chapter 21

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They then all went to the restaurant rebecca worked and enjoyed the food there "slow down with the food there your gonna get yourself sick" malac hite huffs wiping astas messy mouth. He blushed as he looked at Astas lips and sighs a bit as he turned away then listened to Rebecca siblings teasing her about marrying Asta and her making a move.

Malachite looked down and frowned softy "hey you okay?" Asta asked tilting his head "uh no im.fine dont worry asta" malachite smiled then saw the water of everyone drinks rise up then sprinkle everywhere 'please dont tell me shes here too'  he thought then already spotted her making him frown and look at his food.

He only sighed softly as they then all went to bed. Asta slept on one side of the bed then malachite slept on the other and slept peacefully and to a corner unlike asta.

Asta had kicked malachite off the bed making him groan and sit up "dammit asta" he grumbles softly as he moved to a side and just slept their till he heard someone come in. He opened his eyes then saw gauche "hey!" He whispers gauche was really about to kill Asta it would seem so malachite tackled him before the beam could even hit Asta. It hit the tip of astas hair and nose waking him up immediately after scream. "Stupid jealous sister fetish shit!" malachite struggled with gauche a bit till he was punched off "oooow" malachite whined holding his nose.

"I will never allow you to marry Mari and theres only one way to keep it thay way" gauche states as he launched another beam but asta cut it with his sword. "Dude! Your sisters like 8! Shes too young for asta" malachite exclaims. Gauche only kept going and Asta tried his best to cut the spell beams until asta was thrown out the place. "A-" malachite stopped for a moment and looked around, he got his robe them jumped out the hole.

"Where the hell did this snow come from?" Malachite mumbles. Then Rebecca came out "what are you two doing?" Rebecca huffs "uh something came up with gauche" asta explained. "Never mind that the children are gone" Rebecca said in worry "what?" Asta mumbles.

They then all saw many parents come out looking for their children. Gauche only still attacked pasta "this is so not the time!" Asta cried out. "Can someone tell me whats up with this village? Why is it snowing at this time of year?" Noelle popped out. Malachite snickers a bit seeing he was very right, "eh? What are you doing here noelle?" Asta asked.

"U-uh checking out the sights that sort of thing" noelle states nervously which malachite noticed quickly. "Asta who is this?" Rebecca asked "oh this is a friend of mine from the black bulls noelle, Noelle this is my friend Rebecca" asta introduced.

'Oooooh Asta your so dense and an idiot its adorable' malachite sighed softly with a small smile as he said that. The two girls looked at each other with a weird not pleased look. 'Girls' malachite rolled his eyes and shook his head with a small scoff.

"Whats wrong?" Asta asked "nothing" noelle mumbles "so listen, a while back i saw a bunch of kids head towards the mountains whats that about?" Noelle asked. "Some sort of festival or something?" She asked "that definitely isnt normal" malachite mumbles then held out his hand and looked at the snow that didn't melt in his glove "hmm"

"The kids" Rebecca frowns in worry "i have a festival of blood planned" gauche mumbles. Malachite held asta and narrows his eyes at him, asta hiding in his arms too "watch it" malachite glared. The girls noticed how malachite held asta with such care 'he couldnt...could he?' Noelle thought in her head then remembers they are childhood friends



"Thats enough gauche" the old sister from earlier came "the hag" gauche mumbles "sister granny" asta mumbles "this know isnt natural a controlling magic...but only children who have not yet have their magic...some of ours disappeared too" the sister states "Mari better not be one of them" gauche glared "unfortunately she was"

Gauche growled and went to the sister and held her collar and was about to punch her. But Asta stood in front of the sister taking the punch, before malachite slides in and trips gauche over. "Man your annoying" malachite crossed his arms and glared at gauche "asta you will die" gauche states "stop that leave him alone" rebecca huffs she didnt help with anything so no one listened to her.

"We got this dear dont worry your little head" malachite said "nicely" having abit of sass in those words "hey now why dont we all stop for a second and cool off for a little bit" Asta knocked gauche down again. Malachites eyed widen a bit

"We're magic knights after all, we have to learn how to remain calm got it?" Asta huffs. Malachite looked at pasta such bit of maturity, malachite smiled happily but squealed in his thoughts abit like a school fan (me). "Damn really mature Asta thats cute" malachite comments. Asta smiled abit looking at malachite and chuckles, it was time to head out "im going cus where ever asta go I do to" malachite states.  Malachite sat with the old woman and stood on the broom trying not to fall over.

"Alright lets get Mari back" gauche states.

Then they followed the Mana of the mirror gauche had given Mari so they can follow it quickly. Asta only wanted to see the child he saw but gauche didn't drop him off so Asta had to jump malachite couldn't help but snort as he saw Asta turn into a big snow ball. The sister and malachite lowered themselves to take a look at the only child that was outside."poor kid" he mumbles "hes in some kind of trance" the sister said after trying to wake Marco up.

Malachite frowned a bit then made a small orb of lava float and provide warmed for the kid. "Alright then" asta huffs as he broke out of the snow he was in he then brought out his sword "what are you doing?" The sister again. Malachite knew what asta was gonna do so he wanted as worried, asta only then tapped the kid with his sword then the trance went away "Asta..mally....sister?" Marco mumbles.

The sister only then healed and warmed Marco a bit even more. Malachite watched as asta made the kid feel better by lending him his robe "you sit tight until we come back okay?" asta smiled. 'ooho asta is really good with kids, the loud runt can be as cute and gentle as a rabbit' malachite sighed. "And remember its just a loan and dont even think about getting it all snotty" asta warned. Malachite deadpanned a bit "okay then" he mumbled.

"Lets go then" asta states and smiled "right" malachite nods as he gave a thumbs up and they went ahead.

When they arrived it was attack time already. Malachite came in and crushed the grown before the snow monsters and opened up lava where he needed to and melted most of the snow monsters while Asta threw his sword so the male holding Mari hostage would let her go. Mari only ran and gauche thought she was going to him but she went to Asta instead. Gauche froze there while malachite only laughed at that "his faace!" He cried out.

Gauche only show at asta again, Malachites eyes widen when he saw all kinds of kids on the ground. He looked around and frowned a bit "these kids have been completely drained of magic and i dont think they can ever regain them" the sister frowns.

Asta only became more angry when he finds out the two who were responsibility for taking magic away to sell it. Malachite glared at the big fat guy

"What do we do?" The smaller male asked, baro checked his glasses and saw nothing no magic or mana from asta whats so ever then started laughing mocking him. Baro was so confident but asta beat him into the cave wall in an instant. "You cant escape this I will make you pay" asta yelled.

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