chapter 57

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  The time for malachite to leave to train on his own was coming closer so he wanted to spend more time with the others that day finral told Asta and malachite that he needed help with his "curse"

"Alright" malachite nods as asta only huffs in determination "yeap! We will do whatever we can so you have a stronger heart anf make that special someone happy one day" asta states out. Malachite looked at asta and giggled slightly

Next thing malachite knew they were at a mixer again. "Great" malachite mumbles as he remebered the last one he went. The time he realized his feelings for asta, it made him somewhat happy at least. Malachite looked at Asta then at luck then at finral and rolled his eyes slightly. "Hehehehe you guys are hopeless" malachite laughed he could sense everyone who was there that he knew or somewhat knew. The captain, charlotte, sol, magna, that ha ha guy, nero, Noelle even langris and thay one girl that finral is trying to focus on.

Malachite pouts slightly he would mind going on a date with asta here either. He looked down blushing slightly

It was pretty amazing really he could see the magic in them. Malachite stood up to go to the bathroom he went in and came out then yelps when some blue rose knights snatched him and asked him all kinds of questions "u-um im here with him yeah.....theu not alone" malachite mumbles. The girls pout then dragged him into the girls restroom "hey I think im not allowed in here" malachite points out "doesn t matter" the two huff "hey polis this is the male we talked about, the one in love with another male?" One said sighing "my oh my the devil huh?" Polis glared at malachite making him nervous as she started to observe him but then she smiled brightly "OH my dear boy your awfully so young and handsome im sure the boy your after will love you back" polis gushed. Malachite deadpanned thwn looked over to charlotte "you look great captain charlotte" malachite complimented "thank you your highness" charlotte bowed. She really had a nice looking dress on.

"Now then my boy i have already give my captain some advice now i will need to see this male your after" polis states. "U-uh sure?" Malachite blushed as she lead her and points at Asta. "Oh my the loud one?" Polis raised a brow "how so?" She asked

"Well....astas amazing you know, he was always there with me in my harsh times,, he may be an idiot but he's brave and determined to follow his dream no matter what, hes perfect in his sloppy reckless way" malachites face flushed as he looked down shyly. Polis and the two other blue rose knights squealed it was all so romantic and polis was determined to make progress for malachite to.

Her first action being dressing malachite up in a fine looking outfir, fixing his hair far more neat and formal.

"Now then for a loud mouth like that, to notice you, you have to be sincere confident and most importantly majesting for his eyes to gasp in your presence, show some fierce and dominance in the process" polis said.
Malachite looked at polis and looked at his get up and nods "right" he mumbles he felt ridiculous in the fancy clothes "also DO I HAVE TO WHERE THIS SKIRT!? IM A DUDE YOU KNOW" malachite yelled. "Shut up and accept her advice shes likw cupid so be nice" one of the knights hissed then they pushed him out.

Malachite yelps and pouts slightly then blushed heavily as he then straightens himself up and walked to the table. "H-hey guys" malachite waves, luck looked over and laughed "wow didnt think you'd look great in a skirt malachite" he exclaims. "You look good" finral smiled still struggling with the girl in the glasses "wow never thought a boy would even wear a skirt" Rebecca comments the looks over to Asta who yet again his breath was taken again.

"Um...thanks some of my gal friends thought of it as a change" malachite mumbles and qalked to Asta abit "you okay asta?" He asked softly "NOPE IM.FINE DONT WORRYYY" Asta yelled bout with a red face.

Polis watched from afar and smiled "success" she mumbles as she went back to her captain who well the advice isnt working much for her. The whole place was chaotic till things settled down abit and everyone sat in the same table.

In the end for charlotte things ended up okay. Everyone was leaving till polis pushed malachite to invited Asta somewhere else. Others grew curious so they secretly followed "so what is this about?" Yami asked again asking finral why he pushed him. "You guys about to witness true love" polis whispers "oh i cant wait whos gonna make the first mooove" one of the blue rose knights squeaks "h-huh what do you guys mean they arent in love that cant be!" Noelle exclaims as they all then shushed her. Rebecca frowned slightly looking at the two who talked happily.

"Sorry about this whole stupid get isnt my thing I just wanted to dress and impress you" malachite mumbles "huh?" Asta tilts his head and malachite realized what he said and squeaks "wait I mean since you always impressed me and i wanted to impress you back and I-" he stopped when asta laughed at him. Malachite pouts slightly "why are you laughing" malachite huffs.

"Well you've always impressed me malachite you dont need to put a silly get up like this to make me see that you know" asta smiled looking at malachite. Malachites heart beated a lot as he looked at him back. Pasta and malachite stared at each other as their surroundings turned perfect and sparkly thanks to polis

Polis and the knights squealed silently as others cheered. Noelle only watched being quiet.

Malachite smiled then looked down sadlt "um....asta I will be leaving soon...its the least I can do for you" malachite mumbles "why are you sounding like you wont come back?" Asta pouts "I dont know just saying" malachite mumbles and shruggs slightly.

They only looked at each other and laughed as they head back disappointing everyone there. They didnt even get to see a single kiss.

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