Our Leader Has Returned

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Once Shigaraki and his small army of nomu begin attacking the nearest city that was close to the doctor's laboratory, the nomu went on a complete rampage by throwing cars breaking into buildings and terrorizing the innocent, Shigaraki didn't join the nomu in their destruction, instead he walked through the middle of the streets and waited for a hero to challenge him, he didn't take too long when the nearest hero appeared, and that hero was the number four, Edgeshot, the nomu that went to go attack him were easily beaten by him using his quirk by dodging there strong attacks and even incapacitating them as well, once Edgeshot stood victorious next to the fallen nomu he noticed Shigaraki approaching him.


"Tomura Shigaraki, you've been gone for quite some time, but now that your back I will be the one too capture you and put you to Justice."


"Foolish hero, you would do no such thing because I've become stronger then I was before."


"We'll see about that."

Edgeshot begin running straight towards him, as he was getting closer he leaped into the air and was about to attack him with one of his elastic attacks, but in a blink of an eye he was pierced by Shigaraki's spirited fingers similar to the ones that All For One used, it was pierced he was immediately dead which disappointed Shigaraki.


"Hmm, he was nothing but a waste of time, and I had my hopes up to fight him, it seems that the number four hero wasn't strong after all."

He retracted his spirited fingers and saw Edgeshot's body fall to the ground, after that he continued walking the streets until he saw a news helicopter flying above him, the news reporter inside the helicopter where reporting the destruction that the nomu were doing on the city, but when the reporter looked down in the streets she saw Shigaraki, and just when the news reporter and the cameraman face over too Shigaraki location, he reached out both of his arms towards the helicopter and used his spirited fingers inhale it with no hesitation, once his spears went through the helicopter and slammed it into the side of a building, once he did that he began laughing.

~League hideout~

As Shigaraki was was on his own rampage Izuku was watching it all on television that was being recorded by the same cameraman from the helicopter, and when he saw Shigaraki for the first time in a long time, he began smiling.


"Well well it seems that our leader has come back."

Izuku turns off the TV and heads out of the room he was in, he then stepped into a metal balcony where he looked over the army of villains.


"Everyone I have good news to tell you!"

The army of villains turn to him to hear the good news that he has to tell them.


"Tomura Shigaraki has finally returned!"

The army of villains began to cheer to finally hear that that their previous leader has finally returned.


"Now we must go to him and prove our loyalty to our great leader Tomura Shigaraki!"

The army of villains cheered once again and begin leaving the building they were inside of, once they went outside some of them got into some trucks, Izuku smile to see the army of villains rejoice to know that Shigaraki has returned.

~Izuku's mind~

"Tomura I'm glad you have returned."

As he looked over the balcony he heard the other Toga members call out to him.




"Yes Toga?"


"So it's true?, Tomura is back?"


"Yes he is."

Toga hugs Izuku from excitement, she then grabbed him by the hand and began taking him to the others League members.


"Come on let's go pick up our leader Izuku."

Once the both of them finally made it to the truck they saw that the other League members were very excited to finally be reunited with their leader.


"Oh man I'm just so hype to finally sees are great leader Tomura!"


"Calm down Jin, we're all excited to find sees Shigaraki again."

~Mr. Compress~

"Mustard is right twice, to be reunited with our leader, even Eri is exciting as well."


"I can't wait to see Shigaraki come home with us."


"Hey how do you think our leader is going to act now that he's gone through his new transformation."


"He might have gone through some changes but I think he might say the same."


Alright let's just hope so."


"Alright everyone the army I set out to the city where Tomura is at right now, Gigantomachia is also heading there as well, and while the army of villains and Gigantomachia destroying the city we will be the ones to retrieve Tomura."


"Sounds good to me, let's go get our boss."

Izuku and the league got into the truck and began driving to the city, after a few hours they saw Gigantomachia in the city where Shigaraki was in which meant the army where there as well, when's the leak finally went into the city they drove through destroyed areas and burning buildings as well until they saw Shigaraki I heard of them, they stopped the truck and Izuku hops out and calls out Shigaraki.



Shigaraki turns around and sees Izuku, they approach each other and look at each other as well, once they were finally face to face Izuku took off his coat and handed it to Shigaraki.


"Here it looks like you need this."


"Haha, thanks."

The both of them then began walking back to the truck together, once they were nearly there they saw the rest of the league waiting for them, once they finally reached the league Shigaraki was smiling to finally be reunited with the League, they then put him on the truck and headed out of there, they called back the army and Gigantomachia to retreat, even the nomu followed them as they retreated as well, as Shigaraki was in the truck he looked at everyone.

~Shigaraki's mind~

"I'm glad to be home."

~To be continued~

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