chapter 5

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"What?" The crowd exclaims

"Hehehe got a problem with it, the black bulls just sound most fun" malachite states and crossed his arms. Fuegoleon hummed softly and nods he wanted malachite on his team but yamis squad seems to be the best for malachite and his strange powers.

Yamis chuckles and clapped his hands "perfect" he stated.

"Uh...number 166 the black bulls"

Malachite hummed softly no one as ever chosen for the black bulls it was either yami asking or someone just ending up there.

It was the very end of the exam where all who had no hands had to leave back home and all those who had hands stayed so they can go with their captain.

Malachite hummed softly as he walked all around the halls and looked at the other participants. He looks over to see pasta run pass him making him deadpan abit and chuckles slightly. Pasta then walked to where he would meet up with captain yami.

"Hello Mr serial looking killer" malachite smiled , "hmm you want a death wish kid?" He gave off his scary vibes "aha nope im good" malachite states with a nervous smile.

They had to wait a while till asta came along "you have some nerve making me wait like that kid" yami growled. "Captain you seriously cant believe it, it was long, huge ac-" malachite had covered astas mouth "no further details please that sounds disgusting" malachite states.

"Thats not what i meant" yami huffs as he grabbs the top of astas head making asta yelp. "Go on finral" yami sighs "mkay" finral nods and opened a portal "wow how cool" asta said in awe "since you both dont know how to fly a broom so your gonna have to learn some sort of movement spell, or right this kid doesnt have any" yami laughed a bit.

"Uh captain this portal is pretty size able can you maybe hurry up?" Finral mumbles "whats that it almost sounded like you were telling me what to do. Suck it up and push pass your limits" yami growled.

Yami only then threw asta into the portal, malachite exclaims "hey hey hey! Do me!" He states and yami grunts and goes ahead, fling malachite right in. "Weeeee!!" Malachite exclaims and lands on top of asts, he looked at asta who was on the ground making him snicker a bit. "That hurt" asta mumbles, they only then looked at the huge and unique looking black bulls hideout.

"All right, the black bulls hideout" asta exclaims. "Pretty neat" malachite mumbles as he helped asta up."nice huh? We have a pretty snazzy hide out"

Yami said.

"Yep crumbing bricks and all" finral comments "as of today this'll be our place too huh malachite?" asta said excitedly malachite looked at the shorter male then chuckles and nods "yep"

Asta went ahead and opened the door to introduce himself to the crew before a huge fireball shot at him making him fly back. Malachite deadpanned a bit "this is us the worst of the worst, welcome to the black bulls" yami states.

Asta tried getting in again before another fire ball came shooting at him and he had to dodge it. The fire only cooled down and they were presented to those inside, two males fighting??, a drunk woman, a small woman eating food, some dude looking in the mirror with a nose bleed and a big guy breathing out smoke.

Asta looked at them in awe while malachite grinned a bit 'they look like so much fun!' He thought in his head his hands going up and down

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