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The next day Izuku thought about going to the address that Shigaraki wrote down for him to go see what his big plan was and why Shigaraki needed someone Izuku to help him, but after school he had to go to the grocery store to buy some for his mom to cook dinner for the both of them, so after school Izuku headed straight to the grocery store, but on his way there he started hearing some first steps behind him, Izuku looks back and sees Bakugou and his friends running straight towards him, Izuku begins to run as fast as he can to try to get away from them, but Bakugou uses his quirk to catch him, Bakugou and his friends then drags Izuku off to an alleyway.


"Hey Deku me and my friends I'm going to enroll to UA and we wanted to see who's quirk is the strongest, so we're going to test them out on you."


"P-please Ka-kacchan don't do th-"

Bakugou kick Izuku in the face to stop him from finishing that sentence.


"Damn nerd, don't call me by that stupid nickname you gave me you quirkless loser."

Izuku looks up at Bakugou with tears in his eyes.

~Friend 1~

"Hahaha, look at this loser he's crying."

Izuku gets up on his feet and puts his fist up to try to fight them off, the sadly they were too strong, they push ed him on the ground and begin to stomp them like he was a filthy bug, but Izuku pick themselves up again and grabbed his bag to run off.

~Friend 2~

"Damn it he's getting away!"


"Leave him, we already had our fun with him, so we should just let him go crying home."

Izuku ran so fast that he ended up at the train station, but that wasn't even the place you was meant to go, Izuku opens his notebook and sees the address that Shigaraki wrote down and by looking at it for a minute he grabs his phone and begins to insert the address into GPS to go to the location, he gets on a train and begins to walk through the city to get to the location he is supposed to go, he arrives hour later to this weird looking brick building Izuku looked around and find the door in the alleyway with a sign above it that says bar on it, Izuku looks at his phone to see if this is the right location but it is, he opens the door and walks through a dark hallway to another door, he opens it and sees Shigaraki sitting at the bar and behind the bar was a man whose body was covered in some sort of smoke.


"Ahh, it looks like you decided to come after all, come in take a seat."

Izuku sits right next Shigaraki at the bar counter, but Shigaraki noticed all of the shoe prints on his school clothes and especially the big one on his face.


"Kurogiri can you service our guest a drink please."


"As You wish sir."

Kurogiri the then gets a very fancy bottle and begins to pour it into a glass cup to serve it to Izuku.


"Here you go young man."


"Th-thank you."

Izuku the drink that kurogiri served serve to him.


"Umm what is this?"


"It's Japanese whiskey."


"I-I can't drink this I'm underage."


"Judging by the  way you look right now I'm pretty sure you need it."

Izuku looks at the whiskey again and begins to think about what Bakugou and his friends did to him, he grabs the whiskey and begins to chug it down all at once, and just from the first tast Izuku enjoy each and every last drop.


"Now that you had your drink, I think it's time I tell about my big plan and how you could help me with it.

Izuku leans in to hear Shigaraki explain what his plans are.


"My plan is to destroy the symbol of peace."


"destroy?, Do you mean All Might?"


"Yeah, I'm going to be the one that kill All Might and destroy that damn heroes School UA, but first I need to have someone to give me information about some heroes and that's where you come in Izuku."




"Yeah you, is there a problem?"


"Yes, I-I can't help you in this."


"Why not?"


"Because this is wrong."


"But don't you get it this whole society is wrong, everyone depends on heroes to save them, and let's not forget about those who don't have a quirk as extraordinary like those of a hero, those people are look down on others especially the so-called heroes, so my goal of killing the symbol of peace is a message to those who look down on people like us, do I think my goal is more just than any of these heroes, and you must understand from living in the world where everyone is special and you are not because you do not have a quirk.


"The more I listen to you the more I can understand what you mean, but still I can't help you, I'm sorry for wasting your time."

Izuku grab this backpacking and head straight towards the door.


"Wait, if you change your mind well welcome you with open arms to show you that you are not the only one that feels powerless."

Izuku then walks out of the bar, leaving Shigaraki and Kurogiri alone together.


"I guess he's not willing to help us in our cause."


"No he'll help us for sure I just know it."


"Are you certain about that sir."


"Yes and I want you to keep an eye on him


"As You wish sir."

~To be continued~

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