chapter 28

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They only then went ahead and went to find finral who was shamelessly flirting with women till all four of them scared the ladys off cus of the auras they gave out. And they only then ran away "hey! You sabotaged my date!" Finral exclaims but yami didnt care and ordered finral to take them to keine.

Finral got them there but what they saw was just a huge tree. "Woah" malachite mumbles as he looked up the tree "so coool!" He exclaims with sparkling eyes. "Fruit"Charmy exclaims "how'd they fit the town around this?" Pasta asked before all of them being smacked "im heading off you will have to stay and evacuate as you said you would" yami reminded "right" Malachite nods.

The four of then then started asta and malachite taking care of the diamond mages that try to attack then pointed towards the evacuation finral having a portal open for people and charmy lifting then up with clouds so people can get to the portal. They then all looked up to see yuno fighting one of the strongest of the diamond kingdom. "Holy cow hes really going up against that guy!" Malachite exclaims punching a diamond mage in the face to knock them out again since they were rising again.

Malachite looked at charmy who was just oh so in love with yuno and was saying out loud how she felt. "Boy do I wish I had your confidence charmy" malachite grumbled as he saw
Yuno take care of the diamond mage with just one spell.

"Heyyyy yuno ooo" malachite smiled waving "thought I spotted a speck and a loser. Malachite dropped his smiled and growled "who you calling a loser!?" He cried out growling and was gonna attack but Charmy jumped on him "hey you will not taint my prince with you dirty hands!" She yelled and they both were in a ball of fighting but stopped when They saw yuno smile. "Holy shit yuno smiled" malachite points out and laughed "damn he is handsome when he smiles!" Malachite points "yes my sweet sustenance prince" Charmy drooled making malachite deadpan a bit.

"Looks like they make great rivals" finral smiled softly and sighed a bit. The Klaus and mimosa appeared "there you are yuno and asta too? Even malachite!?" Klaus asked adjusting his glasses blushing a bit. "Sup" malachite greeted giving a crooked smile making klaus blush brightly and clear his throat. Lately klaus has been think alot about malachite (is that a BISEXUAL!? I made out of klaus...oh yess -w-)

Klaus then turned to Asta mimosa blushing and squealing in her head. "What happened to your arms does it hurt when i do this?" Klaus asked as he moved astas arms making asta cry out in pain "hey! Back off old man cant ya see hes hurt" malachite puffs his cheeks out. "Hold on let me heal you" mimosa saod but asta declined the offer. Making mimosa blush in embarrassment and flustered ness(?)

Malachite only waved as he watched klaus and mimosa leave. Yuno and Asta went ahead and talked together having a bro(mance) talk. Malachite smiled softly then raised a brow a bit then saw the fairy nagging at yuno since she wasnt getting attention from yuno.

Malachite thought for a moment and smirked. He felt a bit jealousy tho the two boys admitting they both slept and bathed together. He looked down then thought ' and asta hold hands hmph...thats better then...bathing....and...sleeping...wait! I slept with Asta.....0//////0 I SLEPT WITH ASTA' malachite turned bright red as he thought back he did sleep with pasta and had pleasant dates alone just the two of them. Malachite smiled abit at the memories "I sleep with my FRIEND malachite too it was for a mission and we trained together too no big deal" asta smiled trying to make the fairy feel better somehow.

Malachite pursed his lips and sighed then saw both Charmy and the fairy fight each other . "pfft its just a bug asta no big deal if she ate it" malachite states "its not a bug its a spirit!" Asta states "oh" malachite mumbles. The three males only saw the two Fight then finral appeared malachite sneaked behind yuno and took a chop out of the cupcake and smiled happily "delicious" he mumbles.

"Looks like you guys are having fun may I join the party" finral asked. "Whos that" yuno asked glancing at malachite with a small blush then towards finral "whos that?" Finral asked "thats finral a senior of the black bulls im sure you've heard of him before" asta explained "not at all" yuno struggled. "Ah ha not surprising hes one of the elite golden dawn after--" finral only stopped when he heard a familiar voice come in. "Oh my what have we here? If ir isnt my big brother" the voice hummed. "Of course you'd be here" finral mumbles.

The male only kept smack talking finral "hey finral whos this jerk and why is he saying all that bad stuff about you" asta asked "ew another noble as expected of them asta" malachite sighed "my little brother" finral sighed "eehhh!?" Asta and malachite exclaimed "thats langris vaude vice captain of the golden dawn" yuno explained "what seriously?" Asta asked.

Malachite crossed his arms and rolled his eyes as he listened to langris. "How pitiful no wonder im the one next in like to live the family name as the head" langris states "weakling"

"Your wrong finral is the strongest like in out last battle without him we wouldn't have been able to take the enemy down!" Asta yelled. Malachite glared up at the male and raised a brow for a moment he scents sinister magic coming from him he didnt like it.

"So he actually made himself useful? Well thats a shock" langris rolled his eyes "you--" asta was gonna say more but finral stopped him "its fine pasta I mean its all true right? Hehehe..." Finral sighed softly asta was gonna protest but finral told asta to drop it.

"Looks like your running a day care now huh?" Langris looked at Charmy and asta then looked at malachite and then his world stopped for a moment he'd never seen a man as handsome as malachite. He blushed softly but he need to keep his composure "you can mock me all you want but never mock my squad mates ever!" Finral glared.

Malachite raised a brow "hmph what a jerk" he mumbles. Then langris was attacked but but he blocked the attack and a weird snail thing came holding people hostage.Langris looked a at them and sighed "if I use my spaceial magic t
They would get killed...oh well might as well they will be taking a great sacrifice" langris states as he was about to finish the diamond mage. But asta couldn't allow that "finral, malachite Charmy lets go!, you watch yuno" asta exclaims

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