Planning For The Mission

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After a week and a half of training Izuku had finally mastered his new quirk fabe, at first it was a bit difficult for Izuku to control but the more he he started to use it against the weaker nomu he fought in his training, but after you completed all of his training he did not stop.

~Training room~


"Sir Midoriya are you in here?"


"Yes I'm right here."


"I see that you're training again, may I ask why?"


"Well I want to be stronger so whatever Shigaraki needs me to do on this mission I'll give it my absolute best."


"I see, but I suggest you do not work yourself too hard tomorrow would be the day you help Shigaraku on this important mission."


"You're probably right Kurogiri I shouldn't train myself too hard especially if I'm needed in a mission tomorrow."


"Good, then I suggest you should go rest up we need you fully rested for this mission."


"All right as you say Kurogiri."

As Izuku was leaving the training room Kurogiri subtempt to give him something before he left the room.


"Before you go Midoriya I want to return this to you."

Kurogiri then presented Izuku's notebook, Izuku what shock from seeing it again he thought that it might have been Left behind where he fell.


"You had my notebook the whole time?"


"Yes I did I was holding on to it for you, and since I was the one overseeing your training I wrote my own notes in your notebooks about how you could perfect your skills and and using close combat."


"Wow thank you Kurogiri."

Izuku then headed to his room to rest up from all his training and to skim through all the notes that Kurogiri wrote down in his notebook.

~The next day~

After a long rest from training Izuku still got up early so he can get ready for his very first mission, as he was equipping some knives on himself Kurogiri entered his room with a with some clothes in his hands.


"I see that you got up early to get ready for this mission."


"Yeah I did I want to be prepared for this mission that Shigaraku needs me for."


"Well if you're getting ready for the mission you can't go with those rags you are wearing."

Kurogiri then handed Izuku some fresh new clothes that was perfect for him to wear.


"Thank you Kurogiri you're always there to help me out and I appreciate that."


"Well you are helping us with our goals so it is only fair that we treat you as an equal."

Kurogiri then left the room and Izuku begin to get dressed in his new outfit, as he was putting it on he never expected to wear nice looking outfit on a mission, but still Kurogiri was the one to give him it so he will wear it with pride, as he finished getting ready he walked out of his room and saw Kurogiri waiting for him, be then walked together to where they had some of the nomu that would be joining the mission as they were walking Izuku saw Shigaraki standing in front of a big nomu.


"Hey Shigaraki."

Shigaraku then turns around and notice Izuku walking with Kurogiri.


"Well well if it isn't the kid that survived the fall."


"Oh you heard about that."


"Yeah I did and I've heard about everything you've been through while you were here and to be honest it is impressive and you are worthy of those two quirks that Master has bestowed on you.


"Thanks, oh yeah and you must have heard that I go by phantom now."


"Yeah I've heard and I have to admit it is a fitting name for you since you are a dead person."

Izuku grins from Shigaraku's remark.


"Kurogiri are all the nomus ready to go?"


"Yes they are they're just waiting for your orders."


"Good all is coming to plan, no let's get phase one out of the way."


"Wait before we go can you tell me what the mission is?"


"Oh yeah you have been informed yet well the mission is we're going to kill All Might.




"Yeah but first we need to bring him out so we're going to attack the USJ first and we're going to show all of those heroes in training that their hope can die once they see All Might's death."


"I see, if we kill All Might in front of all those heroes then they will lose hope and we will have the upper hand."


"Exactly now let's go, oh wait I nearly forgot to give you this."

Shigaraki then handed Izuku a white mask with a wide smile and menacing eyes.


"What's this for?"


"Well it's best if we keep your identity a secret we don't need any heroes finding out a dead missing boy is still alive do we?"


"You're right."

Izuku then down the mask and became the villain known as phantom.

~To be continued~

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