chapter 32

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And so the battle began malachite thought for a moment then looked at his hands then slowly took off his hands showing the black nails he had always hand then looked towards the problem. He looked to see asta being strong and brave he then sighed softly 'so strong...and determined hehehe thats my asta' he thought in his head then looked at the situation. Malachite will be plan B if things dont work out well. Malachite stood his ground and watched as ta break the self distructing spell.

Malachite only smiled seeing as ta was okay and giggled as he then tackled
asta smiled then they looked over seeing fana was okay again. Malachite smiled slightly and sighed softly he then glanced over to asta who smirked at malachite "what?" Malachite raised a brow "you Liiiike mee" asta grinned brightly.

Malachite blushed brightly and shoved astas face to the ground "shut up" he mumbles looking away and smiled softly as they both laughed. They then stood up and asta cheered "asta this all happened because of you and the words I remembered from your friend here" mar states.

They both held bro hands and malachite gave mars a bro fist "hold on are the 3 of you acquainted?" Fana asked "sort of" mars asked

"Oh wow, you already made friends in the outside world thats amazing" fana smiled happily. "Well i-" mars was gonna protest but
"Yep we are buddies even if we fought that one time" asta patted mars shoulder "trust me once he wants you as his friend he wont leave you alone" malachite whispers and asta pouts making malachite snort slightly. Finral, noelle and Vanessa came running and started hitting asta being all worried and stuff.

Fana only told the rest of what she could remember and mentioned something of possession and malachite recorded that info in his head for later. Things go a little tense and awkward between the two childhood friends. "OO OO things are heating up over there and look how tense and awkward the boy is hehehehe" vanessa giggled.

Finral had some crazy water works going on being sad, jealous and stuff all in one package. "I have friends since when I was little the whole bunch of them" asta smiled and looked at malachite again too he was including him of course. Malachite tensed up then turned away fanning his face abit 'dammit asta I really dont feel like being friendzoned right noow' he whined in his head.

Noelle and huffs then slapped asta "if your saying that to make me jealous its not work!" Noelle cried out and huffs. They all were creating a plan then glanced over to feel a tense amount of ki and magic that is not supposed to be awake at the moment "everyone RUN" zell yelled but the magic attacked. Malachite covered everyone with his spell.

Lava creation magic: dragons cradle

He huffs as he had learned abit from noelles sea dragons cradle. He then pants and looked over to asta and sighed softly "asta" he mumbles the spell he wasnt great at it but it protected his friends. The others passed out, he stood up slowly and the others wake up slowly. Fana had sent out a powerful magic the landros ended up absorbing for his own gain.

"HE ATE THAT POWER!?" Malachite exclaim his eyes widen when landros shot asta. "ASTA!" malachite cried out as asta was beatened down. Malachite growled as he then ran to landros in anger he punched him right in the face then tripped him over and was going to cast a spell but chokes when he felt landros hand on his throat he gasped out and put his hands on landros's arm. "You are needed here dude now stay OUT OF MY WAY!" Landros yelled as he then threw malachite into the forest making him shot into trees breaking them till he landed on a rock the rock being dented then crumble onto malachite.

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