chapter 47

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It was morning already for everyone, nero, noelle, asta, mimosa and malachite went back to the castle to see a smaller version of julius. "Now then I thank you all for your hard work the battle has ended and we can live happily ever after at least thats what id like to say" julius states. Malachite looked at him like the kid was crazy he only looked at him and sensed Julius.

"Eh..." Malachite raised a brow "first off the wizard king is missing" Julius states making yami and malachite deadpanned "your the wizard king genius" yami scoffs and every cried out in shock. Julius only explained that his power now was very low and his grimoire was just a page now. "one question how are you still alive and why are you so tiny!" Asta raised his hand.

Julius  explained how the hell he was alive and such "you are an idiot" malachite spoke out slowly. Making the other gasp slightly "hey dont strain your throat after all that yelling and....use of your voice it should hurt doesnt it?" Asta points out. Malachite looked at asta and nods slowly before he brought out his new grimoire and a small orb appeared over it as the gem was surrounded by marks.

"You had me worried....i saw what happened" malachite sighed as he let the orb speak. "Wow new trick huh?" Julius's eyes sparkled he then frowned at the tired and drained state malachite was in. "How are you feeling malachite?" Julius asked "like my mind was split in 4 then stitched back together again...i-i had died in that situation...then came back but even then I was trapped in a seemingly ever lasting loop of all my mistake and pain, it felt like the greatest pain anyone would ever experience" malachite looked down seeing the room turned abit dense and sad "but im fine" he shrugged

"Thats some hard stuff to take in kid" yami mumbles Julius only nods "you were awake to a new light were you not?" He asked with a small smile. Malachite blinked a few times and nods, Julius sighed and congrats the others then looked at Nero. "Tell me all about your magic and how it works please" he exclaims. Asta was poking the orb malachite had made before pouting that malachite put it away.

Julius explained the next problem, possible attacks on the clover kingdom from neighboring kingdoms "and three asta might die" julius states shocking everyone. Malachite only tried standing up in shock and on his guard but he couldn't move them. "Asta can die!?" Mimosa exclaims nervously.

"Is this a war thing or something g explain" asta cried out "they could both happen" julius adds "and his predictions are usually spot on so fair well" yami states "DONT START PLANNING NY FUNERAL YET" asta cried out "explain it better. ..julius" malachite said his voice monotones he just now told asta his feelings, not on good terms and he would need to state them and clarify it which would be so embarrassing but right now he didnt feel anything yet.

"Asta the power you've been using came from a devil" julius explained and looked at Julius "not only that it is clear that malachite is one himself" julius states calmly looking at the male "but I'd say he has already Proven to not be much of a threat to us, sure he made a couple mistakes and he was mislead but I knew with help he would fall through" Julius said softly. Malachite looked at Julius for a moment then looked down no light in his eyes.

"That explains it i have a feeling its to dangerous for you to use that power, for both of you really" noelle mumbles. She thought of Malachite as a friend he did teach her a few times how to control her powers despite it being alot of yelling and insults but malachite did help.

"A devil gross stay away" yami said crossing his fingers "captain yami did you mean that cus that sounded abit hurtful...not only that" asta looked at malachite in concern he didnt got him out of that devil state for nothing. He didnt want anyone to ever call his ...friend anything of that sort. "Its okay fine" malachite whispers looking down.

"That horn means of when humans went to another realm and got themselves involved in a world beyond our own its a curse called weg appreatly there are other magic knights who suffer the conditions" julius explained then looked at Nero who explained her horns and turning to her bird form and sitting on astas head

"I on the other hand was born of a devil and a human, I dont know the very details but what the devil mother was a infamous devil who crafted devils with her own two four hands, with specific detail, she was one to create many devils. She had my condition too where her own magic would overlapse any spell and she managed to cross the barrier to this world....where she stayed for hundreds of years ..and my guess until she met with my father but I do not know much after that"

Malachite spoke with his orb again and looked at the others who looked in shock "how did you know that!?" Asta asked with sparkling eyes "I got the extra info when my body was fused with that thing" he explained with a small shrug. Julius exclaims "thats absolutely amazing to think we have people like you two I see so much more potential now and I would love to see more of your magics " julius rambles malachite looked at him and shook his head as he closed his eyes he didnt express much

"can we get back to me am I really going to to die? WHAT IF THE DEVIL EXPLODES AND I END UP TURNING TO PIECES" Asta cried out in panicked. "Oh right" julius cleared his throat he explains the other kingdoms and the bad situation of the spade wanting to spread their reign to the other kingdoms. And the clover kingdom was in pieces

"The magic parlament wouldnlook at you for being a commoner who uses dark magic I cant say much about malachite he is a commoner who is half devil and they would think of you as a worldly threat" Julius points to asta then malachite. "But we didnt do anything wrong it wasnt malachites fault he was possessed and tricked and who are the magic parlament" asta yelled. "Well they are a group made of mostly royalty and nobles they make the rules and hold trials for great crimes" mimosa explains.


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