May The Young Prince Of Hell Rise

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In the same night of All Might's death, Shigaraki was about to finish what he was meant to do, but during all of that he had to do a deep in his mind on memories that he had buried away long long ago, and those memories were from his childhood, it was a bit difficult for him to see his older sister, his mom, and his two grandparents, but when he saw his father he had no remorse of what he did to him, instead he just walked past him like he was nothing but a lifeless mannequin, but as he was about to reach his final goal he hears a dog barking behind him, he turns around and sees his beloved pet corgi, as it ran towards him and stopped in front of his feet, it sat down looking up at him, Shigaraki kneel down and begin padding his beloved corgi.


"I've missed you so much Mon, hello is such a good boy, I'm sorry what I did to you, if I knew I developed my quirk so soon, I would have petted you that night."

Mon puts both of his front paws on top of Shigaraki's knee and began licking his face, Shigaraki lets out a few chuckles from the from Mon's licks.


"Haha, good boy."

But suddenly Mon stops and begin running back to where Shigaraki came from, when Mon was out of sight Shigaraki got up and turned around to continue his path, but once he made one little step forward he heard a familiar voice call out his name.


"Tenko!, Come on mom is calling us."

He turned around once again and this time he saw his older sister Hana, he was in the loss of words from seeing her call out to him, suddenly behind his sister emerges his mom.


"Come on Tenko dinner is ready."

Shigaraki begin stepping towards him slowly, but as he was getting closer he heard something crumple beneath his feet, he lifts up his right foot and see a photograph, he bends down to pick it up and remembers the photograph, it was the same photograph that his sister found in their father's office, the photograph had a younger version of his father and and his own mother.


"I remember when I saw this picture, it gave me hope of being a Great hero just like my grandmother, but when my father found out that I had the picture he beat me senseless, because he hated heroes and he hated the thought of me want to be one."

I see was about to disintegrate the picture he heard his sister and Mom call out to him again, which made him continue approaching them, he reached out his left arm to his mom, but when he was an inch away a hand grabs him by the right shoulder, he turns around and sees the league waiting for him, he turns his head over to his mom and sister and smiles at them.


"I'm sorry but I have a new family, and they're waiting for me."

After you said that his mom and sister began to fade away in front of him, so he turned back around and began approaching the league that were in front of him.

~Shigaraki's mind~

"I know my role in this world and it's not being a hero nor is it being a villain, my roll is to be greater than both, my role is the prince of hell, and those who oppose me will turn into Ash from my hands."

As Shigaraki took one final step forward his eyes opened and the container he was in burst is open, the doctor went towards him to see if the treatment worked.

~Dr. Garaki~

"Tomura, are you all right?"

The doctor moved in closer and heard his faint breathing, but he gets up we'll just head down, his attention is then driven by the doctor.


"Doctor, it worked."

~Dr. Garaki~

"That is superb, you now have all of Master's quirks, we must run some tests as soon as possible."


"No tests."

~Dr. Garaki~



"I must go and raise hell upon those who wish to stand in our way."

The doctor backs away from Shigaraki and gets on his knees and bounce down to him.

~Dr. Garaki~

"Y-yes sir, do as you please."

Shigaraki then begin to walk past the doctor and walk through containers filled with nomu, but as he was walking past each container the nomu broke out and began following him out, Shigaraki and the nomu then arrive at two metal doors, once he put his hand on the two doors they burst open, as he finally stepped out to the outside he can feel the fresh breeze running through his hair and the warm sun on his skin, he then looks forward and sees a city in front of him.


"Now, let's raise hell."

The nomu let out a loud screech behind him to indicate that they were ready as well to fight with their master.

~To be continued~

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