chapter 53

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(A/N: I know we dont know much of loropechikas parents BUT imma change it up cus why not UwU)

"" malachite mumbles trying to let the info sink in and he looked away. "Then...why did i end up in the clover kingdom? Why was I alone for the majority of my damn life alone and suffering!?" Malachite got angry "I would refrain from yelling at the queen" undine warned. "No no no its alright undine, he as the right to be angry, I was too, when I found out I was angry that they dared to leave you alone there, your mother had her purposes tho I may not know what those purposes for but she knew that many in our kingdom would want to destroy you, not only that many of her creations would want to kill you too." Loropechika sighed.

Malachite looked down and sat down slowly and sighed "im a devil prince huh?" He whispered. There was a silence "for what its worth i will do much I can to be a good big sister, I never got to before that inmet you i can" she smiled. Malachite looked at loropechika then sighed amd chuckles "guess I cant stop you with that, its nice to hear i have SOME sort of family..right?" Malachite mumbles

Loropechika giggled and smiled happily "yeah yeah yeah, i know most about your devil hybrid status from the wizard king. The clover kingdom wants you dead but they cannot kill you if your a royal of the heart kingdom, that would cause war, and i will let them know" loropechika states as she got up from her spot next to malachite and went to a box and opened it.

Showed a crown for the prince "hold on hold on i cant just simply BECOME a prince, I dont have the right "education" or manners of those selfish pricks!" Malachite exclaims. Undine huffs "no offense" malachite mumbles and sighed "I dont feel like I deserve to be royalty " malachite points out.

Loropechika looked at malachite and huffs as she went to her younger self brother and yelps as she trips over her dress and the crown slipped out of her hands and landed into his face. "Oooww" malachite grumbles he then looked at all the water screens "do you mind not trying to kill asta?" Malachite asked as he held the crown and rubbed his face a bit and hummed softly.

Loropechika nods as she lets malachite rest on obe of her beavers as asta flew in and looked around. "Malachite?" Asta tilts his head then looked at loropechika and inspects her closely, but too close before she ended up headbutting asta.

Malachite looked over and stood up "asta" he mumbles in worry. "What was that fo-aaaaghh" Asta cried out as waater swept Asta away. "Um water spirit undine that wasnt so necessary" malachite mumbles.

Loropechika went on her fours to look for her glasses. Undine only sighed softly "loropechika I had told you to take off your pajamas and dress up cus we have guests. " undine petted loropechika's head

Malachite looked over to asta and helped him up "sorry about that" he said "its fine but why are you apologizing?" Asta asked looking at malachite. Malachite blushed and shrugged.

Loropechika explained of the magic stages they had in the heart kingdom. "You are only ranked if you are near zero and that counts of a devil, more or less what malachite or a devil, is anyone under stage 1 can not hold their own against them" loropechika explained. "A devil...oh yeah thats why we are here thats the thing we came here cus we picked up a huge curse signal and a devils gotta be the cause of it" asta said straight forward.

Malachite crossed his arms and nods "yep" he mumbles "you know anything about curses?" He asked

"Actually" loropechika started "I also happen to be suffering from a devils curse" she then lifted her shirt up to show a swirl of dark magic on her belly. "If nothings done about it ,I'll be dead in a year or so" she explains "WHAT!?" Malachite exclaims as the others gasped in shock. "Honestly!" Undine spoke and scolded loropechika.

"Og sweet loropechika, that adorable ignorance is going to kill me at some point" undine gushed softly "buts its true, we brought you here to see your stages of magic is because we desire to defeat megicula (I think thats how it spells?) The devil who casted this curse and not only that revealing malachites other part of his identity, so that if things go wrong he will take loropechika's place" undine said

"HAAAAHHHH!!??? " Asta cried out along with malachite "wait look I know im prince but whats someone like me gonna do with an ENTIRE kingdom made of WATER??" Malachite yelled out "y-y-your a PRINCE!?" asta yelled out. "Yeah!....i guess?" Malachite mumbles "im still denying it myself tho" malachite mumbles and sighed softly.

"Members of the clover kingdom, and my dear step brother, join us" she said softly then gasped out making malachite stand on gaurd "what is it?" He asked "yeah whats wrong?" Asta asked in worry

"Excuse me! I forgot to water the poplata TREES" loropechika exclaims making both malachite and asta anime crash. "Im pretty sure we were in the middle of a life changing conversation but hey do what you want" asta said they all looked as dozens of water screens that show all kinds of parts of the kingdom, she only then changed the weather to make it start raining. "Wow" malachite whispers as he looked around.

"Now then time time to change you loropechika you are a queen and this etire is not meant for that role, she is our high priest deity we cant simply loose her to a devils curse" undine said as out popped loropechika in a proper queens atire. "Right" malachite nods "I wouldn't be right as king anyways" malachite chuckles. "But your just as important malachite, I want you to one day at least become general of defense with that new matter magic I have no doubt you'd do a great job" loropechika smiled patting malachites head.

Malachite looked at her she was at least another who believe in him weather he was a devil or not. It was comforting "well....its guess" malachite nods and punched his own palm "i'd be a badass huh?" He grinned. "You'd be perfect for it" Asta smiled warmly holding malachites hand. Malachite looked at Asta with gleaming eyes, asta only then realizes his actions and turned bright red "I MEAN WHO WOULDN'T THINK YOU WOULD BE SUITED FOR THE JOB YOU WOULD BE TOTALLY COOL AND GREAT!" Asta rambles before hero sighed and grabbed astas cheek making him cry out in surprise and pain.

Malachite looked at asta and laughed softly. Then saw loropechika walk to them but trip and spiraled past them. "Oh I get it so your clumsy cus of the curse too?" Asta asked "no no im just naturally clumsy" loropechika confirmed "im related to that?" Malachite mumbles crossing his arms "you can be clumsy too malachite" hero points out making malachite blush in embarrassment "shes right tho" asta points out "shut up idiot!" Malachite exclaims.

Undine only looked at the embrassed young male and felt her heart squeeze "aaaaww your so adorable, young malachite" she gushed playing with Malachites hair making him whine slightly.

"Well moving on that cursed my dear loropechika is currently in the diamond kingdom" undine frowned

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