A Date Between A Hero And A Villain

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As the weekend came Izuku got ready to meet up with Uraraka, he was dedicated to get as much information from her for Shigaraki and the league.


"Look at you all dressed up so cute like."


"Oh Toga, is there something you need?"


"No I just came here to see you but it looks like your about to leave."


"We'll hang out once I come back I promise."


"I wish I could go with you, I want to see a movie with you and Ochako."


"I'm sorry Toga that you can't come along, but how about we can continue together next time just me and you."


"You promise?"


"Yeah I promise that we'll go."

Toga gave Izuku a quick hugged and even gave him a little kiss on the cheek which made him blush.


"I'll see you when you get back Izuku."


"Y-yeah I'll see you later."

Toga then left Izuku's room and proceeded to head back to hang out with the other League members, Izuku then went to Kurogiri so he could portal him to where he needs to meet up with Uraraka, as he was close to the theaters he noticed that Uraraka was waiting for him in front of the entrance, and notice that she looked quite pretty in the pink dress she was wearing.


"Hi there Uraraka did you wait long."


"Oh h-hi there Ito, no I didn't I just got here."


"So then shall we go in."


"Yeah let's get in there."

Izuku and Uraraka then proceeded to purchase the tickets and went in to watch the movie, but they weren't the only ones going in to the same movie theater Mina and Tooru followed Uraraka to spy on her date with her mystery friend, once they saw Izuku in front of the movie theaters with Uraraka he looked just like the way Uraraka describe him, they followed them in the theaters and set two rows behind them, once the movie finally ended Izuku and Uraraka began to walk together and talk about their favorite parts of the movie, but while they were walking Izuku knew that he was being followed, he didn't want to turn around and alert the people that were following him instead he grabbed Uraraka's hand with shocked her and begin to walk even fast, Mina and Tooru try to keep up with them but they were too fast for them and when they saw Izuku and Uraraka turn the corner they were just gone.


"Where did those two go?"


"Don't tell me that we lost them."

Mina and Tooru then proceeded to walk around the area to find them, but little did they know when they turn the corner Izuku  pulled Uraraka into a alleyway  with him to hide.

~Izuku's mind~

"I think they're gone now, but who were they?"


"Umm I-Ito."

Izuku turn to face Uraraka and noticed that he pinned her to the wall without noticing, so he backed away from me as quick as possible.


"I-I-I'm sorry about that Uraraka."


"N-no it's fine, it just caught me off guard for that's all."


"I am sorry though I swear I didn't mean to grab your hand so suddenly and bring you to this alley, I just thought someone was following us."


"Oh is that some, but I think whoever was following us must have moved on already."


"Yeah I guess your right, let's get out of this alley."

Izuku and Uraraka then stepped out of the alley and proceed to walk through the streets again, but when they're walking Uraraka noticed in ice cream parlor then grabbed her intention, Izuku notice this and proceeded to go inside ice cream parlor with her, they then got scoops of ice cream started to enjoy them, Uraraka began to think on how it was a good day today for her.


"Hey Uraraka could you tell me about what UA looks like inside it's about some of the students there."


"What for?"


"I'm just a bit curious."


"Okay then, I'll tell you what you need to know."

~To be continued~

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