Izuku Has Returned

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Izuku ran through the night covered streets so you can get to The hideout quicker, he also made sure that he wasn't followed, he then made it to The hideout that him and the league were hiding, once you went inside he was expecting to see everyone there but it was completely empty so that meant that they've moved to a different hideout, he looked in the rooms to see if he could find anything that could help him find the other hideout, when he entered the room where he used to sleep in he found a piece of folded paper on his mattress, he picks it up and sees that his name on it, as he unraveled the paper he saw and what was written in the paper, just from looking at it he recognized the handwriting which belonged to Toga.

~Toga's letter to Izuku~

"Izuku if you are reading this then that means that your safe and sound, me and jin waited for you with the girl we saved, we were waiting for you but you didn't show up, I was getting worried so I want to go back and look for you, before I can even do that you suddenly appeared in the sky with overhaul, which surprised me and twice, after that we waited for you in the alleyway for you to return but the cops began to search the area near us, so we left as soon as possible any cops or heroes got close, we were the first ones to arrive at The hideout, me and twice kept an eye on the little girl, at first she seemed scared of us but we made sure that she was safe like how you wanted, an hour later Tomura with the other League members I was hoping that you will be with him but you weren't, I told Tomura about to plan you told us he was impressed but he got upset when you didn't return, so we waited hours for you to come back, but while we waited I was the one taking care of Eir, she kept asking for you, but you were still no show, we then heard that Kurogiri was arrested, so that left us no choice but to leave the hideout as soon as possible before any heroes could come, but as we were leaving I wrote this letter for you so you know where we'll be headed, the location is on another piece of paper I put inside your mattress."

Izuku then rip through his mattress and found the small piece of paper that had the location of where to find out was at.


"Thank you Toga, I know I can always rely on you."

Izuku quickly left the old hideout and proceeded to run through the streets again, the new hideout was was very far from the city, but was a good thing for the league due to the involvements with overhaul, he then left the city and began running through some trees up a hill, once he finally made it he saw a small building ahead of him, he saw that some lights we're on so he proceeded to walk towards the building, once he entered through the front door he saw Spinner leaving against the wall Playing on that game boy he got from him as a gift.


"So have you beat the game yet?"


"No not yet I just need to beat this boss an-"

Spinner takes his eyes off of his game and turns his head towards the front door and sees Izuku standing there grinning at him, with shocking so much that he drops his game boy, he then runs over to to see if he was real or a mirage, spinner begin poking him lifting his arms and even look deep into his eyes to see if it was actually him.


"Is this how you say hello now?"



He then picked up Izuku and begins beating him out of pure joy for seeing alive and well.


"I'm so glad hey you're back, I just knew the teachings of Stain will keep you safe."


"Thanks I'm happy to know that your safe too."


"Come on we got to tell the others now you're back."

Spinner then put Izuku down and grabbed him by the wrist and proceeded to run towards some stairs, once they're at the second floor spinner brush through a door with Izuku, when he burst through the door all the League members turn to him and stops what they were doing once they laid their eyes on Izuku.


"Hey everyone I'm back."

Everyone of the league begin to approach Izuku to finally welcome him back.

~Mr. Compress~

"Midoriya I'm so glad that you returned, you have to tell us where have you been through these past few days."


"It's a long story but I hope to all of you."


"You better you jerk, we've been thinking that you got captured by the heroes or even killed, next time don't pull any crap like that again."


"It's nice to see you again too Mustard."

Suddenly Twice wrapped his arms around Izuku and begin crying dramatically."


"(Sniffling) Kid I'm so glad that your back, never leave us again, or else I'll kick your ass."


"Alright I won't leave you guys again."

Twice then let's go with him and when he did that Izuku saw Toga approach him.


"Toga I'm so hap-"

Toga slapped Izuku across his face but then proceeded to hug him as well.


"I knew that you'll come back Izuku."

Izuku then wrapped his arms around Toga's body and embraced her.


"It's thanks to you and I'm back Toga, I did promise you that I'll come back to you."

Toga then leaned into Izuku's in the end whispering something to him.


"I want to talk to you in private later on okay."



She then let's go of Izuku and then leaves the room, after that Shigaraki approached him.


"You're late to report back to me you know that right?"


"Yeah I know, but I'm here now."


"Now do you mind telling us what happened to you after you disappeared."


"Yeah I'll tell you, but before I do that can you tell me where Eir is?"


"She's sleeping in another room right now, Toga and the other league numbers have been taking good care of her, and if you want to know she's not scared of any of us cuz we showed you that we're here to help her then use her."


"Thank you Tomura, now that I know that, I can tell you about the two villains that same with me and nurtured me back to health.

~To be continued~

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