chapter 8

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Malachite only laughed louder as he watched asta almost get trampled over but he joined in on the fun. "Ooo you look like your having fun!" Malachite exclaims as he then swings in and catches hums avoiding the water ball itself "ack" malachite yelps as he lets Asta jump from him to slash the boar with his sword.

Malachite only helped asta out before making things abit worse he only then laughed as he saw asta fix the mess. "Man that hurt" asta mumbles softly as they walked malachite holding a boar on his back.

They talked about why Magna entered the enterance exams . "respect for that guy" malachite mumbles as he then saw. Magna frown and put the boar down "the whole village?" Magna mumbles as he ran closer to get a better view. Malachite tilts his head as he puts the boar down and followed. "Its covered in mist" noelle mumbles "they got some pretty weird weather around here" asta comments "not the weather casta, its magic" malachite said looking at it and tilting his head a bit. Malachite appeared out from behind magna making Magna jump "sheesh dude" Magna mumbles

"Fairly strong spell I have to admit" malachite states as he looked through it trying to see but didn't work....obiviously. "Trying to go in there is like trying to walk around blindfolded" noelle compares then sweat dropped abit as she looked at malachite who hummed all bubbly and not worried what so ever.

"Magic that can completely cover an entire ordinary person can do that" magna mumbles shaking his head abit.

"Something bad happened" Magna mumbles in concern. "Hey asta?"agna turns to them "use your sword to cut through the mist" magna points "right!...wait silly magna you cant cut mist with a sword" Asta waves his hand amd laughs.

Malachite snickers a bit and shook his head "but you can cut magic asta, magic is all over the place " malachite said with a grin. "Oh yeah!' Asta nods as he started to cut through the magic mist quickly through while the other followed.

"You guys feel that?" Magna asked "yes its magic and its very strong" noelle mumbles. "Straight ahead now be careful" magna ordered "right!" Pasta swung.

"This place is freezing" malachite shudders holding himself a bit "nows not the time to complain about the cold" noelle states raising a brow abut asta swung one more time "we should be in the square" magna mumbles till he saw a big group of people huddled together all scared.

Malachite frowns as he then looked up "guys" malachite points. The other looked up to see sharp shards of ice hovering over the villagers. "Uuugh how troubling" malachite 'tched abit

The shards only then began to fall and were about to land on those people till magna jumps in "EXPLOSIVE SCATTER SHOT" magna cries out and explodes the shards.

Malachite looked at the people "its 4 of the magic nights" a kid mumbles softy. "What the hell is going on?" Magna asked then looked over to see and old man laying there half dead at this  point.

Magna only then turns to a group of hooded figures and a old pale looking man. "Eesh its always those in cloaks that have to be the evil omes" malachite mumbles. "Not the time malachite" asta frowns looking at malachite with a frown "yeah I know...evil stuff going on we should make sure that all the villagers are okay" malachite points out.

"You guys responsible?" Magna yelled "you threw off my schedule now in 10 seconds everyone here will die" the man states taking out his grimoire and made a huge sharp stake of ice and shot it towards the group. Malachites eyes widen till he looked at asta and made a step of earth to launch him up and get the chance to cut the piece of ice in half.

"Think again!" Asta glared at the male "why would you do something so horrible, who do you think you are!" asta exclaims. Malachite looked at them then looked down at his feet his mind wondering abit he knew it was the wrong time but his mind was else we

"Im only trying to get rid of the useless beasts that waste my time" the male states simply. Malachite looked over and frowned a bit as he things of a spell then spits out chunks of lava from his mouth to melt the ice shards the weird male had thrown "you jerk!" Malachite exclaims pouting abit.

"You made it to the magic night surely you understand how insignificant these creatures are" the pale male continued. Malachite huffs and looked over to asta and stood tall next to him he wanted to try to see if being a magic knight is fun and worth it .

"Whatever I'll do whatever I have to, to protect them!"  Asta states with a loud voice. Malachite looked at him for a moment then looked back at the villagers 'maybe....i should take this thing seriously' he thought in his head then hummed softly. He smirked abit cus he was ready to have fun and sight at least .

Malachite backed up a bit seeing mist swirling around them all and ice

"Endless ice cage"

There were ice knives pointing at all of them. Malachite pursed his lips a bit then looked at the shards pointed at him. He took off his glove revealing his dark looking hand looked almost dead but malachite can move it.

He then touched it even if it was sharp and he bled a bit he made the ice turn dark before it burst into smaller pieces.

Shocking most and even the male himself "you boy what did you do to the ice you dont seem to have your grimoire out !" One of the hooded people points. Malachite looked over to the people and gave a blank stare then shrugs.

Making asta, and Magna anime crash abit, they were amazed but disappointed that malachite had no clue about his own power. The male only continued to shot lce pikes at everyone and Magna as well as asta tried to keep the ice away from the villagers. "If I were to give up easily I wouldn't be a MAN" magna yelled.

Noelle tries shooting her magic but it still need alot of work to get it to you know go to its target. "A magic knight that doesnt know their own power and one who cant control their magic, the black bulls must be truly desperate" the man comments.

Noelle backed up abit but saw people getting her. Malachite shor as much chunks of lava he could but sighs his mouth was getting to dry. He looked back at noelle and short a small pebble at her noelle yelped and looked over to malachite "hey Noelle nows not the time to feel bad about yourself and cook up a new spell!" Malachite yelled.

Then a little girl took a hold of Noelle dress and looked up to her with eyes that were screaming for help. Next thing ya know noelle gained a new spell in her grimoire and she made a huge dome of water that crushed the ice as it tried to hit the villegers.

"Hell ya!" Malachite exclaims and lands back onto his but tired.

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