chapter 12

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It was dark and creepy going into the place.

Noelle walked with asta and malachite walked with luck since he seemed to know where hes going he then deadpanned when he saw the only source of light they had broke cus noelle tripped over and it went pitch black and noelle shrieked "nice job prissy noble" malachite mumbles.

Malachite then thought for a moment then sqwated down and picked at the ground till it melted into lava. He took that lava and made it float and gave them light now. "Wow so cool when did you learn this trick?" Asta asked "um just thought it up" malachite shrugged.

Noelle only huffs softly, both noelle and asta nagged luck thennwent ahead and pushed something and they were in a huge room with all kinds of doors and stair entrances were and it was honestly beautiful.

Malachite looked all around smiled "this place is amazing" he mumbles. "Its all sparkling and pretty" pasta exclaims

Asta only started to complain "look at it this way asta it makes your better AND lower then them you have your advantages and disadvantages." Malachite states trying to comfort him. "Take me per instance I have over whelming amount of mana its more then what a royal would ever have" he comments.

"Who told you that?" Noelle asked "a male i meet a while back, he seemed to have been a noble judging by the well amount he had" malachite shrugs. "Huh I knew something was weird about you, I sense no Mana from you and yet you have alot of it, its very weird" luck states.

Malachite narrowed his eyes at luck and tries punching "the point Is everyone has what they habe and sometimes you just need to become more then what people can see" malachite smiled.

"Did you get thay from a book?" Noelle mocked "shut up you noble crap" malachite exclaims.

Asta looked at malachite and felt a bit better but saw that he had stumbled into a trap. Asta only slashed at the magic to nullify it and luck only kept running into the traps on purpose. "Are you trying to get us killed!?" Malachite yelled at him.

"Aww but that was fun!" Luck smiled "I cant wait to take you two on when your better at your magic" luck states.

Malachite sighs then looked all around the place then saw luck give a weird look and luck just made his way "sorry guys but something important just came up" luck states before running off.

"That guy is seriously a weirdo" malachite mumbles and sighed. "Really!? Whats that guy thinking" Noelle yelled out.

The three only then walked through the dungeon and noelle kept whining a bit. Asta was determined anyways he mentioned and explained about Yuno, "I can call him an acquaintance" malachite hummed softly.

Noelle looked at them then realized she was alone with the two. More importantly to her, her and pasta 'i guess hero and malachite are here but....they arent important to the obvious picture' noelle blushed.

Malachite glanced back at noelle, asta only turned picking his nose asking what was wrong "nothing!" Noelle states. Noelle only walked forward and ran into a trap of plant magic.

Asta only then went to cut all the vines that were holding her with his sword. Till the plant grabbed a hold of asta they were both grabbed and couldn't move. Malachite yawned slight as he went to the thing and touched it with his bare hand after it was attacked by a bunch of sword. Malachite only then saw the plant magic decay with his touch. Malachite hummer softly then saw Yuno was there "hey yuno!" Malachite waves his arm and smiled a bit.

Malachite smiled and then looked at the other two of the golden dawn. "Yuno why did you go out of your way to save these people?" The male in glasses asked. "Our primary objective is to reach the treasure hall at its heart with all possible haste we have no time to involve ourselves with such rubble"

Malachite narrowed his eyes a bit "who are you to call us rubble" he hissed walked up to him they both were about the same height who knows about the age tho. Asta grabbed onto malachite who frailed his legs around ranting about how he was gonna beat this nobles ass.

"Who the hell is four eyes the rude here?" Asta points as he still held onto malachite till he calmed down. "My superior" Yuno explained

The male only then grabbed astas collar "excuse me and you think that im rude dont say that again brat I am a noble and you will treate me with respect" glasses yelled. "Hoi! Get your filthy clean hands off asta" malachite exclaims as both the male and malachite pushed their foreheads against each others as they growled at each other.

They then separated and huff looking away. Malachite only then looked over to the girl of the group and hummed softly "Aaawww shes so cuuuutee" malachite exclaims. He didnt see the girl as cute, as in attractive to him more like cute as in shes like a puppy kind of cute.

"U-uh who is this?" The girl asked "who is this?" The girl asked with a small smile. "This is another rookie to the black bulls, malachite" Yuno explained "hes a rookie? He looks are to old to be a rookie" glasses states making a tic mark appear on malachites forehead "hey old man? Im 17 thank you very much how old are you? 40?" Malachite hissed.

Glasses gasped and growled at the male. "Anyways what are you guys doing here?" The girl asked "oh we are here to collect the treasure too" asta states with stars in his eyes.

Glasses only denied what they say "were there supposed to be the 4 of you?" He asked looking at the "let me guess he ran away? Nah hes a coward who left his colleagues behind typical for black bull rabble how disgusting" glasses smacked talked "okay now you've done it pal the black bulls are gonna conquer this dungeon so fast you wont even know what hit you" asta points "golden dum!...uh golden dim" asta faltered "golden shit!" Malachite exclaims "yeah!" Asta huffs.

"Ugh i've had enough first you insult our intelligence and then our leader" glasses yelled at the two while the two fought back at him. The three panted being tired of yelling at each other"all right enough of this idiocy we'll show you" glasses hissed.

"Mamosa?" He called out and the girl, mamosa used her plant magic to find their post in the dungeon and the dungeons lay out. "Wow" malachite mumbles "they make it look so easy" noelle mumbles "lets go" asta exclaims. Malachite chuckles and ran after asta while Noelle followed after.

The three then went on to follow running into a few traps. Malachite had fun if anything he only then saw Asta grab a hold of a treasure "aaaaagghhhh!!!" Malachite screamed at what he saw the organs in the box when Asta opened it.

"Run away!"

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