chapter 24

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The next day
Yami , asta and malachite were off to the capital and arrived "thank you for waiting welcome captain yami sukehiro of the black bulls, malachite and asta" the male states "yo" malachite saluted. "Sorry um thats your name?" Asta asked malachite only snickers and sighed softly "right we've never talked before I suppose I should introduce myself" he states "this here is mushroom head" yami said "thank you captain yami im mushroom head--"

Malachite only laughed cus he got confused and thought mushroomhead was hilarious "hey! That was both impolite and uncalled fore! Im Marx and its an honor to serve the wizard kings side" he introduces

"The wizard king? Wow mushroom head thats amazing!" Asta exclaims malachite snorts slightly and crossed his arms. Yami kept calling marx mushroom head and Marx kept debunking it. "So wheres the meeting?" He asked "its taking ahit long but you will have yo wait with the other captains" Marx states then turns to the other two. "Now you two" Marx then led malachite and Asta to a place.

He lead them to an underground prison where they kept the captives of the capital in. "We think your anti magic sword can help us" Marx states "they wont break cus their memory spell is casted on them"

Malachite listened and frowns " well we know why asta is here what about me?" He asked "the wizard king has an interest in you malachite but he sense dark other worldly magic in you that he would like to keep an eye on everytime he could" Marx explains "thats not even about telling me there might be a traitor within the captains" malachite sighed. Asta glanced at malachite he looked upset but was to stupid to figure it out.

"Hello Asta and malachite come on in" the wizard king greets them. They then went ahead and started investigating malachite be a smart ass and was actually a help to get more info then needed of course. The wizard king smiled "your wits are as strong as your magic indeed" Julius states.

"U-uh yeah I really a lot and...stuff" malachite blushed scratching the back of his neck a bit. "No form in seeing who exactly is licht tho" malachite grumbles. Then after some more work they called for all the captains to come

"Hello everyone" Julius smiled asta was all stiff and nervous and malachite had a more of a poker face. "So this is where they keeping ya kids?" Yami asked "yes sir we are doing fine thank you so much for asking" asta states. Malachite snickers softly and puts his arm over asta leaning on him abit, he couldnt help but purse his lips.

"Does ne need to take a dump or something?" Yami mumbles "excuse me sir...what is this about?" William asked. "Those are two....are with the eye of the midnight sun" charlotte states

"Yes and we learned alot of things thanks to Asta and marx, malachite was able to give us more info from them that was said that was needed" Julius smiled then lets malachite walk up and call saying what they need to say to the captains.

Julius took over with saying who the eye of the midnight sun and state their goal.Julius took over with saying who the eye of the midnight sun and state their goal.

"Yep I helped and that im honored of being able to say this" malachite states with diginity "one of you captains might be one whos been working with the eye of the midnight sun" malachite said pointing at the captains.

All the captains gasped at the info they all became tense. "One of us?" Rill exclaims

Julius then asked the two captives who the traitor was and that traitor was the captain of the purple orcas. "Wh-what? Ridiculous" the captains only backed away from him. They were backing guelder into a corner before he turned invisible "damn he disappeared" charolette mumbles "this is getting serious now" yami mumbles "hes invisible now all magic will pass right through him while hes like this" charolette informed. Malachite hummed softly "so badically we're screwed" yami mumbles.

"Thats not good" malachite points out. Malachite frowned seeing the captains work on taking care of the invisible soldiers. Malachite had whispered something into astas ear and then disappeared from line of sight. Asta smiling and went ahead and went through and followed after malachite.

Asta managed to take a hit at the. Captain breaking the spell, "how did you do that? Your just a commoner" he exclaims asta only fought but yelps as he was hit by the invisible soldiers the purple orca captain makes.

Malachite jumps in and slashed right through soldier "go kick some ass asta" malachite states. Rill only then came iut with a spell to capture the purple orca captain and stuck him in a painting. Malachite hummed softly "woah! Thats so cool!" Malachite asked looking at the art then stops and looks at the purple orca captain and stuck his tongue out at him

Then the captains came crashing in "about time" malachite mumbles as he stood next to asta and notuced charolette looking at yami who was complaining about Dorothy. "Ooh my" he snickers softly 'try all you might but yami is the type to be dense just like asta but astas adorable that way' malachite sighed.

They all mingled and stuff acting like sibling no less. Or more or less a batch of friends "how the heck did you know where captain poizot was?" Rill asked excited. they all went back to read poizot's mind even more.

They had made theur way to the underground prison anf sucked the info out of poizot. Then departures malachite had a very bad feeling and followed each captain at a certain point then followed William. He was then called by asta and they were in the wizard kings office.

"Malachite you did well as strong as I predicted you'd be" Julius smiled "huh?" Malachite tilts his head "I once met you when you were just a baby" Julius stated "was it cus of my secret scary magic?" Malachite asked "yes but you turned out to quit the young man im counting on you to be on that mission to the underwater temple" Julius states with a smile. Malachite blushed slightly and saluted the man "yes sir." He nods "wow the wizard king saw you as a baby? So cool!" Pasta exclaims and julius states thats hes counting in Asta too "SIR" Asta saluted to hard he smacked his own chest then started rolling on the ground. Malachite snorts then started laughing.

They went back to the hide out and told the team about the news and they were all excited. Malachite not so much he didnt like shoring off to much skin, he read his book and hummed softly he's never been to the beach but oh well hes going now.

Malachite sighed softly then thought of asta in a swim suit. It didn't bother him or flustered him when seeing pasta shirtless but now thinking about it his whole face burst the color red.

 It didn't bother him or flustered him when seeing pasta shirtless but now thinking about it his whole face burst the color red

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Dis is digital drawing i made malachite and asta UwU
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