chapter 15

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It took asta a week till he was to wake up again. Malachite the entire time was with him or checking up on him. Malachite looked at his gloves and bit his lip how will he ever hold anything at all?

"A week? Damn" asta mumbles "poor noelle and malachite those two were always the ones who checked up on you, malachite was like that more then noelle kiddo " vanessa smiled. "I wasnt worried I was just checking to see if he wouldnt wake up" Noelle Denys it.

"Yep I was incredibly woeried I almost felt like i wasnt myself the entire time" malachite states with a small smile and shrugs and looked down at his book that was open in front of him. Asta looked at noelle then at malachite "checking up on me huh? Thanks guys" asta smiled.

Malachite nods and chuckles abit he listened the the group interact then saw the sheep cooks and he go excited they were so fluffy. One finished putting the food down and malachite only then jumps onto one amd laughs "so flufffyyyyy" he exclaims happily.

"Hey hey hey! Enough with that those ingredients cant cook themselves" charmy exclaims. Malachite looked at Charmy and whines but then got off and sat down then looked at the food he was STARVING. He then began eating fast scaring everything up, malachite smiled and talked to luck avoiding the 'do you wanna fight now' question. Malachite avoiding touching anything cus he didnt know what would happen.

Malachite only jumped when he then looked towards yami "sup yams" malachite waved "address him as captain" magna yelled "no" malachite huffs like a little kid. "Glad to see the two of you arent dead from your injuries and what not" yami states "thank you sir!" Asta yelled and malachite nods "well then, knights headquarters wants a report on the dungeon ASAP. So if you can walk then your going" yami states

Malachite raised a brow " The capital huh?" He mumbles.

Yami had just sent asta, noelle and malachite to the capital. "Woah! This is awesome i mean I knew it was big but up close its huge!" Asta said loudly as he looked around. Malachite was impressed himself but felt the bitter feeling that with every beautiful anf big home comes a greedy snobby rich noble.

"Keep it down asta" Noelle hissed as they walked up to the castle. They, along the way met up with the golden dawn, more specifically yuno, Klaus and mimosa. "Sup glasses!, missed me?" Malachite smirks "hmph! Not a chance" Klaus states ". Malachite huffs softly and rolled his eyes a bit "but I am glad that your wounds are doing better" Klaus admits, malachite looked at Klaus and smiled then slapped klais's back "thanks" Klaus only wheezed a bit at the slap

  he laughed seeing Yuno fight again, asta thanked mimosa but mimosa walked away with a red face.

Malachite smirks as he watched the girl leave then turns to the other male. "You guys are impossible and annoying" malachite states with them and saw the two fuss over to him. Malachite only shrugs and backs away hands up in surrender

The two groups only then continued to walk "knight headquarters should be right through here" Klaus states. Malachite looked around he had to really admit it was just beautiful. Klaus only stopped and gasped slightly "no is that really" Klaus mumbles he then bowed and kneeled "I never thought you'd great us personally sir" klaus states. Noelle and mimosa both kneeled too

Malachite popped up from behind the male "yo glasses whos this old guy?" Malachite asked. Yuno and asta stood as clueless as malachite "cant you see? You idiots! This is none other then the current wizard king: sir Julius novachrono" Klaus states .

Malachite's eyes widen a bit as he backed up abit "huh...the real deal huh?" He mumbles They were all lead up then stood in formation. Malachite watched at the wizard king looked like a 5 year old entering a candy shop. Malachite snorts and covered his mouth a bit and tried to keep quiet as he continues to watch.

The wizard king looked at yunos grimoire and wanted to see it but Yuno couldn't do it. "You I did good and this spell will only grow as yo I do, it would be a huge help"

"Sir wizard king sir some weird writing appeared in my grimoire too!" Asta yelled out showing his book. Malachite only laughed "well this looks like" Julius began "like what?" Asta asked with stars in his eyes. "Like something I cant read" he said after making asta anime crashed.

"Hehe he damn touch luck asta" malachite snickers. Asta huffs then took out his newest sword "and this comes out of it what do you think sir?" asta asked

Malachite looked as the wizard king looked like a geek and wanted to hold it so asta let him. Malachite only looked at his hand to see the tattoo he had gained from the jewel he found. "Hey wizard king sir" malachite pipes up "oh yes?" The wizard king asked "if I may ask..
Have you ever come across a being that has a ridiculous amount of mana to the point it just leaks out of them and destroys any other type of magic?" Malachite asked.

The wizard king hummed for a moment "im seeing that your referring to yourself yes?" The wizard king asked. Malachite jumps slightly and nods "its something someone a long time ago told me about" malachite shrugs.

"Well young man, there will come a time and place where you will need to control it and for now I will have a magic item that will help you with your situation call it a gift of some sort" Julius winked.

Malachite looked at him his lips thinning but nods "hai! Im happy to that" malachite smiled. The rest of the group were shocked, "whaaaa a gift fromnthe wizard king no way" asta yelled out but then shyly asked the wizard king well more like him and Yuno at the same time. "How can I become the wizard king?"

Julius looked at the two and smiled and laughed "I see you both want to become the wizard king huh? Not surprising given that you are magic knights" Julius states "you two must realize how rude to ask a question like that sir directly" Klaus states then explains what he thinks it takes to become the wizard king "its about results , a noble heart alone cant protect anyone alone the trust of the people is earned not granted if you want to become wizard king you will have to be the strongest and give results"

Yuno and asta looked more determined then ever. Malachite crossed his arms anf couldn't wait on what that gift was gonna be, he was hoping something like new gloves or something.

The wizard king only then lead the group to the ceremony that was commencing "hmm this distinguished service ceremony sounds fancy" asta mumbled. "Bet its filled with cocky and prissy magic knights who are most likely nobles" malachite scoffs as he looked to the side and sighed a bit.

Julius then lead them all to the hall of magic knights that were there for the ceremony.

"Alright let the ceremony begin"

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