chapter 22

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Malachite looked at the snow male that tried to throw more ice magic spells. Malachite huffs as he took care of the snow monsters.

Asta growled as he grabbed baros collar and was about to punch the guy straight to hell and asta was in a really bad mood. Malachite had to admit it was really hot but he couldn't say that at a time like this so he'll keep it in his head for now. Asta punched the wall instead and it made a really dent. "We have to care for the children first" the sister states. Malachite nods as he watched Asta tap each kid with his sword to break the spell.

Malachite only crossed his arms then stood by the hostage "you do anything you'll regret it" malachite glared. "Heal Mari already you old hag" gauche states "I was already going to do that you big oaf" the lady states as she made her warm healing magic again "phewwww lady you should really teach me that spell looks cool" malachite states.

Every kid were getting healed now the sister smiled as she explained of what sister lily had said about Asta. Asta smiled happily and had a small blush on his cheeks. Malachite looked at asta and sighed softly then glared at baro, "took you long enough" baro yelled as a portal opens and out pops sally a member of the eye of the midnight sun. "As shit " malachite grumbles then saw the blinking of a device he went to it and growled as he crushed it then turns to baro "no good piece of shit" malachite hissed.

Sally only smiles at asta seeming like she has an interest. "Is that one of that terrorist group that attacked the capital?" The sister asked "yep thats them" malachite mumbles.

Sally only then attacked with sticky salamander gauche held his own malachite was in charge of protecting the kids of course. "It'll be okay...they are stronger then they look" malachite reassures the weeping children. He then turns to see that sally girl lick and bite asta. Malachite's eyes widen as he heard asta scream "let him go you freak!" Malachite yelled as he threw a chunk of lava he had created when he dug into the ground

"Lava magic: dragon guts"

Malachite yelled as he kept throwing more and more sally had to get off of Asta to avoid them. The sister threw her own spell at it and made the goopy salamander melt away anf the sister took asta amd put him behind her. "Pretty cool granny" malachite comments and smiled

"Dont underestimate teresha the crimson she-leopard once a magic knight always a magic knight" the sister hollers in pride.

Then its go time to capture the bad guys till that sally girl injected something in the baro guy and mud just started to fall out of his eyes, nose mouth etc
"EWW" malachite gagged "thats freaky" he exclaims that thing only the. Turned to a big monster "his magic is just spilling out!" The sister exclaims.

Malachite stood in front of the kids to protect them "you protect the children" malachite nods "aight kids now I wamt you all to back up into a corner so i can protect ya and get all of you out" malachite states as he made the whole ground into lava all the way until the path stops at the exit. "Alright kids step on it" malachite states about to stand on the lava "wait its!" The sister exclaims.

Malachite saw the kids walk on the lave too with malachite and they were fine it just tickled their feet "such control" the sister mumbles "I'll take lead these kids oout but I'll come back too" malachite states as he told the kids to slide their way down the lava path he made.

The children all giggled and slide their way out of their wild the fire leopard took the younger kids on its back. Malachite made sure most the kids made their way out amd s
Quickly as they could.

He saw asta fight and destroy the huge monster with gauche's help "damn I missed the how" malachite pants a bit and sighed but then saw a bright light. asta turned towards it "so much magic power" gauche mumbles as he was stabbed "asta! Malachite!" The sister yelled as she was about to jump in but malachite only pushed the woman back but it was too late she was struck.

Malachite's eyes widen as he then made his hand surround by his own weird magic "you hurt one of my companions its only fair if I did the same" the male stated. "Its time for me to introduce myself I am the leader of the eye of the midnight sun, call me licht" the male states

Malachite glared and looked as he made a slashing movement for a moment and saw the book the male had. His eyes began to leak more when he took a look of the absurd four leaf clover yunos. Malachite growled "like hell do we want to know who you are!" Malachite yelled unleashing a dark slash that only managed to cut a few of lichts braids.

Malachite huffs abit as he froze feeling a light beam of his stab him. He wheezed as he fell back the light beam only then turned black and turned into dust. Licht noticed this and narrowed his eyes abit Malachite groans feeling a bit better but he was bleeding. "Malachite!" Asta cried out he then looked at the sister seeing her in more damage

"Your all tainted by sin from the moment you are born, you are already were a sin from the moment your soul was created" licht states pointing at malachite..asta growled then raised a brow in confusion seeing the male cry. Malachite glared. "Bye asta catch you later just remebered you belong to me" sally states before going away.

Malachite glared a bit as he saw licht hurt Asta which made him angry. Malachite huffs as he protected pasta and held his own against litcht he even took off his gloves to see what would happen but licht was a step ahead. Malachite gasped as he was stabbed from the back and throw off "malachite!" Asta cried out then saw captain yami appear and caught malachite. "Geez kid going after this big fish very stupid of you" yami mumbles but he did more concern then aloof "finral you take care of the old lady, and this kid too" yami said throwing malachite at finral. "I aint going, im fine" he mumbles "but your hurt" finral huffs

Asta looked at malachite "I dont want you to get more hurt you did great malachite but right now I want you to be safe" asta said softly "your important to me remember?" He said. Malachite looked at asta and blushed he swallowed his pride and nods "fine" he sighed as he lets finral take him throught his portal.

Malachite looked down and glared at himself and crossed his arms "dammit" he grumbles a bit "whats wrong?" Finral asked "I feel like a weakling thats what....and I wont be there by astas side" he mumbles. "You know i've been wondering what is your goal in life huh? Asta has his what about you?" Finral asked.

Malachite stared for a moment then looked at his hands "shit! My gloves!" He panicked a bit "theyre just gloves" finral shrugged "yeah gloves that were given to me by the wizard king you idiot!" Malachite exclaimed the hissed in pain "ooow" he grumbles "your should rest you've done alot" finral stated " completely fine im just in pain" he mumbles and shruggs.

They left him alone he thought for a moment then closed his eyes. Before then he tried to sense where his gloves were since it was just covered in his sweat really. His mark where the gem he got earlier glowed and his grimoire appeared again he then congured up a spell again

His eyes opened and he saw his gloves there he then looked around

"Chaos magic: the all seeing eye"

Malachite now saw what was going on his eyes widened seeing how powerful and cool yami looked then at licht "ooo im gonna beat his ass one daaay" malachite hissed.

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