a bush startling the male who was training.

"Heh? Oh! Hey malachite whats up?" Asta smiled turning to the male that was abit older then him. Asta was 15 and malachite was 17 "oh nothing, you look yummy then usual casta and i think mr jingles doesn't like miss poppy anymore cus of what she said but i wanna help him" malachite states. Nonsense right? Well thats his funny way to want to help a person out without being so embarrassed and red

"Yeah and its asta.." asta smiled and rolled his eyes abit ".....its yuno again....i know i dont have magic...but maybe when i get my grimore that'll change and i'll become the WIZARD KING JUST WAIT AND SEE!" Asta states. Malachite looked at the sticks he held in his hands and smiled as he made a small crown for "mr jingles"

"Yeah!" Malachite states they were closest of friend. "And now for some MAGIC ENHANCING BOGRO JUICE!" Asta yelled "ooo! Let the cat and dog play!" Malachite yelled out excited making asta chuckle and nods "i could use a training partner"

It was March now and many had gathered around the local grimoire tower for all who have turned 15 to get their grimoires.

Malachite is the only one who hadn't received a grimoire and he did mind at all but he didn't exactly like the judging looks he gets. But he didn't care and was actually excited and even hopeful that maybe he'll gt a grimoire.

He skipped to the tower humming softly as he entered the place there were many looks and whispers about malachite. But malachite like himself just ignored "hi castaaaa" malachite called out. "Hey malachite! Also its asta" Asta called back

Malachite smiled "you look hot and mighty today huh? Excited?" He asked tilting his head then turns to yuno "oh! Oh oh oh are you asta's friend...uh juno?....luno?" Malachite tries to figure it out. "Yuno" asta whispers "oh! Thats right" malachite snorts slightly and snickered abit.

"Look at what the cat dragged in, could they be any shabbier?We shouldn't even be giving grimoires to anyone that comes waltzing in from the streets" one scoffs

" makes me sick to my stomach" another chuckles mockingly. "You dont think patheic creatures would be foolish enough to attempt the magic knights enterance exam in six months do you?" One states.

Malachite listened "magic knights enterance exam? Is that fun?" He asked tilting his head abit. "Of course you wouldn't know, you pathetic excuse for a person 17 and still dont have a grimoire" the blondie laughed.

Malachite frowned abit then crossed his arms "w-well i can go on without a grimoire you'll see! Im just here to support this hottie of a guy, casta!" Malachite states with a huff. "Its asta and YEAH!" Asta states encouraging malachite.

"Yeah right" the male scoffs "have you heard the shrimpy one has no magic at all and we all know the grimoire failure.

"Welcome to grimoire tower, acceptees on this momentous day you will take your first steps down a new path i wish you integrity, hope and love" the owner of the tower flew down "for thise who dont know i am the master of this grimoire tower. Now never once has anyone from this region distinguished him or herself by becoming a magic knight much less the wizard king i prey that one amoung you will havewhat it takes to become the most powerful mage in the land, SERIOUSLY I MEAN IT" the old man yelled.

The place was still very quiet "ahem, and now to accept your grimoires"

Then like every other year grimoires floated out of the shelves and towards their hosts. Malachite watched all the other complain or compete with who's grimoire is best and all thay. Malachite saw a book float in front of him he took a hold of it but sees that it slowly turns black and decays in his hands.

People watched in shock at what had happened to the grimoire. "Oops ...uh i think i broke it again" malachite pouts softly another grimoire he had destroyed with his own hands.

"Hm six months from now we'll be taking the prodigious magic knights enterance exam " one noble states. "And we'll pass it too just wait" the other states with a smirk

"Yes very good i have high hopes for you all" the master of the tower stated. "H-hey uh...." many turned their way to asta "is mine running late or something?" Asta said looking up his hands wide open for his grimoire but nothing came.

Malachite looked over to asta and pouts abit seeing asta didn't get one but he frowned even more seeing that people started laughing at him. "Uh try again next year?" The master states "WHAAAA!?" Asta cried out.

Which just made the people roar with laughter. Asta stayed frozen and what not next thing anyone knew yunos grimoire glowed brightly. Malachite groans as he covered his eyes not liking the bright light it was giving off and grumbles abit.

Yuno turned to the crowd "i will become the next wizard king" yuno states. Malachite raised a brow and shook his head but then turns to asta who looked abit defeated everyone cheered and praised yuno.

Asta stood up from his position "yuno....i'll catch up to you, get strong. I am your rival" asta yelled turning to yuno. But people just laughed at him, "his rival seriously?" One said, yuno looked at the crowd then turned away and walked pass asta "no" he states.

Asta looked down with a frown, malachite whined abit as he went to asta and puts a hand on his shoulder and pats his head "i have hope" he said "lets go" he said and took astas hand and skipped along.

They sat on a tree branch "all this time i thought if i got a grimoire maybe things will change but now not to get a grimoire" asta mumbles

"Hey! You cant let people take the gremlin down rasta" malachite huffs slapping him. "Ack! Okay and its asta" asta sighs softly shaking his head and jumped onto the branch next to malachite "No im not DONE I WILL BECOME THE WIZARD KING NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES I WILL, AND SHOW JUST ANYONE CAN BECOME IMPORTANT" asta said proudly.

Malachite giggled and nods "yeah!" He exclaims as he swung around speaking nonsense then stops. "Imma go home now asta see ya later for practice" malachite gave a thumbs up.

Asta nods as he made his way back to his home.

Malachite swung around then sat down and looked up at the sky with a smile on his face "i will bet alot that asta will become something super duper great" he says confidently.

"This will be a fun game" he claps his hands

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