chapter 25

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  "Why do I have to go again?" Malachite asked as he was being dragged by vanessa "cus darling we need a mans thoughts on the swim suits and you seem like just the man" vanessa smiled blushing softly "Uuuh huh" malachite mumbles as he looked around it was mostly for women so he just sat down in a corner. He jumped when Noelle screamed and he saw her....everything but he kept and blank stare but then rolled his eyes "why are you screaming!" Malachite asked "shes ripping my clothes OAAAAHHH!" noelle screamed when she saw malachite looking at her naked body so casually and slapped him.

"Ooooowww" malachite groans "turn around you pervert!" Noelle shrieks. Malachite huffs and turns away "fine then I dont want to see your body anyways" malachite huffs then sees Klaus walked in and saw noelle naked making noelle scream again and klaus having a major nosebleed.

"What are you guys doing?" Mimosa asked "we shopping for swimsuits since Noelle didnt have one I offered her to borrow mine but she declined" vanessa explained. Yuno looked over at malachites bored face "why are you here?" Yuno asked "the girls dragged me here so they can get a"mans" opinion but Im not interested in doing so
dont see the point of why I came" malachite smiled as he explained. They only

After a while they were finally done and malachite actually saw one that he thought would look cute on him but it was for women. Malachite sulked as he didnt get it and got some regular blue trunks to wear

Next morning

They all early in the morning went off to the beach now.

Till they saw it, it was pretty Malachite's eyes sparkled as he saw the place. "Wow" he mumbles. Then they all dressed up, malachite had a white shirt on with the trunks. He the0n felt tue hand under his feet and smiled slightly this place was so pretty he imagined him and asta on the beach together holding hands.

Unlike everyone else imagination will their crushes being out of character or it being to over dramatic like astas or unrealistic as charmys, or too simple like noelles. Malachite's day dream was more simple Asta being still and idiot and himself and malachite just admiring him the entire time.

He felt his heart flutter abit he felt exactly how he felt that night staring up at the sky with asta.

He sighed softly and blushed as he held his hands together a bit. He then jumps when asta waves at him "hey malachite come look look look!" Asta exclaims. Malachite laughs and went to see "man I wish everyone back home can see this" Asta sighed "maybe you will have the money and time to have them all come over one day asta" malachite smiled. "Right! Great idea!" Asta exclaims as they both ranted of what they could do for fun.

Noelle watched from afar blushing slightly and felt shy to show herself (thinking like she has a chance) "AAAGH Asta magna let go of my shirt!" Malachite screams as magna and asta both try prying the shirt off malachite. "Your suppose to let the sun touch or skin and be a really swing suit!" Magna yelled "whats the point of the swimsuit if the shirt is bigger and you can see the trunks" asta huffs.

Malachite sighed when lucky saved him by setting magnas loan cloth on fire. Asta still tried taking it off malachite blushed brightly when it was just asta, malachite yelps as he falls into the water "AAAGHH its cooold!" Malachite yelled out jumping on asta who yelps but laughs and scream complaining that malachite was cold cus he was wet now.

"Hahahaha!!" Asta laughed as he splashed in the water. Malachite now being outside the water he just stared at asta and smiles 'he looks so adorable splashing in that water what an idiot!' He sighed then saw noelle trying to get Astas eyes on her swimsuit.

Asta only screamed as he dodged the his plan.

Everyone were shocked seeing yami so serious about this job. Malachite smiled slightly 'he really does care about the wizard king huh?' He hummed and listened closely. The full moon was only a week away

Malachite was out training himself abit with the few spells. He sighed as he was tired and listed what he could do and pin pointed the offense amd defense of his spells.

Through out the week

Malachite had gotten to know kahono and her dreams and stuff during the week and they watched noelle really start to learn. "COME ON NOELLE DONT LISTEN TO THOSE JERKS OF SIBLINGS YOU HAVE!" malachite yelled everyone in the black bulls cheered noelle on.

Noelle actually ends up pulling through but she turned tired and starts falling. Asta was only then there to catch her, malachite watched and bit his lip as he looked down with a face. He was upset on the inside but then saw Noelle slap Asta away which made him laugh and feel alot better.

Then it was the day when the team has to go under the sea. Malachite smiled slightly looking at noelle with slight content he can see himself become good friends with noelle if only noelle wasnt trying to take asta away from him.

They then all were in the bubble being crushed by Grey till he turned to something smaller and it was charmy. Malachite only then felt asta hold him making his blush and become all flustered whike they went through the ocean. Malachite looked all around and his eyes widen seeing it so beautiful they all panicked to go through the magic currents and all.

Then it was just calm after "beautiful" malachite mumbles and smiled softly. They came across a strong magic barrier and yami through pasta into it so he can cut through and he did and then they had arrived.

"The underwater temple"

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