The Fall Of The Hero Killer

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Over these past two days Izuku has learned so much from Stain, he taught him how to use blades more efficiently and even some techniques that will help them take down bigger and stronger opponents, but during the training they have learned so much about each other, Izuku talk to him about his previous life and how he was just a quirkless boy that was bullied, stain has even talk about his previous life as well but not too much of it, he'd like to keep his old self in the past and preferred moving on as he is now in the present.

~Training room~


"All right you've trained very well through these past two days."


"Thank you teacher."


"Now for your final test, I want you to fight me, if you can defeat me then you can take down any opponent that defies you."


"Yes teacher, I'll find you."


"Good now don't hold anything back."

Stan then rushed Izuku and begin throwing punches but Izuku block them with ease, but out of nowhere Stain then lift himself with one hand and kicks Izuku on the side of his ribs, but luckily Izuku blocked it in time, if he was too late to react from that kick it would have broke some of his ribs, Stain then leaps back to get some distance from Izuku.

~Stain's mind~

"His reflexes has improved, he's a lot quicker now then we started, this kid is a quick learner I like that."

Stain then rushed Izuku again but pulled out a knife and try to slash him, Izuku Dodges the first slash but it's surprised when Stain pulls out another knife and cuts him on his right arm, Izuku uses his fade quirk to get some distance from stains blades.

~Izuku's mind~

"He called me off guard with that other blade cut me, I was generating this cut and this time I'll Rush him."

But as Izuku try to regenerate, stain run right towards him and through the two knives he had.


"You think I'll just stand there and let you regenerate!?"

Stain then leaped into the air and pulled out his sword to strike Izuku from above, but this is what Izuku I really wanted him to do, Izuku then leaped towards Stain, as he got closer to stain he used his quirk fade, stain lift around to see where he's gone to,  but then he noticed his back's exposed so he turned his head and saw Izuku behind him with an axe kick coming down, there was no way for Stain to escape from this attack, Izuku then landed his kick on to Stain's back which launches him straight down, as stained raised his head he was faced with the tip of his sword and saw Izuku holding his sword.


"(Panting) Well it looks like I lose."


"(Painting) Yeah you did."

Izuku remove the tip of the sword from Stan's face and put his hand out, Stain takes his students hand and firmly grasp it.


"Congratulations Izuku Midoriya you've passed."


"Thank you teacher."

After Izuku and Stain finished with the final lesson, Kurogiri walks into the training room to inform the both of them about tomorrow's mission.

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