chapter 43

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"Man another boring day" an elf was shown as he looked up at the beautiful sky. He hummed as he got up and went off to see what his creativity took him too. He only looked at a few scraps of steel and took them.dragging them.abit out of the trees "hmm these seem to have belonged to humans" he mumbles as they yelp and got stuck  in the tree hanging upside down. "Dangit"

Time only went by till it was the after noon and Merlin had given up on getting out he was a wimpy male for sure. He then heard a few ruffles from a tree "whos there?" He called out then sees licht there. " o-oh! Licht!" He squeaks and blushed bright "you have gotten your self in quiet the pickle huh merlin?" Licht chuckles.

Merlin loomed away crossing his arms "you werent looking for human ju k were you?" Licht asked. Merlin huffs making licht laugh. Merlin glanced at licht and blushed sighing in defeat he couldnt say no to thay handsome face of his.

(Change of scene)

Merlin had heard that licht had befriended a few humans and was spending less time with him. Merlin frowned as he looked down, reya looked at Merlin "whats the matter kid?" Reya asked wrapping his arms around merlins shoulders "he seems....close to that female human huh?" Merlin mumbles "yeah he is...whats up with that huh? Out of everyone i thought he would be already dating you" reya teased making Merlin blush. "Sh-shut up!" Merlin exclaims

(Change of scene)

"Your having a baby?" Merlin mumbles looking at the two. Licht smiled happy "yes I have hope that this child will have be the key for humans and elves to become one" licht smiled putting a hand on teshas stomach. Merlin didnt want that...he knew he was supposed to be happy but...this pain in his chest was to painful to take.
Everyone were saying their congrats to the engaged couple and reya held onto Merlin. Him knowing that Merlin had always had feelings for licht but licht couldnt see the complete obvious.

(Change of scene)

Merlin was by a tree looking down blankly then yelped as he saw a beam of magic almost hit him. Merlin stood up and walked towards what was that and he saw a young blonde human there and he recognized him. He was the male that.licht hung out with a lot. He had some sort of machine in his hands, Merlin tilts his head and was very curious and yelps as he trips over. "Oh! Hello, you interested in my machine?" The male grinned brightly Merlin raised a brow "who are you?" Merlin asked.

The blonde only smiled

His name was only echoed out.

(Change of scene)

After a terrible fight with light merlins jealous and questioning of the machines the noble he had met. "I dont care you do your stupid wedding without your beat man" Merlin clenched his fists and walked away. But he felt licht hold his shoulder Merlin trembles softly he trusted that human more then anything now.

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