chapter 27

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Everyone were healing well regaining their magic. Malachite layed in bed he was in pain and a bit tired he looked up at the ceiling. He only got up slowly and walked with a cane he basically snapped his back earlier. He then saw asta on the roof so he climbed up to him and smiled "sup asta" he mumbles "watcha thinking about?" He asked "nothing much....just my determination to accomplish my dream" asta mumbles aa he glanced at malachite who layed down "was it true?" asta started "about what?" Malachite sighed looking up "about wanting humans to rot?" asta mumbles.

Malachite stayed silent and looked away he didnt want to talk about it really but this was Asta not just a random person. "Just once...back when I really was rock bottom" malachite mumbles "ive been through so was hard not to think that"

Later on

The team were off back to the hide out going through finrals portals. Malachite sighed softly "heh I have a few broken ribs and a slight concussion but I am A okay!" Malachite exclaims. They all turned to Gordon not knowing what he was saying. Malachite hummed softly then went to him "hey Gordon sorry we left you behind, you are always so quiet we just thought you were already with us" malachite states. Gordon mumbles a response "you dont have to apologize Gordon we are always friends dont forget that" malachite winked and Gordon seemed alot happier now.

The rest of the group looked at malachite all impressed that the boy even understood what Gordon was even saying.

"Okay I go give my report to the wizard king, charmy you go grab the prisoners and come too. Finral portal duty" yami stated "oh I wanna go with you captain please take me!" Asta exclaims "you should be resting and healing...n-not that i care or anything" Noelle huffs blushing abit as she looked away. Noelle only tried to push asta malachite stopped "how will he ever heal if you keep pushing him around noelle?" He said through gritted teeth as he huffs softly. "R-right" noelle mumbles.

"Given thise gnarly wounds of yours you would be better off staying put tho if i want to be fair you and malachite were both with me when the wizard king gave us our mission so you and malachite can go" yami states. "Wait I go too?" Malachite asked "well yeah you and asta are both partners in crime arent you? You guys work together great!" Luck exclaims "we should fight 2 on 1 one day huh huh?" Luck smiled punching the air abit.

Malachite blushed and held his cheeks a bit looking down "never thought of it that thanks for the compliment luck" malachite smiled. He sighed softly luck really did say they were 'partners' Malachite's heart felt like it was gonna melt the thought of him being astas romantic partner would make him beyond happy. "Hehehehe alright then lets go!" Malachite cried out excitedly his aura radiating happy.

They then arrived at the capital "sheesh I still despise nobles" malachite mumbles glancing at the happy nobles walking all around, like nothing else is wrong with the world cus their lives was whats important.

They only then gave the wizard king the report. Julius looked at malachite seeing there was a weird mark on his forehead more or less looking like a spade but without the stem so more like an upside down heart. "My my I see someone gained some magic huh?" Julius smiled patting Malachite's head "yeah the kids go some pretty strong spells in that brain of his we even got to see his grimoire" yami states with a sigh.

"It was so awesome!" Asta added making malachite looked down with a small blush on his face. He's never had praise before I mean asta always praised him of course but since malachite knew exactly how he felt about Asta which was very easy unlike others (*COUGH* noelle *COUGH*)

It meant a lot more "you did well out there" Julius smiled looking like a proud father. Julius also looked towards yami like a proud father as well, malachite touched both his index fingers together and hummed softly "im 28 not 12 your embrassing me

(Aaaaghhh hes so young I thought he was about 30 or something so....he would have been like 11 when he found baby malachite.....eeeh I'll change dat later at some points anyways ONTO THE STORY)

"Yes of course sorry about that" julius chuckles. Yami only then patted Malachite's head and astas "the way they fought at the water temple my squad proved that i wasnt wrong either"

Malachite smiled and chuckles "and asta you had an impressive run very impressive indead." Asta blushed then wanted ask for something 'probably stuff on being the wizard king hehe he so determined and cuuuute' malachite gushed in his head. But Asta asked for an autogragh both thw wizard king and malachite anime crashed malachite only laughed.

"Please excuse the interruption but its important" Marx popped out in a spell screen they all turned to him.

He stated that a whole army of diamond soldiers were gonna attack and they could see it. They only kept attacking then the golden dawn arrived

"They look cool" he mumbles and nods smiling a bit see in yuno being awesome. Asta smiled in awe too then glanced malachite "most of the squads are busy" the wizard king states. "Well your best option is me" yami states. "But you just arrived from the underwater temple" julius states "im sure as hell feeling invincible right now" yami stated "captain yami please take me with you sir" asta huffs "your arms are broken" yami sighed "even if i can fight i can still help people evacuate" asta huffs insisting that he should go.

Malachite saw it in astas eyes the burning passion as well as determination that would always make malachite weak to the knees. "I-im can protect him as he does" malachite states with a smile "im okay from healing at this point so"

"You'd do that for me?" Asta asked malachite smiled and nods "of course...your my partner after all" malachite grinned making asta blush ever so slightly and smiled. Then charmy went in and wanted to protect the two aswell

Yami looked at the three and sighed "fine" yami sighed

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