chapter 33

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The queen surrender and went ahead and healed everyone that was down. Malachite sighed as he put his tattered blindfold on and hummed abit "man do I feel great" malachite mumbles in sarcasm the spell did not work on him but it didnt cus he layed there for a moment as everyone was getting up.

Malachite closed his eyes and tries to muster up whatever was left of that...form of his. Black ribbons only secreted out of him and wrapped themselves around malachite. Everyone looked as they watched the injured malachite become less injured.

"And now i feel dizzy" malachite mumbled and groaned abit "holy cow! What was that!?" Asta yelled out. "I....dont know well but i think it was some sort of healing spell I sorta learned from the queen....ot isnt perfect but it healed my broken bones at least" malachite explained he didnt even know what he did.

Captain yami had only been teaching him how to fight with the dark magic he had but not heal so it was a new thing for him. The queen only walked away with pride too. "Did we win?" Noelle asked then teared up then went to hug vanessa closely "your new spell saved us all" she smiled.

Malachite only got up with astas help noelle looked over to malachite then huffs slightly as she wipes her tears "and you did well too" Noelle mumbles "for a commoner" she states. Malachite felt a ticked mark pop onto his forehead but he grumbles "I feel s Soooo appreciated " malachite rolled his eyes .

"Wow I feel better then ever my bones dont hurt anymore" asta exclaims doing sit ups "put on some clothes!" Noelle exclaims "oh come on noelle now that im healed my muscles are bigger and strong now" as ta flexed. Both noelle and malachite turned bright red, malachite covering his face being all flustered and noelle slapping him.

Everyone later on

Went back to the queens room and the queen had given her earring to asta "you got any info and what these might be or something?" Asta asked "that stone is a magic item, that inhances the power of the individual who wears it but only a member of the elf tribe is able to use it effectively" the queen points out "elf tribe?" Malachite asked

"They are quit gifted with magic many centuries ago their kind recited in the place that is now know as the forsaken realm every member of the tribe was blessed with unbelievable magical powers some even had capabilities that rivaled my own" 

Malachites eyes widen abit as he nods "sadly they fell into war amd the elves were enialated .

Malachite listen closely and processed what she was saying while asta was steaming at the head. Malachite rolled his eyes and fanned asta slightly and snickers a bit. "Now you lost me" asta mumbles "I'll explain later"

The queen only explained of what the ey of the midnight sone might be and how the demon from a long time ago had been summoned by the leader of the elf tribe. She then explained that the swords asta is using once belonged to the leader of the elves as well. And thats when asta just bursted and didnt know what to process anymore making malachite laugh.

Everyone else went to say goodbye to landros and mars while malachite stayed at the queens request. "Listen well boy, the magic you weild in you is dangerous lose your mentality and you will be able to destroy the entire world. You are apart of a race that isnt even supposed to be in the dimension, a hybrid of imperfection I'd say, neither the less you will have me as one of your tutors in controlling that unstable amount of magic and mana you Co train in you, I advise the wizard king to know about my offer" the queen states.

Malachite looked at her for a moment then looked down he frown 'im...dangerous?' He thought in his head but then nods "right now at this point I have three teachers, you, yami and the wizard king this is so cool! I cant wait to tell asta-"

"That wont be nesassary I do not want you to tell anyone that isnt , yami, Julius or i. To maintain peace and balance the truth of your existence will need to remain a secret" the queen said. Malachite frowned but nods slowly "fine..." He mumbles as he then walked away then saw vanessa walking in but he only kept walking.

Back to the hideout

The captain welcomed back everyone and asta was in charged of getting things. Yami had banned asta from going to missions and relax, malachite felt a little blue he told asta everything, keeping a secret from him is literally impossible.

They then saw that magna and luck had come back and they looked developed too. Malachite smiled slightly till he felt a hand go on his head. Malachite looked up at yami and tilts his head slightly "yes sir?" He asked "you and I will be busy training again so no missions for you either" yami states and blew smoke in Malachites face. Malachites face scrunched up as he coughed slightly and pouts "I got it ya didnt have to blow smoke in my face! " malachite huffs "now you need rest so get it" yami ordered "im fine!" Malachite huffs but yami only tapped Malachites head before malachite passed out right then and there.

The others only look over and wondered what happened. Then soone the rest of the team came back. Everyone were gonna party and asta ends up doing the chaos as malachite rested since he did ALOT and deserved to rest.

Asta was cleaning when he saw that malachite had left his gloves out again so he walked to malachites room and opened the door. He saw, as expected, malachite sleeping peacefully and had his blindfold off again. Asta thought back to when he saw malachites eyes for the first time they were so red and pretty to asta. He wondered why malachite would hide such eyes like his they were beautiful but terrifying

Malachite shifted abit so that his face was abit more clearer and he looked pretty and calm as he slept. Asta didnt even realized he was staring. Asta only smiled as he placed the glives onto Malachites night stand then dared to place a kiss on Malachites forehead and thought nothing much of it (author: yet ;) ))

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