chapter 17

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"How dare you" alecdora growled malachite huffs softly glaring at them all. He looked at asta and sighed. Klaus looked shocked as well as noelle and mimosa.

Malachite sighs "you become the wizard king?"

"A mere commoner"

"Not a chance" the twins only then attacked

"water binding magic: now! Sea serpents coils"

A water serpent was after asta, asta was prepared but malachite stood in the way and puts his hand on the serpent. The water serpent wiggled for a moment then explode to nothing but water. "Eh" solid looked in shock asta and malachite worked like the perfect team and went against all three of them.

Malachite disappeared and asta was left to be captured. It was like that alecdora and solid were going to hurt asta but malachite wont let that happened he popped right out from behind the two and slammed both their head together

"Bitches" he hissed solid had shot out his spell but Asta managed to make the spell bounce off and go towards solid who was still holding his head in pain. Malachite jumped out of the way and went to asta and gave him a high five "that should really teach them" malachite laughed seeing solid was kneeling and was now even more angry.

They were about to fight till a huge amount of Mana appeared it was nozel the place was almost freezing. Asta stood a bit afraid malachite gritted his teeth but held his guard and glared at nozel. His own Mana seethed out it was just as intense nozel's malachite looked at nozel challengingly "you think your such a tough guy huh?" Malachite said through his teeth. His Mana made people feel fear, it felt like an eerie dark alley or a pitch black cave and brought out the fear so many had of the dark. Nozel narrowed his eyes at malachite not getting how a commoner has so much Mana. Their stare At each other was like a stand off between and hawk and a black panther

"M-malachite" asta mumbles, malachite stopped his mana and looked at asta then sighed. He then looked back at nozel and scoffs Asta panted for a bit but malachite stood in front of him with a small smirk "your not getting to him that easily" he states.

Malachite flinched slightly as nozel lifted his hand but he stopped cus Fuegoleon stepped into the situation. "What do you think your doing? Ganging up on lone youth like this? Where is your sense of honor" Fuegoleon states. Malachite felt less tense and sighs as he flops onto the ground he was tired now.

He Sat up and looked back to see Leopold. He looked at them and laughed "turns out mimosa is right oh yeah you are one entertaining kid" Leopold points at Asta then points at malachite "and you, your cute therefor date me!" Leopold states boldly "HAAAA!??" Malachite yelled.

"And today is your lucky day because I, Leopold vermillion have just made you my rival" Leopold stated. "Uh" Asta was speechless not like he had speech at all in the first place. "And you will become my date!" Leopold turns to malachite "Oooh your so cute and amazing" he blushed. Malachite deadpanned a bit "its only been a few minutes" malachite mumbles. "That does not matter what matters is you are the most gorgeous i've ever seen not to mention powerful so date me!" Leopold exclaims.

Malachite looked at asta then at Leopold "I'll pass" he states. "But but wild flower" leopold whined "I must know the name of my rival first then you my wild flower" leopold smiled happily. Malachite backed up a bit Noelle and mimosa both giggling teasing malachite.

"What was it casta or something?" Leopold asked "I told you its asta" mimosa said softly. "What do you say oh rival of mine it should be a time of celebrating" leopold smiled and patted asta's shoulder. "Im still confused" pasta mumbles "now celebrate then" leopold huffs.

"Um...woo hoo?" Asta mumbles unenthusiastically. Malachite snorts slightly but yelps as he was pulled into leopolds arms "hey! Let go!" Malachite hissed "so feisty my wild flower is" Leopold sighed as he lets malachite go.

"I appreciate the offer but I already have a rival" asta said looking at Yuno "hahaha! Doesnt mean you cant have another rival" Leopold said laughing and patting asta's shoulder again.

"Wait you being serious?" asta asked as Leopold kept patting then patted Asta muscles. "You have big muscles under that robe huh?" The fiery male asked before turning to malachite with heart eyes "not a chance" malachite states as he stood behind the girls. "Your still noble trash" malachite points

Malachite watched as the two challenges Asta to an arm wrestle match. "Ooo this I gotta see"
malachite mumbles "a noble recognizing commoners as their date and rival" nozel spoke "remember nozel the wizard king himself invited those young men, they're commoners but we can still extend them a measure of acceptance. "Tch" malachite rolled his eyes and scoffs slightly "i would have never expected hearing that from a royal im sorry to see how house vermillion has gone soft"

The two only glared at each other almost how nozel and malachite were a few minutes ago "going Mana against mana"

Everyone could feel the intensity well asta didn't but he could tell they were strong. It continued till a guard came in "terrible news!" They exclaim and the two captains calmed down "what is it?" Fuegoleon asked "the royal capital is under attack"

Malachite raised a brow he didn't really care but he was a magic and he needs to care about all. They all looked at a map of the capitol malachite hummed as he then turns and started walking "where are you going?" Fuegoleon asked "we are wasting time planning" malachite shrugs "yeah! We are out of here, we cant waste our time talking" asta yelled as he started to run.

"What are you gonna do if you cant detect magic?" Klaus asked "I'll just go wherever is loudest" asta states. Malachite only ran to with him "hahaha now we're talking wait up asta and my precious wild flower I wanna come to!" Leopold yelled running after them.


Malachite ran and looked around he couldnt help but feel no remorse for the nobles but! He had to do something. Malachite jumped in knocking some zombie heads and went to the little girl "you okay kid?" He asked. The little kid whimpered but nods slowly "thats good" malachite picked the girl up and looked at asta "plan?"

"Kicking this guys ass!"

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