chapter 31

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"A devil" the witch queen whispers then turns to see the forest go on fire now. Malachite glanced over to the forest "shit" he mumbles slightly and crossed his arms "we are in deep shit" he whispers

"Very well I will not only repair the small omes arms, they'll be more robust" the queen states "Woah cool!" Asta smiled with sparkling eyes. 'celebrate while you still can, soon I will gain both my daughter vanessa and that brats anti magi, although I could take that boys magic but it is nothing but imperfection and unstable Mana and I would not what that in my forest' the queen sighed in her head.

The queen only went ahead and placed her spell on Asta and the bruises on astas arms went away. Malachite smiled happily "I am back in the game! Look what I can do!" Asta frailed his arms around happily. Malachite sighed in relief and deadpanned as asta was starting to act like an idiot making him sigh but bring him into a hug.

Everyone eyes widen a bit at the sudden action. Vanessa only smiled and giggled softly knowing whats up 'oh my' and finral still held a face of shock 'there is seriously something going on between those two' he thought. Noelle only raised a brow for a moment not liking how malachite can openly just hug asta like that she felt jealous.

Asta looked at malachite and smiled up at him. Malachite looked at asta and his face turned bright red "a-ah okay im just very glad you are okay! Now lets go save the forest shall we?" Malachite let go of asta and stomped his way out of the room.

He hid his face with his hands and groans yelling at himself for sounding so stupid. He then pops his head back out to the others "are we...going?" Malachite asked

Malachite was first to lift himself up with globs of lava "Woah when ya learned that!" Asta called out "uh...i may have learned a few spells while finding something for you i only managed to master this one" malachite rubbed the back of his neck.

"Damn thats alot of gaurds" malachite whispered as asta was launched up to the leader. Malachite hummed and crumbled the ground and lifts spikes of lava up to knock mages out of their brooms as well as burn them. Fena only came up and was going to fight "guys you go ahead and help asta for me ill get these girls out of here" malachite state holding an injured witch in his arms.

"Hey let him go you man!" One witch exclaims and tried slapping malachite. Malachite only dodged "how dare you touch a woman like how you want it" another exclaims. "Hey!...ack..hey im just trying to help you guys!" He yelled.

"Yeah right you just want to to get your hands on us girls" one growler. Malachite deadpanned and threw the witch in his arms to another girl. "Oh please dont flatter yourself im not interested in women" malachite sassed "huh? A man who...isnt interested in women?" One mumbles. Malachites only heard a few mages going towards them. Malachite only jumps up to one knocking them clean out then jumped off one broom to another broom and kicked that mage off and let the girls below capture them.

"Yes...i have my eyes on....a man thats very special to me..." Malachite blushed looking away "so im doing this so he doesn t have to worry about.anything else" malachite states as he blocked a magic bolder being throw at them. He only pants the jumps slightly when he heard a crowd of 'aaaaaawww'

"Thats sooo romantic"

"Two males? That's so weird"

"I dont know...i kinda like it and its so cuuute"

The group of girls giggled making malachite growl and turn abit more red "alright quit acting like little girls and keep going your queen should be retrieveing all of you and keep you save" malachite states then looked up at the sky.

It was growing darker and he frowned in concern " dammit" he mumbles as then let the girls go ahead and ran towards what was happening. He wanted to be there for asta and this time not let him get hurt. He looked up to see noelles sea dragons roar he smirked "damn pretty cool noelle" he mumbles he beat the fire mages salamander.

He then flew up to the others "sup guys did I miss something?" He asked with a smile then looked at fena "uh..she looks mad" he mumbles slightly "lets do my new move" asta smiled and explained it. Finral and Vanessa were very skeptic about it but they knew they could do it to. Malachite smirked and only gave asta a piece of his other magic that one of the swords absorbed.

Asta went straight into the salamander and destroyed it. Malachite cried out and 'hooted' happily "way to go asta" he called out

He only sensed powerful magic he glanced back towards the forest.

He then turns over to see Fena up again "stop! Surrender we dont want to fight or kill you! Your friends and family wont be happy" asta cried out. The mention of Fena friends and family only got even more angry. They only saw Zell and the other diamond mage from the dungeon, mars coming at him.

Fena launched a fire ball and Zell instructed asta to bounce it towards a direction and it towards the mage landros  after the two. "Why the hell is that guy with you!?" Asta exclaims pointing at mars "hes a bad guy" asta huffed "I am not your enemy trust me" mars states.

Mar only looked at Fena and his eyes widen "fana! Its me! Your friend!" Mars cried out and tried to go to her but asta and malachite stopped him "hey watch it shes still dangerous" malachite states "yeah! If you get any closer to her she'll burn you to a crisp" asta grunts.

Fena only got even more angry and she looked like she was gonna explode. Which was a big uh oh.

Malachite only then dodged from the fireball he looked over to asta giving mars a piece of his mind , malachite snorts and smiled softly "Hes stupid its adorableee" malachite smiled putting a hand on his cheek and sighed softly chuckling silently and blushed then jumps when he heard asta challenging Fena head on he

"Asta" he mumbles

"Come on come on come oooon come with me into town to get some cake for yunos birthdaaaay" asta whined the two were very young asta being 10 and malachite being moody at 12 already.

"No....they'd all look at me like a monster....whats the point" malachite mumbles with a small sigh he had lost so many people very important when he was just 8 he been alone for 2 years before he met Asta.

" trust me then I am your friend and I'll make sure no jerks bother you" as ta smiled with a big grin and held out his hand. Malachite looked at him for a moment calling bullshit but he only slowly took astas hand and they were off to town. Malachite was afraid the entire time he was afraid and was still full of hatred for all the bit of nobility that are somehow there.

Malachite bumped into one noble making him fall back. "Ugh my dress! Watch where you are going you mutt" the woman exclaims about to slap malachite. Malachite flinched but didnt feel no hit, he opened his eyes and saw asta in front of him. "O that hurt" asta mumbles having tears prick the far end corners of his eyes but he was fine.

Malachite looked at him with gleaming eyes as Asta stood up and was just okay. Once again asta had Proven him to really trust him. Malachite only looked at the slight bruise and astas cheek, "hmph you dummy!" Malachite mumbles

then huffs "asta you can trust me! In keeping you safe i will give you my mana so you can go out there and be cool!" Malachite yelled out.

Asta looked at malachite with sparkling but soft eyes and smiled as he then held out a thumbs up "heh"

"I trust you"

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